1 Samuel 22:8
1 Samuel 22:8
Is that why you have all conspired against me? No one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you is concerned about me or tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie in wait for me, as he does today."

Is that why you have conspired against me? For not one of you told me when my own son made a solemn pact with the son of Jesse. You're not even sorry for me. Think of it! My own son--encouraging him to kill me, as he is trying to do this very day!"

that all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day.”

"For all of you have conspired against me so that there is no one who discloses to me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in ambush, as it is this day."

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that sheweth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or sheweth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

That's why all of you have conspired against me! Nobody tells me when my own son makes a covenant with Jesse's son. None of you cares about me or tells me that my son has stirred up my own servant to wait in ambush for me, as is the case today."

But all of you have conspired against me, and no one tells me about my son's covenant with Jesse's son. None of you feels sorry for me and tells me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in wait, as he's doing this day."

For all of you have conspired against me! No one informs me when my own son makes an agreement with this son of Jesse! Not one of you feels sorry for me or informs me that my own son has commissioned my own servant to hide in ambush against me, as is the case today!"

All of you are plotting against me, and no one informed me when my son entered into a loyalty pledge with Jesse's son. No one felt sorry for me and informed me that my son has encouraged my servant David to ambush me, as he's doing now."

that all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one that shows me that my son has made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me or shows unto me that my son has stirred up my slave against me, to lie in wait against me, as at this day?

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that shows me that my son has made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or shows unto me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that shows me that my son has made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or shows to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that discloseth to me when my son maketh a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or discloseth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one to inform me, especially when even my son hath entered into league with the soil of Isai? There is not one of you that pitieth my case, nor that giveth me any information: because my son hath raised up my servant against me, plotting against me to this day.

that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that informs me when my son has made a covenant with the son of Jesse; and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or informs me that my son has stirred up my servant as a lier-in-wait against me, as at this day?

that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that discloseth to me when my son maketh a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or discloseth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that showeth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or showeth to me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who discloses to me when my son makes a treaty with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me, or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?"

for ye have conspired all of you against me, and there is none uncovering mine ear about my son's covenanting with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you grieving for me, and uncovering mine ear, that my son hath raised up my servant against me, to lie in wait as at this day.'

1 i Samuelit 22:8
Të gjithë ju keni komplotuar, dhe asnjë nga ju nuk më ka informuar për besëlidhjen, që im bir ka lidhur me birin e Isait; dhe nuk ka asnjë prej jush që t'i vijë keq për mua dhe të më njoftojë që im bir ka ngritur kundër meje shërbëtorin tim që të më kurdisë kurthe siç bën sot?".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 22:8
حتى فتنتم كلكم عليّ وليس من يخبرني بعهد ابني مع ابن يسّى وليس منكم من يحزن عليّ او يخبرني بان ابني قد اقام عبدي عليّ كمينا كهذا اليوم.

Dyr Sämyheel A 22:8
weilß enk allsand gögn mi verschworn habtß! Kainer haat myr öbbs dyrvon gsait, wie mein Sun aynn Bund mit n Jessennsun schloß; und yn niemdd gyrbarm i, däß yr myr öbbenn gsait haet, däß mein Sun aynn Knecht von mir aufhötzt, däß mi der ietz bedroot."

1 Царе 22:8
та вие всички да направите заговор против мене, и да няма кой да ми открие, че син ми е направил завет с Есеевия син, и да няма ни един от вас да го боли сърцето за мене, или да ми открие, че син ми е подигнал слугата ми против мене, да постави засада, както днес?

撒 母 耳 記 上 22:8
你 們 竟 都 結 黨 害 我 ! 我 的 兒 子 與 耶 西 的 兒 子 結 盟 的 時 候 , 無 人 告 訴 我 ; 我 的 兒 子 挑 唆 我 的 臣 子 謀 害 我 , 就 如 今 日 的 光 景 , 也 無 人 告 訴 我 , 為 我 憂 慮 。

你 们 竟 都 结 党 害 我 ! 我 的 儿 子 与 耶 西 的 儿 子 结 盟 的 时 候 , 无 人 告 诉 我 ; 我 的 儿 子 挑 唆 我 的 臣 子 谋 害 我 , 就 如 今 日 的 光 景 , 也 无 人 告 诉 我 , 为 我 忧 虑 。



1 Samuel 22:8
A zašto ste se onda svi urotili protiv mene? Nema nikoga da mi dojavi kad moj sin sklapa savez s Jišajevim sinom, nema nikoga među vama da me požali i da mi otkrije kako je moj sin podjario moga slugu na me, kao što se događa danas."

