1 Samuel 28:8
1 Samuel 28:8
So Saul disguised himself, putting on other clothes, and at night he and two men went to the woman. "Consult a spirit for me," he said, "and bring up for me the one I name."

So Saul disguised himself by wearing ordinary clothing instead of his royal robes. Then he went to the woman's home at night, accompanied by two of his men. "I have to talk to a man who has died," he said. "Will you call up his spirit for me?"

So Saul disguised himself and put on other garments and went, he and two men with him. And they came to the woman by night. And he said, “Divine for me by a spirit and bring up for me whomever I shall name to you.”

Then Saul disguised himself by putting on other clothes, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night; and he said, "Conjure up for me, please, and bring up for me whom I shall name to you."

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.

Saul disguised himself by putting on different clothes and set out with two of his men. They came to the woman at night, and Saul said, "Consult a spirit for me. Bring up for me the one I tell you."

Saul disguised himself, putting on different clothes. He went along with two men to the woman at night. He said, "Consult a familiar spirit for me and bring up for me the one whom I tell you."

So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothing and left, accompanied by two of his men. They came to the woman at night and said, "Use your ritual pit to conjure up for me the one I tell you."

After disguising himself by putting on other clothes, Saul left with two men and came to the woman that night. He said to her, "Please consult with a dead person for me. Conjure up the person I request."

And Saul disguised himself and put on other clothing, and he went with two men, and they came to the woman by night; and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by spiritism and bring me him up whom I shall name unto thee.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other clothing, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray you, divine unto me as a medium, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto you.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray you, divine to me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name to you.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, Divine unto me, I pray thee, by the familiar spirit, and bring me up whomsoever I shall name unto thee.

Then he disguised himself: and put on other clothes, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night, and he said to her: Divine to me by thy divining spirit, and bring me up him whom I shall tell thee.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other garments, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night; and he said, I pray thee, divine to me by the spirit of Python, and bring me him up whom I shall name to thee.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, Divine unto me, I pray thee, by the familiar spirit, and bring me up whomsoever I shall name unto thee.

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine to me by the familiar spirit, and bring up for me whom I shall name to thee.

Saul disguised himself, and put on other clothing, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, "Please divine to me by the familiar spirit, and bring me up whoever I shall name to you."

And Saul disguiseth himself and putteth on other garments, and goeth, he and two of the men with him, and they come in unto the woman by night, and he saith, 'Divine, I pray thee, to me by the familiar spirit, and cause to come up to me him whom I say unto thee.'

1 i Samuelit 28:8
Kështu Sauli u vesh ndryshe për të mos u njohur dhe u nis me dy burra. Arritën tek ajo grua natën dhe Sauli i tha: "Bëj një shortari për mua, të lutem, me një seancë spiritizmi dhe më thirr atë që do të të them".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 28:8
فتنكّر شاول ولبس ثيابا اخرى وذهب هو ورجلان معه وجاءوا الى المرأة ليلا وقال اعرفي لي بالجان واصعدي لي من اقول لك.

Dyr Sämyheel A 28:8
Daa grichtt si dyr Saul andert zamm und gieng mit zween Mannen unkennter zo dönn Weibsbild. Sö kaamend bei dyr Nacht hin, und er gschafft irer an: "Bring myr aynn Tootngeist zueher! Wart, daa wisset i schoon ainn!"

1 Царе 28:8
И така, Саул се предреши като облече други дрехи, и отиде, той и двама мъже с него, та дойдоха при жената през нощта; и [Саул] й рече: Почародействувай ми, моля, чрез запитване зли духове, и възведи ми, когото ти кажа.

