2 Chronicles 31:1
2 Chronicles 31:1
When all this had ended, the Israelites who were there went out to the towns of Judah, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. They destroyed the high places and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin and in Ephraim and Manasseh. After they had destroyed all of them, the Israelites returned to their own towns and to their own property.

When the festival ended, the Israelites who attended went to all the towns of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh, and they smashed all the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherah poles, and removed the pagan shrines and altars. After this, the Israelites returned to their own towns and homes.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah and broke in pieces the pillars and cut down the Asherim and broke down the high places and the altars throughout all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the people of Israel returned to their cities, every man to his possession.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, broke the pillars in pieces, cut down the Asherim and pulled down the high places and the altars throughout all Judah and Benjamin, as well as in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the sons of Israel returned to their cities, each to his possession.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

When all this was completed, all Israel who had attended went out to the cities of Judah and broke up the sacred pillars, chopped down the Asherah poles, and tore down the high places and altars throughout Judah and Benjamin, as well as in Ephraim and Manasseh, to the last one. Then all the Israelites returned to their cities, each to his own possession.

At the conclusion of all of these activities, everybody in Israel who was in attendance traveled throughout the cities of Judah, broke down the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherim, and broke down the high places and altars throughout the territories of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh until they had eliminated all of them. Then the people of Israel went back to their cities and back to their work.

When all this was over, the Israelites who were in the cities of Judah went out and smashed the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherah poles, and demolished all the high places and altars throughout Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh. Then all the Israelites returned to their own homes in their cities.

When this was over, all the Israelites who were there went to the cities in Judah. They crushed the sacred stones, cut down the poles dedicated to the goddess Asherah, and tore down the illegal places of worship and the altars throughout Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh. The Israelites destroyed all of these things. Then all the Israelites returned to their own cities. Each person went to his own property.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel went out, those that were present, to the cities of Judah and broke the images in pieces and cut down the groves and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the sons of Israel returned, each man to his possession, into their own cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke the sacred pillars in pieces, and cut down the idol poles, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake in pieces the pillars, and hewed down the Asherim, and brake down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

And when these things had been duly celebrated, all Israel that were found in the cities of Juda, went out, and they broke the idols, and cut down the groves. demolished the high places, and destroyed the altars, not only out of all Juda and Benjamin, but out of Ephraim also and Manasses, till they had utterly destroyed them: then all the children of Israel returned to their possessions and cities.

And when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke the columns, and hewed down the Asherahs, and demolished the high places and the altars in all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. And all the children of Israel returned every man to his possession, into their cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake in pieces the pillars, and hewed down the Asherim, and brake down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned every man to his possession into their own cities.

Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Asherim, and broke down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

And at the completion of all this, gone out have all Israel who are found present to the cities of Judah, and break the standing-pillars, and cut down the shrines, and break down the high places and the altars, out of all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Manasseh, even to completion, and all the sons of Israel turn back, each to his Possession, to their cities.

2 i Kronikave 31:1
Mbasi mbaruan tërë këtë punë, Izraelitët e pranishëm u nisën për në qytetet e Judës, për të thyer kollonat e shenjta, për të shembur Asherimët dhe për të shkatërruar vendet e larta dhe altarët në

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 31:1
ولما كمل هذا خرج كل اسرائيل الحاضرين الى مدن يهوذا وكسروا الانصاب وقطعوا السواري وهدموا المرتفعات والمذابح من كل يهوذا وبنيامين ومن افرايم ومنسّى حتى افنوها ثم رجع كل اسرائيل كل واحد الى ملكه الى مدنهم.

Dyr Lauft B 31:1
Wie s Föst umhin warnd, zognd allsand, wo dyrbeigwösn warnd, überall in Juden umaynand, und aau in Bengymein, Effreim und Mantz, und ghaund de Goznpfael um und gazstörnd allsand Nimetn und Ältter. Eerst wie s dös erlödigt hietnd, gieng allss wider haimzue.

2 Летописи 31:1
А като се свърши всичко това, целият Израил, които се намираха там, излязоха по Юдовите градове та изпотрошиха кумирите, изсякоха ашерите и събориха високите места и жертвениците из целия Юда и Вениамина, също и в Ефрем и Манасия, докле ги унищожиха всички. Тогава всичките израилтяни се върнаха в градовете си, всеки в своята собственост.

