1 Kings 20:15
1 Kings 20:15
So Ahab summoned the 232 junior officers under the provincial commanders. Then he assembled the rest of the Israelites, 7,000 in all.

So Ahab mustered the troops of the 232 provincial commanders. Then he called out the rest of the army of Israel, some 7,000 men.

Then he mustered the servants of the governors of the districts, and they were 232. And after them he mustered all the people of Israel, seven thousand.

Then he mustered the young men of the rulers of the provinces, and there were 232; and after them he mustered all the people, even all the sons of Israel, 7,000.

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

So Ahab counted the young men of the provincial leaders, and there were 232. After them he counted all the Israelite troops: 7,000.

So Ahab gathered together 232 young men who served as officials within the provinces and then mustered 7,000 soldiers from among the Israelis.

So Ahab assembled the 232 servants of the district governors. After that he assembled all the Israelite army, numbering 7,000.

Ahab counted the young officers of the district governors. There were 232. After counting them, he counted all the Israelite soldiers. There were 7,000.

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the sons of Israel, being seven thousand.

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

Then he mustered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two: and after them he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

So he mustered the servants of the princes of the provinces, and he found the number of two hundred and thirty-two: and he mustered after them the people, all the children of Israel, seven thousand:

And he numbered the servants of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two; and after them he numbered all the people, all the children of Israel, seven thousand.

Then he mustered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

Then he mustered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two. After them, he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

And he inspecteth the young men of the heads of the provinces, and they are two hundred, two and thirty, and after them he hath inspecteth the whole of the people, all the sons of Israel, seven thousand,

1 i Mbretërve 20:15
Atëherë Ashabi kaloi në revistë të rinjtë që ishin në shërbim të krerëve të krahinave; ata ishin dyqind e tridhjetë e dy veta. Pastaj kaloi në revistë tërë popullin, tërë bijtë e Izraelit; ishin shtatë mijë veta.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 20:15
فعدّ غلمان رؤساء المقاطعات فبلغوا مئتين واثنين وثلاثين. وعدّ بعدهم كل الشعب كل بني اسرائيل سبعة آلاف.

De Künig A 20:15
Draufhin gmustert yr de Truppn von de Vögt, und ausher kaamend zwaihundertzwaiydreissg Mann. Aft gazölt yr dös gantze Hör, allsand Isryheeler, und ien warnd sibntauset.

3 Царе 20:15
Тогава Ахаав събра слугите на областните управители, които бяха двеста и тридесет и двама души, и след тях събра всичките люде, всичките израилтяни, които бяха седем хиляди души;

列 王 紀 上 20:15
於 是 亞 哈 數 點 跟 從 省 長 的 少 年 人 , 共 有 二 百 三 十 二 名 , 後 又 數 點 以 色 列 的 眾 兵 , 共 有 七 千 名 。

於 是 亚 哈 数 点 跟 从 省 长 的 少 年 人 , 共 有 二 百 三 十 二 名 , 後 又 数 点 以 色 列 的 众 兵 , 共 有 七 千 名 。



1 Kings 20:15
Ahab izvrši smotru momaka pokrajinskih upravitelja. Bijaše ih dvije stotine trideset i dva. Poslije njih izvršio je smotru sve vojske svih Izraelaca. Bijaše ih sedam tisuća.

První Královská 20:15
A protož sečtl služebníky knížat krajů, jichž bylo dvě stě třidceti a dva; po nich sečtl i všecken lid všech synů Izraelských, sedm tisíců.

Første Kongebog 20:15
Saa mønstrede han Fogedernes Folk, og de var 232; derefter mønstrede han hele Hæren, alle Israeliterne, 7000 Mand.

1 Koningen 20:15
Toen telde hij de jongens van de oversten der landschappen, en zij waren tweehonderd twee en dertig; en na hen telde hij al het volk, al de kinderen Israels, zeven duizend.