撒 母 耳 記 上 28:8
於 是 掃 羅 改 了 裝 , 穿 上 別 的 衣 服 , 帶 著 兩 個 人 , 夜 裡 去 見 那 婦 人 。 掃 羅 說 : 求 你 用 交 鬼 的 法 術 , 將 我 所 告 訴 你 的 死 人 , 為 我 招 上 來 。

於 是 扫 罗 改 了 装 , 穿 上 别 的 衣 服 , 带 着 两 个 人 , 夜 里 去 见 那 妇 人 。 扫 罗 说 : 求 你 用 交 鬼 的 法 术 , 将 我 所 告 诉 你 的 死 人 , 为 我 招 上 来 。



1 Samuel 28:8
Tada se Šaul preruši, obuče druge haljine i otputi se sa dva čovjeka. I dođe noću k onoj ženi i reče joj: "Daj mi vračaj pomoću duha i dozovi mi onoga koga ti reknem."

První Samuelova 28:8
Tedy změniv Saul oděv, oblékl se v roucho jiné, a šel sám a dva muži s ním, a přišli k ženě té v noci. I řekl: Medle hádej mi skrze ducha věštího, a způsob to, ať ke mně vyjde ten, kohož bych jmenoval tobě.

1 Samuel 28:8
Da gjorde Saul sig ukendelig og tog andre Klæder paa og gav sig paa Vej, fulgt af to Mænd. Da de om Natten kom til Kvinden, sagde han: »Spaa mig ved en Genfærdsaand og man mig den, jeg siger dig, frem!«

1 Samuël 28:8
En Saul verstelde zich, en trok andere klederen aan, en ging heen, en twee mannen met hem, en zij kwamen des nachts tot de vrouw, en hij zeide: Voorzeg mij toch door den waarzeggenden geest, en doe mij opkomen, dien ik tot u zeggen zal.

שמואל א 28:8
וַיִּתְחַפֵּ֣שׂ שָׁא֗וּל וַיִּלְבַּשׁ֙ בְּגָדִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים וַיֵּ֣לֶךְ ה֗וּא וּשְׁנֵ֤י אֲנָשִׁים֙ עִמֹּ֔ו וַיָּבֹ֥אוּ אֶל־הָאִשָּׁ֖ה לָ֑יְלָה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר [קָסֹומִי־ כ] (קָֽסֳמִי־נָ֥א ק) לִי֙ בָּאֹ֔וב וְהַ֣עֲלִי לִ֔י אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־אֹמַ֖ר אֵלָֽיִךְ׃

ח ויתחפש שאול וילבש בגדים אחרים וילך הוא ושני אנשים עמו ויבאו אל האשה לילה ויאמר קסומי (קסמי) נא לי באוב והעלי לי את אשר אמר אליך

ויתחפש שאול וילבש בגדים אחרים וילך הוא ושני אנשים עמו ויבאו אל־האשה לילה ויאמר [קסומי־ כ] (קסמי־נא ק) לי באוב והעלי לי את אשר־אמר אליך׃

1 Sámuel 28:8
Másnak tetteté azért Saul magát, és más ruhákat vevén magára, elméne õ és vele két férfi; és elmenének éjjel az asszonyhoz, és monda: Mondj jövendõt nékem halottidézés által, és idézd fel nékem azt, a kit mondok néked.

Samuel 1 28:8
Tiam Saul sxangxis siajn vestojn, metis sur sin aliajn vestojn, kaj iris kune kun du viroj, kaj ili venis al la virino nokte. Kaj li diris:Auxguru al mi, mi petas, per via auxgura povoscio, kaj elvoku al mi tiun, pri kiu mi diros al vi.

Ja Saul muutti vaatteensa ja otti toiset päällensä, ja meni sinne, ja kaksi miestä hänen kanssansa; ja he tulivat yöllä vaimon tykö, ja hän sanoi: noidu minulle noidan hengen kautta ja nosta se ylös minulle, jonka sanon sinulle.

1 Samuel 28:8
Et Saül se déguisa et revêtit d'autres vêtements, et il s'en alla, lui et deux hommes avec lui, et ils vinrent de nuit chez la femme. Et il dit: Devine pour moi, je te prie, par un esprit, et fais-moi monter celui que je te dirai.

