2 Chronicles 24:25
2 Chronicles 24:25
When the Arameans withdrew, they left Joash severely wounded. His officials conspired against him for murdering the son of Jehoiada the priest, and they killed him in his bed. So he died and was buried in the City of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.

The Arameans withdrew, leaving Joash severely wounded. But his own officials plotted to kill him for murdering the son of Jehoiada the priest. They assassinated him as he lay in bed. Then he was buried in the City of David, but not in the royal cemetery.

When they had departed from him, leaving him severely wounded, his servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and killed him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.

When they had departed from him (for they left him very sick), his own servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and murdered him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.

And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings.

When the Arameans saw that Joash had many wounds, they left him. His servants conspired against him, and killed him on his bed, because he had shed the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest. So he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.

After the Arameans left him very sick, Joash's own servants conspired against him because Joash had murdered Jehoiada the priest's son, and they killed him on his sick bed.

When they withdrew, they left Joash badly wounded. His servants plotted against him because of what he had done to the son of Jehoiada the priest. They murdered him on his bed. Thus he died and was buried in the City of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.

When the Arameans withdrew, they left him suffering from many wounds. His own officials plotted against him for murdering the son of the priest Jehoiada. They killed Joash in his bed. When he died, they buried him in the City of David, but they didn't bury him in the tombs of the kings.

And when they were departed from him (for they left him in great diseases), his own slaves conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada, the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died; and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the sepulchres of the kings.

And when they were departed from him, (for they left him severely wounded,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchers of the kings.

And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchers of the kings.

And when they were departed for him (for they left him very sick), his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died; and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings.

And departing they left him in diseases: and his servants rose up him, for revenge of the blood of the son of Joiada the priest, and they slew him in his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings.

And when they had departed from him (for they left him in great diseases), his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died; and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the sepulchres of the kings.

And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings.

And when they had departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,) his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchers of the kings.

When they were departed for him (for they left him very sick), his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and killed him on his bed, and he died; and they buried him in the city of David, but they didn't bury him in the tombs of the kings.

And in their going from him -- for they left him with many diseases -- his servants themselves have conspired against him, for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slay him on his bed, and he dieth; and they bury him in the city of David, and have not buried him in the graves of the kings.

2 i Kronikave 24:25
Kur Sirët u tërhoqën nga ai (sepse e kishin lënë shumë të sëmurë), shërbëtorët e tij kurdisën një komplot kundër tij, për shkak të vrasjes së bijve të priftit Jehojada, dhe e vranë në shtratin e tij. Kështu ai vdiq dhe e varrosën në qytetin e Davidit, por jo në varrezat e mbretërve.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 24:25
وعند ذهابهم عنه. لانهم تركوه بامراض كثيرة. فتن عليه عبيده من اجل دماء بني يهوياداع الكاهن وقتلوه على سريره فمات فدفنوه في مدينة داود ولم يدفنوه في قبور الملوك.

Dyr Lauft B 24:25
Wie s abzognd und önn Josch schwaer verwunddt hintliessnd, verschwornd si ain aus seiner Umgöbung gögn iem und brangend n in seinn Bött um, weil yr yn n Priester Joiyden seinn Sun ermorddn laassn hiet. Mir begrueb n zwaar in dyr Dafetnstat, aber nit in n Künigfreithof.

2 Летописи 24:25
А като заминаха от него, (и го оставиха [страдащ] с тежки рани), собствените му слуги направиха заговор против него, поради кръвта на сина на свещеник Иодай, и убиха го на леглото му, та умря; и погребаха го в Давидовия град, но не го погребаха в царските гробища.

歷 代 志 下 24:25
亞 蘭 人 離 開 約 阿 施 的 時 候 , 他 患 重 病 ; 臣 僕 背 叛 他 , 要 報 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 兒 子 流 血 之 仇 , 殺 他 在 床 上 , 葬 他 在 大 衛 城 , 只 是 不 葬 在 列 王 的 墳 墓 裡 。

亚 兰 人 离 开 约 阿 施 的 时 候 , 他 患 重 病 ; 臣 仆 背 叛 他 , 要 报 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 儿 子 流 血 之 仇 , 杀 他 在 床 上 , 葬 他 在 大 卫 城 , 只 是 不 葬 在 列 王 的 坟 墓 里 。



2 Chronicles 24:25
Kad su otišli od njega, ostaviv ga u teškim bolestima, pobuniše se protiv njega njegovi časnici jer bijaše ubio sina svećenika Jojade, pa i oni njega ubiše na postelji te je poginuo; sahranili su ga u Davidovu gradu, ali ga nisu ukopali u kraljevskoj grobnici.