歷 代 志 下 31:1
這 事 既 都 完 畢 , 在 那 裡 的 以 色 列 眾 人 就 到 猶 大 的 城 邑 , 打 碎 柱 像 , 砍 斷 木 偶 , 又 在 猶 大 、 便 雅 憫 、 以 法 蓮 、 瑪 拿 西 遍 地 將 邱 壇 和 祭 壇 拆 毀 淨 盡 。 於 是 以 色 列 眾 人 各 回 各 城 , 各 歸 各 地 。

这 事 既 都 完 毕 , 在 那 里 的 以 色 列 众 人 就 到 犹 大 的 城 邑 , 打 碎 柱 像 , 砍 断 木 偶 , 又 在 犹 大 、 便 雅 悯 、 以 法 莲 、 玛 拿 西 遍 地 将 邱 坛 和 祭 坛 拆 毁 净 尽 。 於 是 以 色 列 众 人 各 回 各 城 , 各 归 各 地 。



2 Chronicles 31:1
Kad se sve to svršilo, svi Izraelovi sinovi koji su se našli ondje zađoše po judejskim gradovima te su razbijali stupove, sjekli ašere i obarali uzvišice i žrtvenike po svem Judinu, Benjaminovu, Efrajimovu i Manašeovu plemenu dokle god nisu završili. Onda se svi Izraelovi sinovi vratiše svaki na svoj posjed, u svoje gradove.

Druhá Paralipomenon 31:1
A když se to všecko dokonalo, vyšed všecken lid Izraelský, což ho koli bylo v městech Judských, stroskotali modly a posekali háje, a pobořili výsosti a oltáře po vší zemi Judské a Beniamin, i v Efraim a Manasses, až vše dokonali. Potom navrátili se všickni synové Izraelští, jeden každý k vládařství svému do města svého.

Anden Krønikebog 31:1
Da alt det var til ende, drog alle de Israeliter, som var til stede, ud til Judas Byer, og de sønderbrød Stenstøtterne, omhuggede Asjerastøtterne og nedrev Offerhøjene og Altrene i hele Juda og Benjamin og i Efraim og Manasse, saa der ikke blev Spor tilbage; saa vendte alle Israeliterne hjem, hver til sin Ejendom i deres Byer.

2 Kronieken 31:1
Als zij nu voleind hadden, togen alle Israelieten, die er gevonden werden, uit, tot de steden van Juda, en braken de opgerichte beelden, en hieuwen de bossen af, en wierpen de hoogten en de altaren af, uit gans Juda en Benjamin, ook in Efraim en Manasse, totdat zij alles te niet gemaakt hadden; daarna keerden al de kinderen Israels weder, een ieder tot zijn bezitting in hun steden.

דברי הימים ב 31:1
וּכְכַלֹּ֣ות כָּל־זֹ֗את יָצְא֨וּ כָּל־יִשְׂרָאֵ֥ל הַֽנִּמְצְאִים֮ לְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָה֒ וַיְשַׁבְּר֣וּ הַמַּצֵּבֹ֣ות וַיְגַדְּע֣וּ הָאֲשֵׁרִ֡ים וַיְנַתְּצ֣וּ אֶת־הַ֠בָּמֹות וְאֶת־הַֽמִּזְבְּחֹ֞ת מִכָּל־יְהוּדָ֧ה וּבִנְיָמִ֛ן וּבְאֶפְרַ֥יִם וּמְנַשֶּׁ֖ה עַד־לְכַלֵּ֑ה וַיָּשׁ֜וּבוּ כָּל־בְּנֵ֧י יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל אִ֥ישׁ לַאֲחֻזָּתֹ֖ו לְעָרֵיהֶֽם׃ ס

א וככלות כל זאת יצאו כל ישראל הנמצאים לערי יהודה וישברו המצבות ויגדעו האשרים וינתצו את הבמות ואת המזבחות מכל יהודה ובנימן ובאפרים ומנשה עד לכלה וישובו כל בני ישראל איש לאחזתו--לעריהם  {פ}

וככלות כל־זאת יצאו כל־ישראל הנמצאים לערי יהודה וישברו המצבות ויגדעו האשרים וינתצו את־הבמות ואת־המזבחת מכל־יהודה ובנימן ובאפרים ומנשה עד־לכלה וישובו כל־בני ישראל איש לאחזתו לעריהם׃ ס

2 Krónika 31:1
A mint mindezeknek vége lõn: kiméne az egész Izráel, a kik Júdának városaiban találtatának, s a bálványokat széttörték, az Aserákat kivagdalák, s leronták a magaslatokat és oltárokat egész Júdában, Benjáminban, Efraimban és Manasseban, mígnem befejezték; azután visszatérének az Izráel fiai mind, kiki az õ örökségébe [és] városaiba.