První Samuelova 22:8
Že jste se všickni spikli proti mně, aniž jest, kdo by mi oznámil? Již i syn můj učinil smlouvu s synem Izai, a však žádný z vás nelituje mne, aniž mi kdo oznámí, že pozdvihl syn můj služebníka mého proti mně, aby mi zálohy strojil, jakož se to již děje.

1 Samuel 22:8
siden I alle har sammensvoret eder imod mig, og ingen lod mig det vide, da min Søn sluttede Pagt med Isajs Søn? Ingen af eder havde Medfølelse med mig og lod mig vide, at min Søn havde faaet min Træl til at optræde som min Fjende, som han nu gør.«

1 Samuël 22:8
Dat gij u allen tegen mij verbonden hebt, en niemand voor mijn oor openbaart, dat mijn zoon een verbond gemaakt heeft met den zoon van Isai; en niemand is onder ulieden, dien het wee doet van mijnentwege, en die het voor mijn oor openbaart; want mijn zoon heeft mijn knecht tegen mij opgewekt, tot een lagenlegger, gelijk het te dezen dage is.

שמואל א 22:8
כִּי֩ קְשַׁרְתֶּ֨ם כֻּלְּכֶ֜ם עָלַ֗י וְאֵין־גֹּלֶ֤ה אֶת־אָזְנִי֙ בִּכְרָת־בְּנִ֣י עִם־בֶּן־יִשַׁ֔י וְאֵין־חֹלֶ֥ה מִכֶּ֛ם עָלַ֖י וְגֹלֶ֣ה אֶת־אָזְנִ֑י כִּ֣י הֵקִים֩ בְּנִ֨י אֶת־עַבְדִּ֥י עָלַ֛י לְאֹרֵ֖ב כַּיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃ ס

ח כי קשרתם כלכם עלי ואין גלה את אזני בכרת בני עם בן ישי ואין חלה מכם עלי וגלה את אזני  כי הקים בני את עבדי עלי לארב כיום הזה  {ס}

כי קשרתם כלכם עלי ואין־גלה את־אזני בכרת־בני עם־בן־ישי ואין־חלה מכם עלי וגלה את־אזני כי הקים בני את־עבדי עלי לארב כיום הזה׃ ס

1 Sámuel 22:8
Hogy mindnyájan összeesküdtetek ellenem? És senki sincs, a ki tudósítana engem, hogy fiam szövetséget kötött Isai fiával? És senki sincs közöttetek, a ki szánakoznék felettem, és megmondaná nékem, hogy fiam fellázította szolgámat ellenem, hogy leselkedjék utánam, mint a hogy e mai napon megtetszik?

Samuel 1 22:8
cxar vi cxiuj faris konspiron kontraux mi, kaj neniu sciigis al miaj oreloj, ke mia filo faris interligon kun la filo de Jisxaj, kaj neniu el vi kompatas min kaj sciigis al miaj oreloj, ke mia filo instigis mian sklavon kontraux mi, por fari insidon, kiel nun.

Että te kaikki teitte liiton minua vastaan, ja ei ole yhtään, joka ilmoitti sen minun korvilleni että minun poikani on myös tehnyt liiton Isain pojan kanssa ja ei ole yhtäkään teistä, joka sitä panee pahaksensa minun tähteni, ja ei myös ilmoita sitä minun korvaini kuullen, että minun poikani on yllyttänyt palveliani minua vastaan, väijymään minua, niinkuin tänäpänä on nähtävä.

1 Samuel 22:8
que vous ayez tous conspiré contre moi, et que personne ne m'avertisse quand mon fils fait alliance avec le fils d'Isaï, et que personne d'entre vous ne soit peiné pour moi et ne m'avertisse que mon fils a soulevé contre moi mon serviteur pour me dresser des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui?

Sinon, pourquoi avez-vous tous conspiré contre moi, et n'y a-t-il personne qui m'informe de l'alliance de mon fils avec le fils d'Isaï? Pourquoi n'y a-t-il personne de vous qui souffre à mon sujet, et qui m'avertisse que mon fils a soulevé mon serviteur contre moi, afin qu'il me dressât des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui?

Que vous ayez tous conspiré contre moi, et qu'il n'y ait personne qui m'avertisse que mon fils a fait alliance avec le fils d'Isaï, et qu'il n'y ait aucun de vous qui ait pitié de moi, et qui m'avertisse; car mon fils a suscité mon serviteur contre moi pour me dresser des embûches, comme il paraît aujourd'hui.