Druhá Paralipomenon 24:25
A jakž ti odešli od něho, (opustivše jej v těžkých nemocech), spikli se proti němu služebníci jeho pro krev synů Joiady kněze, a zamordovali jej na loži jeho. I umřel. Tedy pochovali jej v městě Davidově, ale nepochovali ho v hrobích královských.

Anden Krønikebog 24:25
Og da de drog bort fra ham — de forlod ham nemlig i haarde Lidelser — stiftede hans Folk en Sammensværgelse imod ham til Straf for Mordet paa Præsten Jojadas Søn og dræbte ham i hans Seng. Saaledes døde han, og man jordede ham i Davidsbyen, dog ikke i Kongegravene.

2 Kronieken 24:25
En toen zij van hem getogen waren (want zij lieten hem in grote krankheden), maakten zijn knechten, om het bloed der zonen van den priester Jojada, een verbintenis tegen hem, en zij sloegen hem dood op zijn bed, dat hij stierf; en zij begroeven hem in de stad Davids, maar zij begroeven hem niet in de graven der koningen.

דברי הימים ב 24:25
וּבְלֶכְתָּ֣ם מִמֶּ֗נּוּ כִּֽי־עָזְב֣וּ אֹתֹו֮ [בְּמַחֲלִיִּים כ] (בְּמַחֲלוּיִ֣ם ק) רַבִּים֒ הִתְקַשְּׁר֨וּ עָלָ֜יו עֲבָדָ֗יו בִּדְמֵי֙ בְּנֵי֙ יְהֹויָדָ֣ע הַכֹּהֵ֔ן וַיַּֽהַרְגֻ֥הוּ עַל־מִטָּתֹ֖ו וַיָּמֹ֑ת וַֽיִּקְבְּרֻ֙הוּ֙ בְּעִ֣יר דָּוִ֔יד וְלֹ֥א קְבָרֻ֖הוּ בְּקִבְרֹ֥ות הַמְּלָכִֽים׃ ס

כה ובלכתם ממנו כי עזבו אתו במחליים רבים התקשרו עליו עבדיו בדמי בני יהוידע הכהן ויהרגהו על מטתו וימת ויקברהו בעיר דויד ולא קברהו בקברות המלכים

ובלכתם ממנו כי־עזבו אתו [במחליים כ] (במחלוים ק) רבים התקשרו עליו עבדיו בדמי בני יהוידע הכהן ויהרגהו על־מטתו וימת ויקברהו בעיר דויד ולא קברהו בקברות המלכים׃ ס

2 Krónika 24:25
És mikor tõle elmentek (súlyos betegségben hagyták hátra): pártot ütének ellene az õ szolgái, a Jójada pap fiának haláláért, és megölék õt ágyában, és meghala. És eltemeték õt a Dávid városában, de nem temeték õt a királyok sírjába.

Kroniko 2 24:25
Kiam ili foriris de li, lasinte lin en grava malsano, liaj servantoj faris konspiron kontraux li pro la sango de la filoj de Jehojada, la pastro, kaj ili mortigis lin sur lia lito, kaj li mortis. Kaj oni enterigis lin en la urbo de David, sed oni ne enterigis lin en la regxaj tomboj.

Ja kuin he läksivät hänen tyköänsä, jättivät he hänen suureen sairauteen. Ja hänen palveliansa tekivät liiton häntä vastaan, Jojadan papin lasten veren tähden, ja tappoivat hänen omalla vuoteellansa, ja hän kuoli; ja he hautasivat hänen Davidin kaupunkiin, mutta ei kuningasten hautain sekaan.

2 Chroniques 24:25
Et quand ils l'eurent quitté (or ils l'avaient laissé dans de grandes maladies,) ses serviteurs conspirèrent contre lui, à cause du sang des fils de Jehoïada, le sacrificateur; et ils le tuèrent sur son lit, et il mourut; et on l'enterra dans la ville de David, mais on ne l'enterra pas dans les sépulcres des rois.

Lorsqu'ils se furent éloignés de lui, après l'avoir laissé dans de grandes souffrances, ses serviteurs conspirèrent contre lui à cause du sang des fils du sacrificateur Jehojada; ils le tuèrent sur son lit, et il mourut. On l'enterra dans la ville de David, mais on ne l'enterra pas dans les sépulcres des rois.

Et quand ils se furent retirés d'avec lui, parce qu'ils l'avaient laissé dans de grandes langueurs, ses serviteurs conjurèrent contre lui, à cause du meurtre des fils de Jéhojadah le Sacrificateur, et le tuèrent sur son lit; et ainsi il mourut, et on l'ensevelit en la Cité de David, mais on ne l'ensevelit point aux sépulcres des Rois.