Alors Saül se déguisa et prit d'autres vêtements, et il partit avec deux hommes. Ils arrivèrent de nuit chez la femme. Saül lui dit: Prédis-moi l'avenir en évoquant un mort, et fais-moi monter celui que je te dirai.

Alors Saül se déguisa, et prit d'autres habits, et s'en alla, lui et deux hommes avec lui, et ils arrivèrent de nuit chez cette femme; et Saül lui dit : Je te prie, devine-moi par l'esprit de Python, et fais monter vers moi celui que je te dirai.

1 Samuel 28:8
Und Saul wechselte seine Kleider und zog andere an; und ging hin, und zween andere mit ihm, und kamen bei der Nacht zum Weibe; und sprach: Lieber, weissage mir durch den Wahrsagergeist und bringe mir herauf, den ich dir sage.

Und Saul wechselte seine Kleider und zog andere an und ging hin und zwei Männer mit ihm, und sie kamen bei der Nacht zu dem Weibe, und er sprach: Weissage mir doch durch den Wahrsagergeist und bringe mir herauf, den ich dir sage.

Da verstellte sich Saul, zog andere Kleider an und machte sich mit zwei Begleitern auf den Weg. Sie traten nachts bei dem Weibe ein, und er bat: Wahrsage mir mit Hilfe des Totenbeschwörer-Geistes und lasse mir einen erscheinen, den ich dir nennen werde.

1 Samuele 28:8
E Saul si contraffece, si mise altri abiti, e partì accompagnato da due uomini. Giunsero di notte presso la donna, e Saul le disse: "Dimmi l’avvenire, ti prego, evocando uno spirito e fammi salire colui che ti dirò".

E Saulle mutò abito, e si travestì, e se ne andò con due uomini seco. E, giunti a quella donna di notte, Saulle le disse: Deh! indovinami per lo spirito di Pitone, e fammi salir fuori colui che io ti dirò.

1 SAMUEL 28:8
Maka Saulpun menyamarkan dirinya serta bertukar pakaian, lalu pergilah ia dengan dua orang sertanya, maka ketiganya sampailah kepada perempuan itu pada malam, lalu titah Saul: Pertenunglah engkau akan daku dan bangkitkanlah akan daku orang yang akan kukatakan kepadamu.

사무엘상 28:8
사울이 다른 옷을 입어 변장하고 두 사람과 함께 갈새 그들이 밤에 그 여인에게 이르러는 사울이 가로되 `청하노니 나를 위하여 신접한 술법으로 내가 네게 말하는 사람을 불러올리라'

I Samuelis 28:8
mutavit ergo habitum suum vestitusque est aliis vestimentis abiit ipse et duo viri cum eo veneruntque ad mulierem nocte et ait divina mihi in pythone et suscita mihi quem dixero tibi

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 28:8
Saulius, pakeitęs drabužius, su dviem vyrais naktį nuėjo pas moterį. Jis tarė jai: “Paburk man per mirusiojo dvasią; iššauk man tą, kurį aš sakysiu”.

1 Samuel 28:8
Na ka whakaahua ke a Haora i a ia, a kakahu ana i etahi kakahu ke, haere ana ia me ana tangata tokorua; ka tae ki taua wahine i te po, ka mea atu ia, Tena koa, hirihiria te atua maori, a whakaputaina ake ki ahau taku e ki atu ai.

1 Samuels 28:8
Så gjorde Saul sig ukjennelig og tok andre klær på og gikk så avsted i følge med to menn. De kom til kvinnen om natten, og Saul sa: Spå mig ved å mane frem en død og hent op til mig den som jeg nevner for dig!

1 Samuel 28:8
Saúl se disfrazó poniéndose otras ropas y fue con dos hombres; llegaron a la mujer de noche, y él dijo: Te ruego que evoques por mí a un espíritu, y que hagas subir al que yo te diga.

Saúl se disfrazó poniéndose otras ropas y fue con dos hombres. Llegaron de noche a ver a la mujer, y él dijo: "Te ruego que evoques por mí a un espíritu, y que hagas subir al que yo te diga."