Kroniko 2 31:1
Kiam cxio cxi tio finigxis, cxiuj Izraelidoj, kiuj tie trovigxis, eliris en la urbojn de Judujo, kaj disrompis la statuojn, dishakis la sanktajn stangojn, kaj detruis la altajxojn kaj la altarojn en la tuta Judujo kaj en la regionoj de Benjamen, de Efraim, kaj de Manase, gxis plena ekstermo. Kaj reiris cxiuj Izraelidoj cxiu al sia posedajxo, al siaj urboj.

Kuin nämät kaikki päätetyt olivat, läksivät kaikki Israelilaiset ulos, jotka Juudan kaupungeissa olivat, ja rikkoivat patsaat, ja hakkasivat maahan metsistöt, ja kukistivat korkeudet ja alttarit koko Juudasta, Benjaminista, Ephraimista ja Manassesta, siihenasti että ne peräti hävittivät. Ja Israelin lapset palasivat jokainen omainsa tykö kaupunkeihinsa.

2 Chroniques 31:1
Et lorsque tout cela fut terminé, tous ceux d'Israël qui se trouvèrent là, s'en allèrent par les villes de Juda, et brisèrent les statues, et abattirent les ashères, et démolirent les hauts lieux et les autels dans tout Juda et Benjamin, et en Éphraïm et Manassé, jusqu'à ce qu'ils eussent tout détruit; et tous les fils d'Israël retournèrent dans leurs villes, chacun dans sa possession.

Lorsque tout cela fut terminé, tous ceux d'Israël qui étaient présents partirent pour les villes de Juda, et ils brisèrent les statues, abattirent les idoles, et renversèrent entièrement les hauts lieux et les autels dans tout Juda et Benjamin et dans Ephraïm et Manassé. Puis tous les enfants d'Israël retournèrent dans leurs villes, chacun dans sa propriété.

Or sitôt qu'on eut achevé toutes ces choses, tous ceux d'Israël qui s'étaient trouvés là, allèrent par les villes de Juda, et brisèrent les statues, et coupèrent les bocages, et démolirent les hauts lieux, et les autels de tout Juda et Benjamin, et ils en firent de même en Ephraïm et en Manassé, jusqu'à détruire tout; puis tous les enfants d'Israël retournèrent chacun en sa possession dans leurs villes.

2 Chronik 31:1
Und da dies alles war ausgerichtet, zogen hinaus alle Israeliten, die unter den Städten Judas funden wurden, und zerbrachen die Säulen und hieben die Haine ab und brachen ab die Höhen und Altäre aus dem ganzen Juda, Benjamin, Ephraim und Manasse, bis sie sie gar aufräumten. Und die Kinder Israel zogen alle wieder zu ihrem Gut in ihre Städte.

Und da dies alles war ausgerichtet, zogen hinaus alle Israeliten, die unter den Städten Juda's gefunden wurden, und zerbrachen die Säulen und hieben die Ascherabilder ab und brachen ab die Höhen und Altäre aus dem ganzen Juda, Benjamin, Ephraim und Manasse, bis sie sie ganz aufräumten. Und die Kinder Israel zogen alle wieder zu ihrem Gut in ihre Städte. {~}

Als nun alles dies beendigt war, zogen sämtliche dabei anwesende Israeliten hinaus in die Städte Judas, zertrümmerten die Malsteine, hieben die Ascheren um und zerstörten die Opferhöhen und die Altäre in ganz Juda, Benjamin, Ephraim und Manasse, bis sie gänzlich damit aufgeräumt hatten. Alsdann kehrten sämtliche Israeliten, ein jeder in seinen Erbbesitz, in ihre Städte zurück.

2 Cronache 31:1
Quando tutte queste cose furon compiute, tutti gl’Israeliti che si trovavano quivi partirono per le città di Giuda, e frantumarono le statue, abbatterono gl’idoli d’Astarte, demolirono gli alti luoghi e gli altari in tutto Giuda e Beniamino, e in Efraim e in Manasse, in guisa che nulla più ne rimase. Poi tutti i figliuoli d’Israele se ne tornarono nelle loro città, ciascuno nel proprio possesso.

Ora, dopo che tutte queste cose furono compiute, tutti gl’Israeliti, che si ritrovarono quivi, uscirono per le città di Giuda, e spezzarono le statue, e tagliarono i boschi, e disfecero gli alti luoghi, e gli altari di tutto Giuda, e Beniamino; il medesimo fecero ancora in Efraim, ed in Manasse, senza lasciarne alcuna cosa di resto. Poi tutti i figliuoli d’Israele ritornarono ciascuno alla sua possessione nelle lor terre.

