2 Chronicles 31:13
2 Chronicles 31:13
Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath and Benaiah were assistants of Konaniah and Shimei his brother. All these served by appointment of King Hezekiah and Azariah the official in charge of the temple of God.

The supervisors under them were Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath, and Benaiah. These appointments were made by King Hezekiah and Azariah, the chief official in the Temple of God.

while Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah were overseers assisting Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king and Azariah the chief officer of the house of God.

Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath and Benaiah were overseers under the authority of Conaniah and Shimei his brother by the appointment of King Hezekiah, and Azariah was the chief officer of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the commandment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah were deputies under the authority of Conaniah and his brother Shimei by appointment of King Hezekiah and of Azariah the chief official of God's temple.

Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah served as supervisors under Conaniah and his brother Shimei, who had been appointed by King Hezekiah. Azariah served as senior officer of God's Temple.

Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath, and Benaiah worked under the supervision of Konaniah and his brother Shimei, as directed by King Hezekiah and Azariah, the supervisor of God's temple.

King Hezekiah and Azariah, who was in charge of God's temple, appointed Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah to serve under Conaniah and his brother Shimei.

And Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah were overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the commandment of Hezekiah, the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the commandment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the commandment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And after him Jehiel, and Azarias, and Nahath, and Asael, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Jesmachias, and Mahath, and Banaias, overseers under the hand of Chonenias, and Semei his brother, by the commandment of Ezechias the king, and Azarias the high priest of the house of God, to whom all things appertained.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Jismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah were overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the command of Hezekiah the king and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, at the commandment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

and Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, are inspectors under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah leader of the house of God.

2 i Kronikave 31:13
Jehieli, Ahaziahu, Nahathi, Asahelli, Jerimothi, Jozabadi, Elieli, Ismakiahu, Mahathi dhe Benajahu ishin mbikqyrës nën urdhrat e Konaniahut dhe të vëllait të tij Shimei, me porosi të mbretit Ezekia dhe të Azariahut, kreu i shtëpisë së Perëndisë.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 31:13
ويحيئيل وعزريا ونحث وعسائيل ويريموث ويوزاباد وايليئيل ويسمخيا ومحث وبنايا وكلاء تحت يد كوننيا وشمعي اخيه حسب تعيين حزقيا الملك وعزريا رئيس بيت الله.

Dyr Lauft B 31:13
Weiters hietnd ien dyr Künig und dyr Hoohpriester Äseries önn Jehiheel, Äsysiesn, Nähetn, Äsyheel, Jerimott, Josybäd, Eliheel, Jismychiesn, Mähetn und Beneienn als Mittrager zuetailt.

2 Летописи 31:13
А по заповед на цар Езекия и на настоятеля на Божия дом Азария, Ехиил, Азазия, Нахат, Асаил, Еримот, Иозавад, Елиил, Исмахия, Маат и Ванаия бяха надзиратели под властта на Хонения и брат му Семей.

歷 代 志 下 31:13
耶 歇 、 亞 撒 細 雅 、 拿 哈 、 亞 撒 黑 、 耶 利 末 、 約 撒 拔 、 以 列 、 伊 斯 瑪 基 雅 、 瑪 哈 、 比 拿 雅 都 是 督 理 , 在 歌 楠 雅 和 他 兄 弟 示 每 的 手 下 , 是 希 西 家 王 和 管 理   神 殿 的 亞 撒 利 雅 所 派 的 。

耶 歇 、 亚 撒 细 雅 、 拿 哈 、 亚 撒 黑 、 耶 利 末 、 约 撒 拔 、 以 列 、 伊 斯 玛 基 雅 、 玛 哈 、 比 拿 雅 都 是 督 理 , 在 歌 楠 雅 和 他 兄 弟 示 每 的 手 下 , 是 希 西 家 王 和 管 理   神 殿 的 亚 撒 利 雅 所 派 的 。



2 Chronicles 31:13
A Jehiel, Azazja, Nahat, Asahel, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Jismakja, Mahat i Benaja biše postavljeni kao nadglednici uz Konaniju i brata mu Šimeja, po nalogu kralja Ezekije i Azarje, predstojnika u Božjem Domu.