2 Chronik 24:25
Und da sie von ihm zogen, ließen sie ihn in großen Krankheiten. Es machten aber seine Knechte einen Bund wider ihn um des Bluts willen der Kinder Jojadas, des Priesters, und erwürgeten ihn auf seinem Bette; und er starb. Und man begrub ihn in der Stadt Davids, aber nicht unter der Könige Gräber.

Und da sie von ihm zogen, ließen sie ihn in großer Krankheit zurück. Es machten aber seine Knechte einen Bund wider ihn um des Blutes willen der Kinder Jojadas, des Priesters, und erwürgten ihn auf seinem Bett, und er starb. Und man begrub ihn in der Stadt Davids, aber nicht in der Könige Gräbern. {~}

Als sie aber von ihm abzogen - sie ließen ihn nämlich schwer erkrankt zurück -, verschworen sich seine Diener wider ihn wegen der Blutschuld am Sohne des Priesters Jojada und ermordeten ihn auf seinem Bette. So starb er, und man begrub ihn in der Stadt Davids, begrub ihn aber nicht in den Gräbern der Könige.

2 Cronache 24:25
E quando questi si furon partiti da lui, lasciandolo in gravi sofferenze, i suoi servi ordirono contro di lui una congiura, perch’egli avea versato il sangue dei figliuoli del sacerdote Jehoiada, e lo uccisero nel suo letto. Così morì, e fu sepolto nella città di Davide, ma non nei sepolcri dei re.

E, quando si furono partiti da lui, perciocchè l’aveano lasciato in gran languori, i suoi servitori fecero congiura contro a lui, per cagione dell’omicidio de’ figliuoli del sacerdote Gioiada, e l’uccisero in sul suo letto. Così morì, e fu seppellito nella Città di Davide, ma non già nelle sepolture dei re.

2 TAWARIKH 24:25
Hata, setelah sudah mereka itu undur dari padanya dan ditinggalkannya akan dia dengan luka parah, maka bermufakatlah segala hambanya hendak mendurhaka kepadanya, oleh karena darah anak imam Yoyada itu, maka dipalunya akan dia di atas tempat peraduannya sampai ia mati, lalu dikuburkan oranglah akan dia di dalam negeri Daud, tetapi tiada dikuburkannya di dalam kubur segala raja marhum.

역대하 24:25
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 24:25
et abeuntes dimiserunt eum in languoribus magnis surrexerunt autem contra eum servi sui in ultionem sanguinis filii Ioiadae sacerdotis et occiderunt eum in lectulo suo et mortuus est sepelieruntque eum in civitate David sed non in sepulchris regum

Antroji Kronikø knyga 24:25
Atsitraukdami jie paliko jį sunkiai sergantį. Jehoašo tarnai susitarė prieš jį dėl pralieto kunigo Jehojados sūnų kraujo ir nužudė karalių lovoje. Jis mirė ir buvo palaidotas Dovydo mieste, tačiau ne karalių kapinėse.

2 Chronicles 24:25
A, no to ratou haerenga atu i a ia, i mahue iho hoki ia i a ratou he nui ona mate, ka whakatupuria e ana tangata he he mona, mo nga toto o nga tama a Iehoiara tohunga, a patua ana ia e ratou, ki runga ki tona moenga, a mate iho: na tanumia ana i a e ratou ki te pa o Rawiri, otiia kahore ki nga tanumanga o nga kingi.

2 Krønikebok 24:25
Og da de drog bort fra ham - for de lot ham tilbake i svære lidelser - sammensvor hans tjenere sig mot ham, fordi han hadde drept presten Jojadas sønner, og de drepte ham på hans leie. Således døde han, og de begravde ham i Davids stad, men ikke i kongegravene.

2 Crónicas 24:25
Y cuando ellos se alejaron de él (dejándolo muy herido), sus mismos siervos conspiraron contra él a causa de la sangre del hijo del sacerdote Joiada, y lo mataron en su cama. Y murió, y lo sepultaron en la ciudad de David, pero no lo sepultaron en los sepulcros de los reyes.

Cuando los Arameos se alejaron de él (dejándolo muy herido), sus mismos siervos conspiraron contra él a causa de la sangre del hijo del sacerdote Joiada, y lo mataron en su cama. Joás murió, y lo sepultaron en la ciudad de David, pero no lo sepultaron en los sepulcros de los reyes.

Y yéndose de él los sirios, lo dejaron en muchas enfermedades; y conspiraron contra él sus siervos a causa de la sangre de los hijos de Joiada el sacerdote, y le hirieron en su cama, y murió. Y le sepultaron en la ciudad de David, mas no lo sepultaron en los sepulcros de los reyes.