Hata, setelah sudah selesailah mereka itu dari pada segala perkara ini, maka berjalanlah segala orang Israel yang terdapat itu keluar kepada segala negeri Yehuda, lalu dipecahkannya segala patung yang terdiri dan ditebangnya segala hutan-hutan dan dirombakkannya segala panggung dan mezbah, dibuangnya dari dalam segala negeri Yehuda dan Benyamin, dan lagi di Efrayim dan Manasye, sampai habislah sudah semuanya; lalu pulanglah segala bani Israel, masing-masing kepada miliknya dalam negeri-negeri mereka itu.

역대하 31:1
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 31:1
cumque haec fuissent rite celebrata egressus est omnis Israhel qui inventus fuerat in urbibus Iuda et fregerunt simulacra succideruntque lucos demoliti sunt excelsa et altaria destruxerunt non solum de universo Iuda et Beniamin sed de Ephraim quoque et Manasse donec penitus everterent reversique sunt omnes filii Israhel in possessiones et civitates suas

Antroji Kronikø knyga 31:1
Kai visa tai pasibaigė, visi susirinkę izraelitai, išėję į Judo miestus, sudaužė stabus, iškirto giraites, nugriovė aukštumas ir aukurus visame Jude, Benjamine, Efraime ir Manase. Po to visi izraelitai sugrįžo į savo miestus prie savo nuosavybės.

2 Chronicles 31:1
Na, i te otinga o tenei katoa, ka haere atu a Iharaira katoa i reira ki nga pa o Hura, a pakarua rikirikitia ana e ratou nga pou karakiatanga, tuaina ana nga Aherimi, whakahoroa ana nga wahi tiketike me nga aata puta noa i Hura, i Pineamine, i Ep araima, i Manahi a poto noa. Na hoki ana nga tama katoa a Iharaira ki tona kainga, ki tona kainga, ki o ratou pa.

2 Krønikebok 31:1
Da de nu var ferdig med alt dette, drog alle de israelitter som var til stede, ut til byene i Juda og sønderslo billedstøttene og hugg Astarte-billedene i stykker og rev ned offerhaugene og alterne i hele Juda og Benjamin og i Efra'im og Manasse, til det intet var igjen av dem; og så vendte alle Israels barn hjem igjen til sine byer, enhver til sin eiendom.

2 Crónicas 31:1
Y cuando todo esto había terminado, todos los de Israel que estaban presentes, salieron a las ciudades de Judá, despedazaron los pilares sagrados, cortaron las Aseras y derribaron los lugares altos y los altares por todo Judá y Benjamín, y también en Efraín y Manasés, hasta acabar con todos ellos. Entonces todos los hijos de Israel volvieron a sus ciudades, cada cual a su posesión.

Cuando todo esto había terminado, todos los de Israel que estaban presentes, salieron a las ciudades de Judá, despedazaron los pilares sagrados, cortaron las Aseras. También derribaron los lugares altos y los altares por todo Judá y Benjamín, y además en Efraín y Manasés, hasta acabar con todos ellos. Entonces todos los Israelitas volvieron a sus ciudades, cada cual a su posesión.

Hechas todas estas cosas, todos los de Israel que habían estado presentes, salieron por las ciudades de Judá, y quebraron las estatuas y destruyeron las imágenes de Asera, y derribaron los lugares altos y los altares por todo Judá y Benjamín, y también en Efraín y Manasés, hasta acabarlo todo. Después se volvieron todos los hijos de Israel, cada uno a su posesión y a sus ciudades.

HECHAS todas estas cosas, todos los de Israel que se habían hallado allí, salieron por las ciudades de Judá, y quebraron las estatuas y destruyeron los bosques, y derribaron los altos y los altares por todo Judá y Benjamín, y también en Ephraim y Manasés,

Hechas todas estas cosas, salió todo Israel, los que se habían hallado allí , por las ciudades de Judá, y quebraron las imágenes y destruyeron los bosques, y derribaron los altos y los altares por todo Judá y Benjamín, y también en Efraín y Manasés, hasta acabarlo todo. Después se volvieron todos los hijos de Israel, cada uno a su posesión y a sus ciudades.

2 Crônicas 31:1
Assim que os dias dedicados à celebração e aos festejos passaram, todos os israelitas que se achavam ali saíram às cidades de Judá, despedaçaram as estátuas pagãs, cortaram e derrubaram os postes-ídolos e destruíram os altares idólatras em todo Judá e Benjamim, e em Efraim e Manassés. Logo depois de haverem derribado todos os altares pagãos, retornaram para as suas cidades, cada um para a sua propriedade.