Druhá Paralipomenon 31:13
Jechiel pak a Azaziáš , Nachat a Azael, a Jerimot a Jozabad, Eliel, Izmachiáš, Machat a Benaiáš, přivzati za úředníky od Konaniáše a Simei bratra jeho, podlé poručení Ezechiáše krále, a Azariáše knížete domu Božího.

Anden Krønikebog 31:13
og Jehiel, Azarja, Nahat, Asa'el, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Jismakjahu, Mahat og Benaja var Opsynsmænd under Konanja og hans Broder Sjim'i efter den Ordning, som var truffet af Ezekias og Azarja, Øversten i Guds Hus.

2 Kronieken 31:13
Maar Jehiel, en Azazja, en Nahath, en Asahel, en Jerimoth, en Jozabad, en Eliel, en Jismachja, en Mahath, en Benaja, waren opzieners, onder de hand van Chonanja en Simei, zijn broeder; door het bevel van den koning Jehizkia en van Azaria, den overste van het huis Gods.

דברי הימים ב 31:13
וִֽיחִיאֵ֡ל וַ֠עֲזַזְיָהוּ וְנַ֨חַת וַעֲשָׂהאֵ֜ל וִֽירִימֹ֤ות וְיֹוזָבָד֙ וֶאֱלִיאֵ֣ל וְיִסְמַכְיָ֔הוּ וּמַ֖חַת וּבְנָיָ֑הוּ פְּקִידִ֗ים מִיַּ֤ד [כָּונַנְיָהוּ כ] (כָּֽנַנְיָ֙הוּ֙ ק) וְשִׁמְעִ֣י אָחִ֔יו בְּמִפְקַד֙ יְחִזְקִיָּ֣הוּ הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ וַעֲזַרְיָ֖הוּ נְגִ֥יד בֵּית־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃

יג ויחיאל ועזזיהו ונחת ועשהאל וירימות ויוזבד ואליאל ויסמכיהו ומחת ובניהו--פקידים מיד כונניהו (כנניהו) ושמעי אחיו במפקד יחזקיהו המלך ועזריהו נגיד בית האלהים

ויחיאל ועזזיהו ונחת ועשהאל וירימות ויוזבד ואליאל ויסמכיהו ומחת ובניהו פקידים מיד [כונניהו כ] (כנניהו ק) ושמעי אחיו במפקד יחזקיהו המלך ועזריהו נגיד בית־האלהים׃

2 Krónika 31:13
Jéhiel pedig és Azáriás, Náhát, Asáel, Jérimot, Józabád, Eliel, Ismákia, Máhát és Benája, gondviselõk valának, Konániának és atyjafiának Simeinek keze alatt, Ezékiás királynak és Azáriásnak az Isten háza elõljárójának parancsolatából.

Kroniko 2 31:13
Kaj Jehxiel, Azazja, Nahxat, Asahel, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Jisxmahxja, Mahxat, kaj Benaja estis oficistoj apud Konanja kaj lia frato SXimei, laux ordono de la regxo HXizkija, kaj de Azarja, estro en la domo de Dio.

Ja Jehiel, Asasia, Nabat, Asahel, Jerimot, Josabad, Eliel, Jismakia, Mahat ja Benaja, asetetut Kananialta, ja hänen veljeltänsä Simeiltä, kuningas Jehiskian käskyn jälkeen, ja Asarialta Jumalan huoneen päämieheltä;

2 Chroniques 31:13
et Jekhiel, et Azazia, et Nakhath, et Asçaël, et Jerimoth, et Jozabad, et Éliel, et Jismakia, et Makhath, et Benaïa, étaient intendants sous l'autorité de Conania et de Shimhi, son frère, par l'ordre du roi Ézéchias, et d'Azaria, prince de la maison de Dieu.

Jehiel, Azazia, Nachath, Asaël, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Jismakia, Machath et Benaja étaient employés sous la direction de Conania et de son frère Schimeï, d'après l'ordre du roi Ezéchias, et d'Azaria, chef de la maison de Dieu.

Et Jéhiël, Hazazia, Nahath, Hasaël, Jérimoth, Jozabad, Eliël, Jismacia, Mahath, et Bénaia étaient commis sous la conduite de Conania, et de Simhi son frère, par le commandement du Roi Ezéchias, et de Hazaria Gouverneur de la maison de Dieu.