1 Samuel 22:8
daß ihr euch alle verbunden habt wider mich, und ist niemand, der es meinen Ohren offenbarete, weil auch mein Sohn einen Bund gemacht hat mit dem Sohne Isais? Ist niemand unter euch, den es kränke meinethalben und meinen Ohren offenbare? Denn mein Sohn hat meinen Knecht wider mich auferwecket, daß er mir nachstellet, wie es am Tage ist.

daß ihr euch alle verbunden habt wider mich und ist niemand, der es meinen Ohren offenbarte, weil auch mein Sohn einen Bund gemacht hat mit dem Sohn Isais? Ist niemand unter euch, den es kränke meinethalben und der es meinen Ohren offenbare? Denn mein Sohn hat meinen Knecht wider mich auferweckt, daß er mir nachstellt, wie es am Tage ist.

daß ihr euch alle wider mich verschworen habt, und niemand es mir mitgeteilt hat, als sich mein Sohn mit dem Sohne Isais verbündete, und daß niemand von euch Mitgefühl mit mir hatte und mir mitteilte, daß, wie es jetzt der Fall ist, mein Sohn meinen Knecht zum Feinde wider mich aufgestiftet hat?

1 Samuele 22:8
che avete tutti congiurato contro di me, e non v’è alcuno che m’abbia informato dell’alleanza che il mio figliuolo ha fatta col figliuolo d’Isai, e non v’è alcuno di voi che mi compianga e m’informi che il mio figliuolo ha sollevato contro di me il mio servo perché mi tenda insidie come fa oggi?"

Conciossiachè vi siate tutti congiurati contro a me, e non vi sia alcuno che mi abbia fatto motto come il mio figliuolo ha fatto lega col figliuolo d’Isai; e non vi sia alcun di voi a cui dolga di me, e che mi scopra cosa alcuna; perciocchè il mio figliuolo ha fatto levare contro a me il mio servitore, acciocchè egli m’insidii, come egli fa oggi.

1 SAMUEL 22:8
Maka kamu sekalian sefakat hendak melawan aku, dan dari pada kamu sekalian seorangpun tiada memberitahu aku, bahwa anakku sendiri sudah berjanji-janjian dengan bin Isai itu, dan dari pada kamu seorangpun tiada kasihan akan daku atau memberitahu aku, bahwa anakku mengajak hambaku akan menjadi pengadang bagiku, seperti halnya sekarang ini adanya.

사무엘상 22:8
너희가 다 공모하여 나를 대적하며 내 아들이 이새의 아들과 맹약하였으되 내게 고발하는 자가 하나도 없고 나를 위하여 슬퍼하거나 내 아들이 내 신하를 선동하여 오늘이라도 매복하였다가 나를 치려 하는 것을 내게 고발하는 자가 하나도 없도다'

I Samuelis 22:8
quoniam coniurastis omnes adversum me et non est qui mihi renuntiet maxime cum et filius meus foedus iunxerit cum filio Isai non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis nec qui adnuntiet mihi eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me insidiantem mihi usque hodie

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 22:8
kad jūs visi susimokėte prieš mane ir nebuvo nė vieno, kuris praneštų man, kad mano sūnus yra susitaręs su Jesės sūnumi? Tarp jūsų nėra nė vieno, kuris būtų manęs gailėjęsis ir man pranešęs, kad mano sūnus sukurstė mano tarną tykoti manęs, kaip šiandien matome”.

1 Samuel 22:8
I whakatenetene mai ai koutou ki ahau; a kahore tetahi hei whakaatu ki ahau i te whakaritenga kawenata a taku tama raua ko te tama a Hehe: kahore tetahi o koutou e pouri moku, e whaki ranei ki ahau, na taku tama i whakatutehu taku tangata ki ahau, kia whanga puku, penei me tenei inaianei?

1 Samuels 22:8
For I har jo alle sammensvoret eder mot mig, og ingen åpenbarte det for mig dengang min sønn gjorde pakt med Isais sønn, og ingen av eder er bekymret for mig og åpenbarer noget for mig; for min sønn har opegget mine tjenere til å efterstrebe mig, således som han nu gjør.

1 Samuel 22:8
Porque todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí y no hay quien me revele cuando mi hijo hace un pacto con el hijo de Isaí, tampoco hay entre vosotros quien tenga piedad de mí ni me revele que mi hijo ha instigado a mi siervo contra mí para tenderme una emboscada, como sucede hoy.