Acabado tudo isso, todos os israelitas que ali estavam saíram às cidades de Judá e despedaçaram as colunas, cortaram os aserins, e derrubaram os altos e altares por toda a Judá e Benjamim, como também em Efraim e Manassés, até os destruírem de todo. Depois voltaram todos os filhos de Israel para as suas cidades, cada um para sua possessão.   

2 Cronici 31:1
Cînd s'au isprăvit toate acestea, toţi cei din Israel cari erau de faţă au plecat în cetăţile lui Iuda, şi au sfărîmat stîlpii idoleşti, au tăiat Astarteele, şi au surpat de tot înălţimile şi altarele din tot Iuda şi Beniamin şi din Efraim şi Manase. Apoi toţi copiii lui Israel s'au întors în cetăţile lor, fiecare la moşia lui.

2-я Паралипоменон 31:1
И по окончании всего этого, пошли все Израильтяне, там находившиеся, в города Иудейские и разбили статуи, срубили посвященные дерева, и разрушили высоты и жертвенники во всей Иудее и в земле Вениаминовой, Ефремовой и Манассииной, до конца. И потом возвратились все сыны Израилевы, каждый во владение свое, в города свои.

И по окончании всего этого, пошли все Израильтяне, [там] находившиеся, в города Иудейские и разбили статуи, срубили [посвященные] дерева, и разрушили высоты и жертвенники во всей Иудее и в [земле] Вениаминовой, Ефремовой и Манассииной, до конца. И [потом] возвратились все сыны Израилевы, каждый во владение свое, в города свои.[]

Krönikeboken 31:1
När nu allt detta var till ända, drogo alla israeliter som hade varit där tillstädes ut till Juda städer och slogo sönder stoderna, höggo ned Aserorna och bröto ned offerhöjderna och altarna i hela Juda och Benjamin och i Efraim och Manasse, till dess att de hade gjort ände på dem; sedan vände alla Israels barn tillbaka till sina städer, var och en till sin egendom.

2 Chronicles 31:1
Nang matapos nga ang lahat ng ito, ang buong Israel na nakaharap ay lumabas sa mga bayan ng Juda, at pinagputolputol ang mga haligi na pinakaalaala, at ibinuwal ang mga Asera, at iginiba ang mga mataas na dako at ang mga dambana mula sa buong Juda at Benjamin, sa Ephraim man at sa Manases, hanggang sa kanilang naigibang lahat. Nang magkagayo'y ang lahat ng mga anak ni Israel ay nagsibalik, bawa't isa'y sa kaniyang pag-aari, sa kanilang sariling mga bayan.

2 พงศาวดาร 31:1
เมื่อสำเร็จงานนี้ทั้งสิ้นแล้วอิสราเอลทั้งปวงผู้อยู่ที่นั่นได้ออกไปยังหัวเมืองยูดาห์และทำลายเสาศักดิ์สิทธิ์เป็นชิ้นๆ และโค่นบรรดาเสารูปเคารพลง และพังปูชนียสถานสูงลง และพังแท่นทั่วยูดาห์และเบนยามินทั้งสิ้นและในเอฟราอิมกับมนัสเสห์ จนเขาทำลายเสียหมดสิ้น แล้วประชาชนอิสราเอลทั้งปวงก็กลับไปยังหัวเมืองของตน ทุกคนกลับไปยังที่ดินของเขา

2 Tarihler 31:1
Bütün bunlar sona erince, oradaki İsrailliler Yahuda kentlerine giderek dikili taşları parçalayıp Aşera putlarını devirdiler. Yahuda, Benyamin, Efrayim ve Manaşşe bölgelerindeki puta tapılan yerlerin ve sunakların hepsini yıktılar. Sonra herkes kendi kentine, toprağına döndü.[]

2 Söû-kyù 31:1
Khi các việc ấy đã xong, những người Y-sơ-ra-ên có mặt tại đó đi ra các thành Giu-đa, đập bể những trụ thờ, đánh đổ các thần A-sê-ra, phá dỡ những nơi cao, và các bàn thờ trong khắp đất Giu-đa, Bên-gia-min, Ép-ra-im, và Ma-na-se, cho đến khi đã phá hủy hết thảy. Ðoạn, hết thảy dân Y-sơ-ra-ên ai nấy đều trở về thành mình, về nơi sản nghiệp mình.

2 Chronicles 30:27
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