1 Kings 15:23
1 Kings 15:23
As for all the other events of Asa's reign, all his achievements, all he did and the cities he built, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah? In his old age, however, his feet became diseased.

The rest of the events in Asa's reign--the extent of his power, everything he did, and the names of the cities he built--are recorded in [The Book of the History of the Kings of Judah.] In his old age his feet became diseased.

Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, all his might, and all that he did, and the cities that he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? But in his old age he was diseased in his feet.

Now the rest of all the acts of Asa and all his might and all that he did and the cities which he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

The rest of all the events of Asa's reign, along with all his might, all his accomplishments, and the cities he built, are written in the Historical Record of Judah's Kings. But in his old age he developed a disease in his feet.

The rest of Asa's accomplishments, his strength, everything that he undertook, and the cities that he fortified are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, are they not? However, as he approached old age, he became diseased in his feet.

The rest of the events of Asa's reign, including all his successes and accomplishments, as well as a record of the cities he built, are recorded in the scroll called the Annals of the Kings of Judah. Yet when he was very old he developed a foot disease.

Isn't everything else about Asa-all his heroic acts, everything he did, and the cities he fortified-written in the official records of the kings of Judah? But when he was old, he had a foot disease.

The rest of all the acts of Asa and all his might and all that he did and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless, in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

But the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his strength, and all that he did and the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Juda? But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

And the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Only, in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, aren't they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? But in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.

And the rest of all the matters of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities that he built, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah? Only, at the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet;

1 i Mbretërve 15:23
Pjesën tjetër të bëmave të Asas, të gjitha trimëritë e tij, të gjitha ato që bëri dhe qytetet që ndërtoi a nuk janë vallë të shkruara në librin e Kronikave të mbretërve të Judës? Por në pleqëri ai vuante nga një dhimbje te këmbët.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 15:23
وبقية كل امور آسا وكل جبروته وكل ما فعل والمدن التي بناها أما هي مكتوبة في سفر اخبار الايام لملوك يهوذا. غير انه في زمان شيخوخته مرض في رجليه.

De Künig A 15:23
De gantze übrige Getaat von n Äsenn, wie tapfer däß yr war und was yr glaistt, seind in de Jaarbüecher von de Judauer Künig aufzaichnet. Dös wär non zo n Sagn, däß iem in dyr Ölttn d Füess ausliessnd.

3 Царе 15:23
А всичките останали дела на Аса, всичкото му юначество, всичко що извърши, и градовете, които съгради, не са ли написани в Книгата на летописите на Юдовите царе? А във време на старостта си той се разболя от болест в нозете.

列 王 紀 上 15:23
亞 撒 其 餘 的 事 , 凡 他 所 行 的 , 並 他 的 勇 力 與 他 所 建 築 的 城 邑 , 都 寫 在 猶 大 列 王 記 上 。 亞 撒 年 老 的 時 候 , 腳 上 有 病 。

亚 撒 其 馀 的 事 , 凡 他 所 行 的 , 并 他 的 勇 力 与 他 所 建 筑 的 城 邑 , 都 写 在 犹 大 列 王 记 上 。 亚 撒 年 老 的 时 候 , 脚 上 有 病 。



1 Kings 15:23
Ostala povijest Asina, sve njegove pobjede i sve što je učinio i gradovi koje je utvrdio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva judejskih? A u starosti bolovao je od nogu.

První Královská 15:23
Jiné pak všecky věci Azovy, i všecka síla jeho a cokoli dělal, i jaká města vystavěl, zapsáno jest v knize o králích Judských. Jen že v věku starosti své byl nemocný na nohy.

Første Kongebog 15:23
Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Asa, alle hans Heltegerninger, alt, hvad han gjorde, og de Byer, han befæstede, staar jo optegnet i Judas Kongers Krønike. I øvrig led han i sin Alderdom af en Sygdom i Fødderne.

1 Koningen 15:23
Het overige nu van alle geschiedenissen van Asa, en al zijn macht, en al wat hij gedaan heeft, en de steden, die hij gebouwd heeft, zijn die niet geschreven in het boek der kronieken der koningen van Juda? Doch in den tijd zijns ouderdoms werd hij krank aan zijn voeten.

מלכים א 15:23
וְיֶ֣תֶר כָּל־דִּבְרֵֽי־אָ֠סָא וְכָל־גְּב֨וּרָתֹ֜ו וְכָל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֗ה וְהֶֽעָרִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּנָ֔ה הֲלֹֽא־הֵ֣מָּה כְתוּבִ֗ים עַל־סֵ֛פֶר דִּבְרֵ֥י הַיָּמִ֖ים לְמַלְכֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֑ה רַ֚ק לְעֵ֣ת זִקְנָתֹ֔ו חָלָ֖ה אֶת־רַגְלָֽיו׃

כג ויתר כל דברי אסא וכל גבורתו וכל אשר עשה והערים אשר בנה--הלא המה כתובים על ספר דברי הימים למלכי יהודה רק לעת זקנתו חלה את רגליו

ויתר כל־דברי־אסא וכל־גבורתו וכל־אשר עשה והערים אשר בנה הלא־המה כתובים על־ספר דברי הימים למלכי יהודה רק לעת זקנתו חלה את־רגליו׃

1 Királyok 15:23
Asának minden egyéb dolgai pedig és egész uralkodása és valamit cselekedett, és a városok, a melyeket épített, vajjon nincsenek-é megírva a Júda királyainak krónika-könyvében? kivéve azt, hogy vénségében megbetegedett a lábaira.

Reĝoj 1 15:23
La cetera historio de Asa, kaj lia heroeco, kaj cxio, kion li faris, kaj la urboj, kiujn li konstruis, estas priskribitaj en la libro de kroniko de la regxoj de Judujo. Nur en sia maljuneco li malsanigxis je siaj piedoj.