"Porque todos ustedes han conspirado contra mí y no hay quien me revele cuando mi hijo hace un pacto con el hijo de Isaí. Tampoco hay entre ustedes quien tenga piedad de mí ni me revele que mi hijo ha instigado a mi siervo contra mí para tenderme una emboscada, como sucede hoy."

Para que todos vosotros hayáis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído como mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Isaí, ni alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra como mi hijo ha levantado a mi siervo contra mí, para que me aceche, según hace hoy día?

Que todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído como mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Isaí, ni alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra como mi hijo ha levantado á mi siervo contra mí, para que me acec

que todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído como mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Isaí, ni hay alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra cómo mi hijo ha despertado a mi siervo contra mí, para que me aceche, según hace hoy día?

1 Samuel 22:8
É por esta razão que todos vós têm conspirado contra a minha pessoa? Ora, ninguém me informa quando meu filho faz algum acordo com o filho de Jessé. Nenhum de vós expressa solidariedade para comigo e me revela que o meu filho persuadiu um dos meus servos a armar ciladas contra mim e a tornar-se meu grande inimigo, como hoje se confirma!”

para que todos vós tenhais conspirado contra mim, e não haja ninguém que me avise de ter meu filho, feito aliança com o filho de Jessé, e não haja ninguém dentre vós que se doa de mim, e me participe o ter meu filho sublevado meu servo contra mim, para me armar ciladas, como se vê neste dia?   

1 Samuel 22:8
Dacă nu, de ce v'aţi unit toţi împotriva mea, şi nimeni nu mi -a dat de ştire despre legămîntul fiului meu cu fiul lui Isai? Pentruce n'a fost nimeni dintre voi pe care să -l doară inima pentru mine, şi să mă înştiinţeze că fiul meu a răsculat pe robul meu împotriva mea, ca să-mi întindă curse, cum face astăzi?``

1-я Царств 22:8
что вы все сговорились против меня, и никто не открыл мне, когда сын мой вступил в дружбу с сыном Иессея, и никто из вас не пожалел о мне и не открыл мне, что сын мой возбудил против меня раба моего строить мне ковы, как это ныне видно?

что вы все сговорились против меня, и никто не открыл мне, когда сын мой вступил в дружбу с сыном Иессея, и никто из вас не пожалел о мне и не открыл мне, что сын мой возбудил против меня раба моего строить мне ковы, как это ныне видно?[]

1 Samuelsboken 22:8
Ty I haven ju alla sammansvurit eder mot mig, och ingen har uppenbarat för mig att min son har slutit förbund med Isais son. Ingen av eder bekymrar sig så mycket om mig, att han har uppenbarat det för mig. Min son har ju uppeggat min tjänare till att stämpla mot mig, såsom nu sker.»

1 Samuel 22:8
Upang kayong lahat ay magsipagsuwail laban sa akin, at walang nagpakilala sa akin nang gawin ng aking anak ang isang pakikipagtipan sa anak ni Isai, at wala sinoman sa inyo na nagdamdam dahil sa akin, o nagpakilala sa akin na ang aking anak ay humihikayat sa aking lingkod laban sa akin upang bumakay, gaya sa araw na ito?

1 ซามูเอล 22:8
เจ้าทั้งหลายจึงได้คิดกบฏต่อเรา ไม่มีใครแจ้งแก่เราเลย เมื่อลูกของเราทำพันธไมตรีกับบุตรของเจสซีนั้น ไม่มีผู้ใดร่วมทุกข์กับเรา หรือแจ้งแก่เราว่า ลูกของเราปลุกปั่นผู้รับใช้ของเราให้ต่อสู้เรา คอยซุ่มดักเราอยู่อย่างทุกวันนี้"

1 Samuel 22:8
Hepiniz bana karşı düzen kurdunuz. Çünkü oğlum İşayın oğluyla antlaşma yaptığında bana haber veren olmadı. İçinizden bana acıyan tek kişi çıkmadı. Bugün olduğu gibi, bana pusu kurması için oğlumun kulum Davutu kışkırttığını bana bildiren olmadı.››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 22:8
Vậy, cớ sao các ngươi hết thảy đồng mưu nghịch ta, và cớ sao chẳng cho ta hay rằng con trai ta đã kết giao ước cùng con trai Y-sai? Nhân sao chẳng ai thương xót ta, cho ta hay trước rằng con trai ta đã xui kẻ tôi tớ ta nghịch cùng ta, lập mưu hại ta, như nó đã làm ngày nay?

1 Samuel 22:7
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