1 Kings 22:11
1 Kings 22:11
Now Zedekiah son of Kenaanah had made iron horns and he declared, "This is what the LORD says: 'With these you will gore the Arameans until they are destroyed.'"

One of them, Zedekiah son of Kenaanah, made some iron horns and proclaimed, "This is what the LORD says: With these horns you will gore the Arameans to death!"

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made for himself horns of iron and said, “Thus says the LORD, ‘With these you shall push the Syrians until they are destroyed.’”

Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made horns of iron for himself and said, "Thus says the LORD, 'With these you will gore the Arameans until they are consumed.'"

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, Thus saith the LORD, With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until thou have consumed them.

Then Zedekiah son of Chenaanah made iron horns and said, "This is what the LORD says: 'You will gore the Arameans with these until they are finished off.'"

Chenaanah's son Zedekiah made iron horns for himself and told them, "This is what the LORD says, 'With these horns you are to gore the Arameans until they are eliminated!'"

Zedekiah son of Kenaanah made iron horns and said, "This is what the LORD says, 'With these you will gore Syria until they are destroyed.'"

Zedekiah, son of Chenaanah, made iron horns and said, "This is what the LORD says: With these horns you will push the Arameans to their destruction."

And Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made himself horns of iron, and he said, Thus hath the LORD said, With these shalt thou push the Syrians until thou have consumed them.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, Thus says the LORD, With these shall you push the Syrians, until you have consumed them.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, Thus said the LORD, With these shall you push the Syrians, until you have consumed them.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron, and said, Thus saith Jehovah, With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until they be consumed.

And Sedecias the son of Chanaana made himself horns of iron, and said: Thus saith the Lord: With these shalt thou push Syria, till thou destroy it.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made for himself horns of iron, and he said, Thus saith Jehovah: With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until thou have exterminated them.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron, and said, Thus saith the LORD, With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until they be consumed.

And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, Thus saith the LORD, With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until thou hast consumed them.

Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron, and said, "Thus says Yahweh, 'With these you shall push the Syrians, until they are consumed.'"

And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah maketh for himself horns of iron, and saith, 'Thus said Jehovah, By these thou dost push the Aramaeans till they are consumed;'

1 i Mbretërve 22:11
Sedekia, bir i Kenaanahut, që i kishte bërë vetes brirë prej hekuri, tha: "Kështu thotë Zoti: "Me këta brirë do të shposh tejpërtej Sirët deri sa t'i shkatërrosh plotësisht"".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 22:11
وعمل صدقيا بن كنعنة لنفسه قرني حديد وقال هكذا قال الرب بهذه تنطح الاراميين حتى يفنوا.

De Künig A 22:11
Allsand Weissagn gsagnd dös Gleiche aus und rieffend: "Trich non umhin auf Rämott in Gilet; dös pässt schoon; dyr Herr gibt s dyr eyn d Hand!"

3 Царе 22:11
А Седекия, Ханаановият син, си направи железни рогове, и рече: Така казва Господ: С тия ще буташ сирийците догде ги довършиш.

列 王 紀 上 22:11
基 拿 拿 的 兒 子 西 底 家 造 了 兩 個 鐵 角 , 說 : 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 你 要 用 這 角 牴 觸 亞 蘭 人 , 直 到 將 他 們 滅 盡 。

基 拿 拿 的 儿 子 西 底 家 造 了 两 个 铁 角 , 说 : 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 你 要 用 这 角 ? 触 亚 兰 人 , 直 到 将 他 们 灭 尽 。



1 Kings 22:11
Kenaanin sin Sidkija napravi sebi željezne rogove i reče: "Ovako govori Jahve: 'Njima ćeš nabosti sve Aramejce dok ih ne uništiš'."

První Královská 22:11
Sedechiáš pak syn Kenanův udělal sobě byl rohy železné a řekl: Takto praví Hospodin: Těmito trkati budeš Syrské, dokudž nepohubíš jich.