2 Chronik 31:13
und Jehiel, Asasja, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Josabad, Eliel, Jesmachja, Mahath und Benaja, verordnet von der Hand Chananjas und Simeis, seines Bruders, nach dem Befehl des Königs Hiskia. Aber Asarja war Fürst im Hause Gottes.

und Jehiel, Asasja, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Josabad, Eliel, Jismachja, Mahath und Benaja, verordnet zur Hand Chananjas und Simeis, seine Bruders, nach Befehl des Königs Hiskia und Asarjas, des Fürsten im Hause Gottes.

Jehiel aber, Asasja, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Josabad, Eliel, Jismachja, Mahath und Benaja waren Chananja und seinem Bruder Simei als Gehilfen beigegeben, nach der Anordnung des Königs Hiskia und Asarjas, des Fürsten im Tempel Gottes.

2 Cronache 31:13
Jehiel, Ahazia, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakia, Mahath e Benaia erano impiegati sotto la direzione di Conania e del suo fratello Scimei, per ordine del re Ezechia e d’Azaria, capo della casa di Dio.

E Iehiel, ed Azazia, e Nahat, ed Asael, e Ierimot, e Iozabad, ed Eliel, ed Ismachia, e Mahat e Benaia, erano commessari sotto Conania, e sotto Simi, suo fratello, per ordine del re Ezechia, e di Azaria, conduttore della Casa di Dio.

2 TAWARIKH 31:13
Tetapi Yehiel dan Azarya dan Nahat dan Asahel dan Yerimot dan Yozabad dan Eliel dan Yismakhya dan Mahat dan Benaya, itulah penjenang di bawah perintah Khonanya dan Simai, saudaranya, setuju dengan titah baginda raja Yehizkia dan Azarya, penghulu bait-Ullah.

역대하 31:13
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 31:13
post quem Ieihel et Azazias et Naath et Asahel et Ierimoth Iozabath quoque et Helihel et Iesmachias et Maath et Banaias praepositi sub manibus Choneniae et Semei fratris eius ex imperio Ezechiae regis et Azariae pontificis domus Domini ad quos omnia pertinebant

Antroji Kronikø knyga 31:13
Jehielis, Azazijas, Nahatas, Asaelis, Jerimotas, Jehozabadas, Elielis, Išmakijas, Mahatas ir Benajas buvo prižiūrėtojai Konanijo ir jo brolio Šimio žinioje, karaliaus Ezekijo ir Azarijo, kuris buvo vyriausiasis Dievo namuose, įsakymu.

2 Chronicles 31:13
Ko Tehiere hoki, ko Atatia, ko Nahata, ko Atahere, ko Terimoto, ko Iotapara, ko Eriere, ko Ihimakia, ko Mahata, ko Penaia hei kaitirotiro, i raro ano i a Konania raua ko tona teina ko Himei, he mea whakarite na Kingi Hetekia raua ko Ataria ranga tira o te whare o te Atua.

2 Krønikebok 31:13
Men Jehiel og Asasja og Nahat og Asael og Jerimot og Josabad og Eliel og Jismakja og Mahat og Benaja var opsynsmenn under Konanja og hans bror Sime'i efter pålegg av kong Esekias og Asarja, forstanderen for Guds hus.

2 Crónicas 31:13
Y Jehiel, Azazías, Nahat, Asael, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismaquías, Mahat y Benaía eran inspectores bajo el mando de Conanías y de Simei, su hermano, por nombramiento del rey Ezequías, y Azarías era el oficial principal de la casa de Dios.

Jehiel, Azazías, Nahat, Asael, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismaquías, Mahat y Benaía eran inspectores bajo el mando de Conanías y de Simei, su hermano, por nombramiento del rey Ezequías, y Azarías era el oficial principal de la casa de Dios.

Y Jehiel, Azazías, Nahat, Asael, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismaquías, Mahat, y Benaía, fueron los mayordomos bajo la mano de Conanías y de Simeí su hermano, por mandamiento del rey Ezequías y de Azarías, príncipe de la casa de Dios.