מלכים א 20:15
וַיִּפְקֹ֗ד אֶֽת־נַעֲרֵי֙ שָׂרֵ֣י הַמְּדִינֹ֔ות וַיִּהְי֕וּ מָאתַ֖יִם שְׁנַ֣יִם וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֑ים וְאַחֲרֵיהֶ֗ם פָּקַ֧ד אֶת־כָּל־הָעָ֛ם כָּל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל שִׁבְעַ֥ת אֲלָפִֽים׃

טו ויפקד את נערי שרי המדינות ויהיו מאתים שנים ושלשים ואחריהם פקד את כל העם כל בני ישראל--שבעת אלפים

ויפקד את־נערי שרי המדינות ויהיו מאתים שנים ושלשים ואחריהם פקד את־כל־העם כל־בני ישראל שבעת אלפים׃

1 Királyok 20:15
Megszámlálá azért a tartományok fejedelmeinek ifjait, a kik kétszázharminczketten voltak; ezekután megszámlálá mind az Izráel fiainak is minden népét, hétezer embert.

Reĝoj 1 20:15
Tiam li kalkulis la junulojn de la regionestroj, kaj montrigxis, ke ilia nombro estas ducent tridek du; post ili li kalkulis la tutan popolon, cxiujn Izraelidojn, sep mil.

Niin hän luki maan ruhtinasten palveliat, ja heitä oli kaksisataa ja kaksineljättäkymmentä. Ja niiden jälkeen luki hän kaiken kansan jokaisesta Israelin lapsista, seitsemäntuhatta miestä.

1 Rois 20:15
Et il dit: Toi. Et il dénombra les serviteurs des chefs des provinces; et ils étaient deux cent trente-trois; et après eux, il dénombra tout le peuple, tous les fils d'Israël, sept mille hommes.

Alors Achab passa en revue les serviteurs des chefs des provinces, et il s'en trouva deux cent trente-deux; et après eux, il passa en revue tout le peuple, tous les enfants d'Israël, et ils étaient sept mille.

Alors il dénombra les valets des Gouverneurs des Provinces, qui furent deux cent trente et deux; après eux il dénombra tout le peuple de tous les enfants d'Israël, qui furent sept mille.

1 Koenige 20:15
Da zählete er die Knaben der Landvögte, und ihrer waren zweihundert und zweiunddreißig. Und zählete nach ihnen das ganze Volk aller Kinder Israel: siebentausend Mann.

Da zählte er die Landvögte, und ihrer waren zweihundertzweiunddreißig, und zählte nach ihnen das Volk aller Kinder Israel, siebentausend Mann.

Da musterte er die Leute der Landvögte, und es waren ihrer zweihundertzweiunddreißig. Nach ihnen aber musterte er das ganze Volk, sämtliche Israeliten, siebentausend Mann.

1 Re 20:15
Allora Achab fece la rassegna de’ servi dei capi delle province, ed erano duecentotrentadue; e dopo questi fece la rassegna di tutto il popolo, di tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, ed erano settemila.

Allora egli fece la rassegna de’ fanti de’ governatori delle provincie, e se ne trovò dugentrentadue. E dopo loro, fece la rassegna di tutta la gente di tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, e se ne trovò settemila.

1 RAJA-RAJA 20:15
Setelah itu maka dibilang baginda akan hamba-hamba segala penghulu mukim itu adalah dua ratus tiga puluh dua orang banyaknya, kemudian dari pada itu dibilangnya akan segala rakyat, yaitu segala bani Israel, jumlahnya tujuh ribu orang.

열왕기상 20:15
아합이 이에 각 도의 방백의 소년들을 계수하니 이백 삼십 이인이요 그 외에 모든 백성 곧 이스라엘의 모든 자손을 계수하니 칠천인이더라

I Regum 20:15
recensuit ergo pueros principum provinciarum et repperit numerum ducentorum triginta duum et post eos recensuit populum omnes filios Israhel septem milia

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 20:15
Sričių kunigaikščių jaunuolių buvo du šimtai trisdešimt du, o iš viso izraelitų­septyni tūkstančiai.