Første Kongebog 22:11
Da lavede Zidkija, Kena'anas Søn, sig Horn af Jern og sagde: »Saa siger HERREN: Med saadanne skal du støde Aramæerne ned, til de er tilintetgjort!«

1 Koningen 22:11
En Zedekia, de zoon van Kenaana, had zich ijzeren horens gemaakt; en hij zeide: Zo zegt de HEERE: Met deze zult gij de Syriers stoten, totdat gij hen gans verdaan zult hebben.

מלכים א 22:11
וַיַּ֥עַשׂ לֹ֛ו צִדְקִיָּ֥ה בֶֽן־כְּנַעֲנָ֖ה קַרְנֵ֣י בַרְזֶ֑ל וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ כֹּֽה־אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה בְּאֵ֛לֶּה תְּנַגַּ֥ח אֶת־אֲרָ֖ם עַד־כַּלֹּתָֽם׃

יא ויעש לו צדקיה בן כנענה קרני ברזל ויאמר כה אמר יהוה באלה תנגח את ארם עד כלתם

ויעש לו צדקיה בן־כנענה קרני ברזל ויאמר כה־אמר יהוה באלה תנגח את־ארם עד־כלתם׃

1 Királyok 22:11
És Sédékiás, a Kénaána fia, vasszarvakat készített, és monda: Ezt mondja az Úr: Ezekkel ökleled a Siriabelieket, míg meg nem emészted õket.

Reĝoj 1 22:11
Kaj Cidkija, filo de Kenaana, faris al si ferajn kornojn, kaj diris:Tiele diras la Eternulo:Per cxi tio vi kornobatos la Sirianojn, gxis vi ilin tute ekstermos.

Ja Zedekia Kenanan poika oli tehnyt itsellensä rautasarvet, ja sanoi: näin sanoo Herra: puske näillä Syrialaisia siihenasti kuin he kokonansa hävitetään.

1 Rois 22:11
Et Sédécias, fils de Kenaana, se fit des cornes de fer, et dit: Ainsi dit l'Éternel: Avec celles-ci tu heurteras les Syriens, jusqu'à les exterminer.

Sédécias, fils de Kenaana, s'était fait des cornes de fer, et il dit: Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Avec ces cornes tu frapperas les Syriens jusqu'à les détruire.

Et Tsidkija fils de Kénahana s'étant fait des cornes de fer, dit : Ainsi a dit l'Eternel : De ces cornes-ci tu heurteras les Syriens, jusqu'à les détruire.

1 Koenige 22:11
Und Zedekia, der Sohn Knaenas, hatte ihm eiserne Hörner gemacht und sprach: So spricht der HERR: Hiemit wirst du die Syrer stoßen, bis du sie aufräumest.

Und Zedekia, der Sohn Knaenas, hatte sich eiserne Hörner gemacht und sprach: So spricht der HERR: Hiermit wirst du die Syrer stoßen, bis du sie aufräumst.

machte sich Zedekia, der Sohn Kenaanas, eiserne Hörner und rief: So spricht Jahwe: Mit solchen wirst du die Aramäer niederstoßen, bis du sie vernichtet hast!

1 Re 22:11
Sedekia, figliuolo di Kenaana, s’era fatto delle corna di ferro, e disse: "Così dice l’Eterno: Con queste corna darai di cozzo nei Siri finché tu li abbia completamente distrutti".

Or Sedechia, figliuolo di Chenaana, si avea fatte delle corna di ferro, e disse: Così ha detto il Signore: Con queste corna tu cozzerai i Siri, finchè tu li abbia consumati.

1 RAJA-RAJA 22:11
Maka Zedekia bin Kenaana sudah memperbuat akan dirinya tanduk besi, lalu sembahnya: Demikian inilah firman Tuhan: Bahwa dengan peri begini juga tuanku akan menanduk-nanduk orang Syam itu, sehingga tuanku membinasakan mereka itu sama sekali.