Y Saúl se disfrazó poniéndose otra ropa, y se fue con dos hombres, y vinieron de noche a aquella mujer; y él dijo: Yo te ruego que me adivines por el espíritu de pitón, y me hagas subir a quien yo te dijere.

Y disfrazóse Saúl, y púsose otros vestidos, y fuése con dos hombres, y vinieron á aquella mujer de noche; y él dijo: Yo te ruego que me adivines por el espíritu de pythón, y me hagas subir á quien yo te dijere.

Y se disfrazó Saúl, y se puso otros vestidos, y se fue con dos hombres, y vinieron a aquella mujer de noche; y él dijo: Yo te ruego que me adivines por el espíritu de pitón, y me hagas subir a quien yo te dijere.

1 Samuel 28:8
Então Saul se disfarçou, vestindo roupas diferentes. E, ao cair da noite, foi com dois dos seus servos falar com a tal vidente. E lhe disse: “Rogo-te que me reveles o futuro, invocando para mim quem eu lhe nomear!”

Então Saul se disfarçou, vestindo outros trajes; e foi ele com dois homens, e chegaram de noite à casa da mulher. Disse-lhe Saul: Peço-te que me adivinhes pela necromancia, e me faças subir aquele que eu te disser.   

1 Samuel 28:8
Atunci Saul s'a schimbat, a luat alte haine, şi a plecat cu doi oameni. Au ajuns la femeia aceea noaptea. Saul i -a zis: ,,Spune-mi viitorul chemînd un mort, şi scoală-mi pe cine-ţi voi spune.``

1-я Царств 28:8
И снял с себя Саул одежды свои и надел другие, и пошел сам и два человека с ним, и пришли они к женщине ночью. И сказал ей Саул : прошу тебя,поворожи мне и выведи мне, о ком я скажу тебе.

И снял с себя Саул одежды свои и надел другие, и пошел сам и два человека с ним, и пришли они к женщине ночью. И сказал ей [Саул]: прошу тебя, поворожи мне и выведи мне, о ком я скажу тебе.[]

1 Samuelsboken 28:8
Då gjorde Saul sig oigenkännlig och tog på sig andra kläder och gick åstad med två män; och de kommo till kvinnan om natten. Och han sade: »Spå åt mig genom anden, och mana upp åt mig den jag säger dig.»

1 Samuel 28:8
At hindi napakilala si Saul, at nagsuot ng ibang kasuutan, at naparoon siya at ang dalawang lalake na kasama niya, at sila'y dumating sa babae nang kinagabihan: at kaniyang sinabi, Hulaan mo ako isinasamo ko sa iyo, sa pamamagitan ng sinasanggunian mong espiritu, at iahon mo sa akin sinomang banggitin ko sa iyo.

1 ซามูเอล 28:8
ซาอูลจึงปลอมพระองค์และทรงฉลองพระองค์อย่างอื่นเสด็จออกไปพร้อมกับชายสองคนไปหาหญิงคนทรงในเวลากลางคืน พระองค์ตรัสว่า "ขอทำนายให้ฉันโดยวิญญาณของคนตาย ฉันจะออกชื่อผู้ใดก็ให้เรียกผู้นั้นขึ้นมา"

1 Samuel 28:8
Böylece Saul başka giysilere bürünüp kılığını değiştirdi. Geceleyin yanına iki kişi alıp kadının yaşadığı yere gitti. Kadına, ‹‹Lütfen benim için ruhlara danış ve sana söyleyeceğim kişiyi çağır›› dedi.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 28:8
Sau-lơ giả dạng mặc những áo khác, đi đem theo hai người, rồi đến nhà người đờn bà nầy lúc ban đêm. Sau-lơ nói: Xin ngươi hãy cầu vong mà bói cho ta, và hãy vời lên kẻ ta sẽ chỉ cho ngươi.

1 Samuel 28:7
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