1 Kings 20:15
Na ka whakaemia e ia nga taitama a nga rangatira o nga kawanatanga, e rua rau e toru tekau ma rua ratou: i muri i a ratou i whakaemia ano e ia te iwi katoa, ara nga tama katoa a Iharaira, e whitu mano.

1 Kongebok 20:15
Så mønstret han landshøvdingenes menn, og de var to hundre og to og tretti; og efter dem mønstret han alt folket - alle Israels barn - syv tusen mann.

1 Reyes 20:15
Entonces pasó revista a los jóvenes de los jefes de las provincias y eran doscientos treinta y dos; después de ellos, pasó revista a todo el pueblo, es decir, todos los hijos de Israel, siete mil.

Entonces pasó revista a los jóvenes de los jefes de las provincias y eran 232; después de ellos, pasó revista a todo el pueblo, es decir, todos los Israelitas, 7,000.

Entonces él pasó revista a los jóvenes de los príncipes de las provincias, los cuales fueron doscientos treinta y dos. Luego pasó revista a todo el pueblo, a todos los hijos de Israel, que fueron siete mil.

Entonces él reconoció los criados de los príncipes de las provincias, los cuales fueron doscientos treinta y dos. Luego reconoció todo el pueblo, todos los hijos de Israel, que fueron siete mil.

Entonces él reconoció los criados de los príncipes de las provincias, los cuales fueron doscientos treinta y dos. Luego reconoció todo el pueblo, todos los hijos de Israel, que fueron siete mil.

1 Reis 20:15
Então, imediatamente, Acabe convocou os jovens guerreiros dos chefes das províncias, e somavam duzentos e trinta e dois homens; e depois deles contou todo o povo, a saber, todos os israelitas e eram um total de sete mil.

Então contou os moços dos chefes das províncias, e eram duzentos e trinta e dois; e depois deles contou todo o povo, a saber, todos os filhos de Israel, e eram sete mil.   

1 Imparati 20:15
Atunci Ahab a numărat slujitorii mai marilor peste ţinuturi, şi s'au găsit două sute treizeci şi doi; şi după ei, a numărat tot poporul, pe toţi copiii lui Israel, şi erau şapte mii.

3-я Царств 20:15
Ахав счел слуг областных начальников, и нашлось их двести тридцать два; после них счел весь народ, всех сынов Израилевых, семь тысяч.

[Ахав] счел слуг областных начальников, и нашлось их двести тридцать два; после них счел весь народ, всех сынов Израилевых, семь тысяч.[]

1 Kungaboken 20:15
Så mönstrade han då landshövdingarnas män, och de voro två hundra trettiotvå, därefter mönstrade han allt folket, alla Israels barn, sju tusen man.

1 Kings 20:15
Nang magkagayo'y kaniyang hinusay ang mga bataan ng mga prinsipe sa mga lalawigan, at sila'y dalawang daan at tatlong pu't dalawa; at pagkatapos ay kaniyang pinisan ang buong bayan, ang lahat ng mga anak ni Israel, na may pitong libo.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 20:15
พระองค์จึงทรงจัดมหาดเล็กของเจ้านายประจำจังหวัดเหล่านั้นซึ่งมีสองร้อยสามสิบสองคนด้วยกัน และภายหลังทรงจัดพลทั้งหมดคือบรรดาคนอิสราเอลรวมพลเจ็ดพันคน

1 Krallar 20:15
Ahav ilçe komutanlarının genç askerlerini çağırıp saydı. İki yüz otuz iki kişiydiler. Sonra bütün İsrail ordusunu toplayıp saydı, onlar da yedi bin kişiydiler.[]

1 Caùc Vua 20:15
A-háp soát điểm những tôi tớ của các quan cai hàng tỉnh; có được hai trăm ba mươi hai người. Kế sau, người soát điểm cả dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, được bảy ngàn người.

1 Kings 20:14
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