열왕기상 22:11
그나아나의 아들 시드기야는 철로 뿔들을 만들어 가지고 말하되 여호와의 말씀이 왕이 이것들로 아람 사람을 찔러 진멸하리라 하셨다 하고

I Regum 22:11
fecit quoque sibi Sedecias filius Chanaan cornua ferrea et ait haec dicit Dominus his ventilabis Syriam donec deleas eam

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 22:11
Kenaanos sūnus Sedekijas pasidarė geležinius ragus ir sakė: “Taip sako Viešpats: ‘Jais badysi sirus, kol juos pribaigsi’ ”.

1 Kings 22:11
Na ka meatia e Terekia tama a Kenaana etahi haona rino mana, a ka mea ia, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ka pana nga Hiriani e koe ki enei a poto noa.

1 Kongebok 22:11
Og Sedekias, Kena'anas sønn, gjorde sig horn av jern og sa: Så sier Herren: Med disse skal du stange syrerne til du får gjort ende på dem.

1 Reyes 22:11
Y Sedequías, hijo de Quenaana, se había hecho unos cuernos de hierro y decía: Así dice el SEÑOR: ``Con éstos acornearás a los arameos hasta acabarlos.

Y Sedequías, hijo de Quenaana, se había hecho unos cuernos de hierro y decía: "Así dice el SEÑOR: 'Con éstos acornearás a los Arameos hasta acabarlos.'"

Y Sedequías hijo de Quenaana se había hecho unos cuernos de hierro, y dijo: Así dice Jehová: Con éstos acornearás a los sirios hasta acabarlos.

Y Sedechîas hijo de Chânaana se había hecho unos cuernos de hierro, y dijo: Así ha dicho Jehová: Con éstos acornearás á los Siros hasta acabarlos.

Y Sedequías hijo de Quenaana se había hecho unos cuernos de hierro, y dijo: Así dijo el SEÑOR: Con éstos acornearás a los sirios hasta acabarlos.

1 Reis 22:11
Um dos profetas, chamado Tsidkiá ben Kenaana, Zedequias, filho de Quenaaná, produziu para si uns chifres de ferro e declarou a Acabe: “Assim diz o SENHOR: Com estes chifres o senhor lutará contra os sírios e os derrotará completamente!”

E Zedequias, filho de Quenaaná, fez para si uns chifres de ferro, e disse: Assim diz o Senhor: Com estes ferirás os sírios, até que sejam consumidos.   

1 Imparati 22:11
Zedechia, fiul lui Chenaana, îşi făcuse nişte coarne de fer, şi a zis: ,,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul: ,Cu coarnele acestea vei bate pe Sirieni pînă îi vei nimici.``

3-я Царств 22:11
И сделал себе Седекия, сын Хенааны, железные рога, и сказал: так говорит Господь: сими избодешь Сириян до истребления их.

И сделал себе Седекия, сын Хенааны, железные рога, и сказал: так говорит Господь: сими избодешь Сириян до истребления их.[]

1 Kungaboken 22:11
Då gjorde sig Sidkia, Kenaanas son, horn av järn och sade: »Så säger HERREN: Med dessa skall du stånga araméerna, så att de förgöras.»

1 Kings 22:11
At si Sedechias na anak ni Chanaana ay gumawa ng mga sungay na bakal, at nagsabi, Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, Sa pamamagitan ng mga ito ay iyong itutulak ang mga taga Siria hanggang sa mangalipol.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 22:11
และเศเดคียาห์บุตรชายเคนาอะนาห์จึงเอาเหล็กทำเป็นเขาและพูดว่า "พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้ว่า ด้วยสิ่งเหล่านี้เจ้าจะผลักคนซีเรียไปจนเจ้าผลาญเขาทั้งหลายเสียสิ้น"

1 Krallar 22:11
Kenaana oğlu Sidkiya, yaptığı demir boynuzları göstererek şöyle dedi: ‹‹RAB diyor ki, ‹Aramlıları yok edinceye dek onları bu boynuzlarla vuracaksın.› ››[]

1 Caùc Vua 22:11
Sê-đê-kia, con trai Kê-na-na, làm lấy những sừng bằng sắt, và nói rằng: Ðức giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Với các sừng này, ngươi sẽ báng dân Sy-ri cho đến khi diệt hết chúng nó.

1 Kings 22:10
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