Y yéndose de él los Siros, dejáronlo en muchas enfermedades; y conspiraron contra él sus siervos á causa de las sangres de los hijos de Joiada el sacerdote, é hiriéronle en su cama, y murió: y sepultáronle en la ciudad de David, mas no lo sepultaron en lo

Y yéndose de él los sirios, lo dejaron en muchas enfermedades; y conspiraron contra él sus siervos a causa de la sangre de los hijos de Joiada el sacerdote, y le hirieron en su cama, y murió; y le sepultaron en la ciudad de David, mas no lo sepultaron en los sepulcros de los reyes.

2 Crônicas 24:25
Quando os sírios partiram de volta para suas terras, largaram Joás gravemente ferido; então seus servos conspiraram contra ele por causa do sangue do filho do sacerdote Joiada, e o assassinaram em seu próprio leito. Assim morreu o rei Joás e foi sepultado na Cidade de Davi, todavia, não nos túmulos dos grandes reis da nação.

Quando os sírios se retiraram dele, deixaram-no gravemente ferido; então seus servos conspiraram contra ele por causa do sangue dos filhos do sacerdote Jeoiada, e o mataram na sua cama, e assim morreu; e o sepultaram na cidade de Davi, porém não nos sepulcros dos reis.   

2 Cronici 24:25
Cînd au plecat dela el, după ce -l lăsaseră în mari suferinţe, slujitorii lui au uneltit împotriva lui din pricina sîngelui fiului preotului Iehoiada. L-au omorît în patul lui, şi a murit. L-au îngropat în cetatea lui David, dar nu l-au îngropat în mormintele împăraţilor.

2-я Паралипоменон 24:25
и когда они ушли от него, оставив его в тяжкой болезни, то составили против него заговор рабы его, за кровь сына Иодая священника, и убили его на постели его, и он умер. И похоронили его в городе Давидовом, ноне похоронили его в царских гробницах.

и когда они ушли от него, оставив его в тяжкой болезни, то составили против него заговор рабы его, за кровь сына Иодая священника, и убили его на постели его, и он умер. И похоронили его в городе Давидовом, но не похоронили его в царских гробницах.[]

Krönikeboken 24:25
Och när dessa drogo bort ifrån honom -- ty de lämnade honom kvar illa sjuk -- sammansvuro sig hans tjänare mot honom, därför att han hade utgjutit prästen Jojadas söners blod, och dräpte honom på hans säng; detta blev hans död. Och man begrov honom i Davids stad; dock begrov man honom icke i konungagravarna.

2 Chronicles 24:25
At nang kanilang lisanin siya, (sapagka't iniwan nila siya sa maraming mga sakit,) ang kaniyang sariling mga lingkod ay nagsipagbanta laban sa kaniya dahil sa dugo ng mga anak ni Joiada na saserdote, at pinatay siya sa kaniyang higaan, at siya'y namatay: at inilibing nila siya sa bayan ni David, nguni't hindi inilibing nila siya sa mga libingan ng mga hari.

2 พงศาวดาร 24:25
เมื่อเขาทั้งหลายจากพระองค์ไป (เขาละพระองค์ไว้บาดเจ็บอย่างสาหัส) ข้าราชการของพระองค์ก็คิดร้ายต่อพระองค์ เพราะโลหิตของบุตรชายเยโฮยาดาปุโรหิต และได้ประหารพระองค์เสียที่บนแท่นบรรทม พระองค์ก็สิ้นพระชนม์ และเขาทั้งหลายฝังพระศพไว้ในนครดาวิด แต่เขาทั้งหลายมิได้ฝังพระศพไว้ในอุโมงค์ของบรรดากษัตริย์

2 Tarihler 24:25
Aramlılar Yoaşı ağır yaralı durumda bırakıp gittiler. Yoaşın görevlileri, Kâhin Yehoyadanın oğlunun kanını döktüğü için, düzen kurup onu yatağında öldürdüler. Yoaşı Davut Kentinde gömdülerse de, kralların mezarlığına gömmediler. göre ya ‹‹Sonbahar›› ya da ‹‹İlkbahar›› olabilir.[]

2 Söû-kyù 24:25
Khi chúng đã bỏ đi rồi (vả chúng để người ở lại bị đau nặng), các đầy tớ người bèn phản nghịch cùng người, vì cớ huyết của con trai thầy tế lễ Giê-hô-gia-đa, giết người tại trên giường, và người chết; người ta chôn người tại trong thành Ða-vít, song không phải trong mồ các vua.

2 Chronicles 24:24
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