Y Jehiel, Azazías, Nahath, Asael, Jerimoth, Josabad, Eliel, Ismachîas, Mahaath, y Benaías, fueron sobrestantes bajo la mano de Chônanías y de Simi su hermano, por mandamiento del rey Ezechîas y de Azarías, príncipe de la casa de Dios.

Y Jehiel, Azazías, Nahat, Asael, Jeremot, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismaquías, Mahat, y Benaía, fueron sobrestantes bajo la mano de Conanías y de Simei su hermano, por mandamiento del rey Ezequías y de Azarías, príncipe de la Casa de Dios.

2 Crônicas 31:13
Jeiel, Azazias, Naate, Asael, Maate e Benaia eram supervisores, subordinados a Conanias e ao seu irmão Simei, por nomeação do rei Ezequias e de Azarias, o oficial encarregado de chefiar a Casa de Deus.

E Jeiel, Azazias, Naate, Asael, Jerimote, Jozabade, Eliel, Ismaquias, Maate e Benaías eram superintendentes sob a direção de Conanias e de Simei, seu irmão, por decreto do rei Ezequias e de Azarias, o chefe da casa de Deus.   

2 Cronici 31:13
Iehiel, Azazia, Nahat, Asael, Ierimot, Iozabad, Eliel, Ismachia, Mahat şi Benaia erau întrebuinţaţi supt cîrmuirea lui Conania şi a fratelui său Şimei, după porunca împăratului Ezechia şi a lui Azaria, căpetenia Casei lui Dumnezeu.

2-я Паралипоменон 31:13
А Иехиил и Азазия, и Нахаф и Асаил, и Иеримоф и Иозавад, и Елиел и Исмахия, и Махаф и Бенания были смотрителями под рукою Хонании и Симея, брата его, по распоряжению царя Езекии и Азарии, начальника при доме Божием.

А Иехиил и Азазия, и Нахаф и Асаил, и Иеримоф и Иозавад, и Елиел и Исмахия, и Махаф и Бенания [были] смотрителями под рукою Хонании и Симея, брата его, по распоряжению царя Езекии и Азарии, начальника при доме Божием.[]

Krönikeboken 31:13
Men Jehiel, Asasja, Nahat, Asael, Jerimot, Josabad, Eliel, Jismakja, Mahat och Benaja voro tillsyningsmän under Konanja och hans broder Simei, efter förordnande av konung Hiskia och Asarja, fursten i Guds hus.

2 Chronicles 31:13
At si Jehiel, at si Azazias, at si Nahat, at si Asael, at si Jerimoth, at si Josabad, at si Eliel, at si Ismachias, at si Mahaath, at si Benaias, ay mga tagapangasiwa sa kapangyarihan ng kamay ni Chonanias, at ni Simi na kaniyang kapatid, ayon sa pagkahalal ni Ezechias, na hari, at ni Azarias na tagapamahala sa bahay ng Dios.

2 พงศาวดาร 31:13
เยฮีเอล อาซาซิยาห์ นาหัท อาสาเฮล เยรีโมท โยซาบาด เอลีเอล อิสมาคิยาห์ มาฮาท และเบไนยาห์ เป็นผู้ควบคุมช่วยเหลือโคนานิยาห์ และชิเมอีน้องชายของเขา โดยการแต่งตั้งของกษัตริย์เฮเซคียาห์ และอาซาริยาห์เจ้าหน้าที่ชั้นผู้ใหญ่ของพระนิเวศของพระเจ้า

2 Tarihler 31:13
Kral Hizkiya ile Tanrının Tapınağının sorumlusu Azarya, Konanya ile kardeşi Şiminin yönetimindeki şu denetçileri atadılar: Yehiel, Azazya, Nahat, Asahel, Yerimot, Yozavat, Eliel, Yismakya, Mahat, Benaya.[]

2 Söû-kyù 31:13
còn Giê-hi-ên, A-xa-xia, Na-hát, A-sa-ên, Giê-ri-mốt, Giô-sa-bát, Ê-li-ên, Gít-ma-kia, Ma-hát, và Bê-na-gia, đều làm kẻ coi sóc dưới quyền Cô-na-nia và Si-mê -i, em người, cứ theo lịnh của vua Ê-xê-chia và A-xa-ria, là người cai trị đền Ðức Chúa Trời.

2 Chronicles 31:12
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