Mitä muuta on kuningas Asasta puhumista, ja kaikesta hänen vallastansa, ja kaikista hänen töistänsä, ja kaupungeista, jotka hän rakentanut oli: eikö se ole kirjoitettu Juudan kuningasten aikakirjassa? paitsi että hän oli vanhuudellansa sairas jaloista.

1 Rois 15:23
Et le reste de tous les actes d'Asa, et toute sa puissance, et tout ce qu'il fit, et les villes qu'il bâtit, cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre des chroniques des rois de Juda? Seulement, au temps de sa vieillesse, il fut malade des pieds.

Le reste de toutes les actions d'Asa, tous ses exploits et tout ce qu'il a fait, et les villes qu'il a bâties, cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre des Chroniques des rois de Juda? Toutefois, à l'époque de sa vieillesse, il eut les pieds malades.

Le reste de tous les faits d'Asa, et toute sa valeur, et tout ce qu'il a fait, et les villes qu'il a bâties, n'est-il pas écrit au Livre des Chroniques des Rois de Juda? Au reste, il fut malade de ses pieds au temps de sa vieillesse.

1 Koenige 15:23
Was aber mehr von Assa zu sagen ist, und alle seine Macht und alles, was er getan hat, und die Städte, die er gebauet hat, siehe, das ist geschrieben in der Chronik der Könige Judas; ohne daß er in seinem Alter an seinen Füßen krank war.

Was aber mehr von Asa zu sagen ist und alle seine Macht und alles, was er getan hat, und die Städte, die er gebaut hat, siehe, das ist geschrieben in der Chronik der Könige Juda's. Nur war er in seinem Alter an seinen Füßen krank. {~}

Was aber sonst noch von Asa zu sagen ist und alle seine tapferen Thaten und alles was er ausgeführt hat, und die Städte, die er befestigt hat, das ist ja aufgezeichnet im Buche der Geschichte der Könige von Juda. Doch litt er in seinem Alter an kranken Füßen.

1 Re 15:23
Il resto di tutte le azioni di Asa, tutte le sue prodezze, tutto quello ch’ei fece e le città che edificò, si trova scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. Ma, nella sua vecchiaia, egli patì di male ai piedi.

Ora, quant’è al rimanente di tutti i fatti d’Asa, e tutte le sue prodezze, e tutto ciò ch’egli fece, e le città ch’egli edificò; queste cose non son esse scritte nel Libro delle Croniche dei re di Giuda? Sol avvenne che nel tempo della sua vecchiezza egli infermò de’ piedi.

1 RAJA-RAJA 15:23
Adapun barang yang lagi tinggal dari pada segala kisah Asa dan segala perbuatannya, dan segala negeri yang telah dibangunkannya, bukankah ia itu tersebut dalam kitab tawarikh raja-raja orang Yehuda? Maka pada masa tuanya jatuhlah baginda gering kedua belah kakinya.

열왕기상 15:23
아사의 남은 사적과 모든 권세와 무릇 그 행한 일과 성읍을 건축한 것이 유다 왕 역대지략에 기록되지 아니하였느냐 그러나 저가 늙을 때에 발에 병이 있었더라

I Regum 15:23
reliqua autem omnium sermonum Asa et universae fortitudines eius et cuncta quae fecit et civitates quas extruxit nonne haec scripta sunt in libro verborum dierum regum Iuda verumtamen in tempore senectutis suae doluit pedes

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 15:23
Visi kiti Asos darbai, jo galybė, miestai, kuriuos jis pastatė, yra surašyti Judo karalių metraščių knygoje. Senatvėje jo kojos buvo nesveikos.

1 Kings 15:23
Na, ko era atu meatanga katoa a Aha me ana mahi marohirohi, me nga mea katoa i mea ai ia, me nga pa i hanga e ia, kahore ianei i tuhituhia ki te pukapuka o nga meatanga o nga ra o nga kingi o Hura? Otiia i tona koroheketanga i mate ona waewae.

1 Kongebok 15:23
Hvad som ellers er å fortelle om Asa, om alle hans store gjerninger og alt det han gjorde, og om de byer han bygget, det er opskrevet i Judas kongers krønike. Men i sin alderdom fikk han en sykdom i føttene.

1 Reyes 15:23
Los demás hechos de Asa y todo su poderío, todo lo que hizo y las ciudades que edificó, ¿no están escritos en el libro de las Crónicas de los reyes de Judá? Sólo que en el tiempo de su vejez se enfermó de los pies.

Los demás hechos de Asa y todo su poderío, todo lo que hizo y las ciudades que edificó, ¿no están escritos en el Libro de las Crónicas de los reyes de Judá? Sólo que en el tiempo de su vejez se enfermó de los pies.

Lo demás de todos los hechos de Asa, y todo su poderío, y todo lo que hizo, y las ciudades que edificó, ¿no está todo escrito en el libro de las crónicas de los reyes de Judá? Mas en el tiempo de su vejez enfermó de sus pies.

Lo demás de todos los hechos de Asa, y toda su fortaleza, y todas las cosas que hizo, y las ciudades que edificó, ¿no está todo escrito en el libro de las crónicas de los reyes de Judá? Mas en el tiempo de su vejez enfermó de sus pies.

Lo demás de todos los hechos de Asa, y toda su fortaleza, y todas las cosas que hizo, y las ciudades que edificó, ¿no está todo escrito en el libro de las crónicas de los reyes de Judá? Con todo eso en el tiempo de su vejez enfermó de sus pies.

1 Reis 15:23
O resto da história de Asa, toda a sua valentia e todos os seus atos, não estão todos registrados no Livro das Crônicas dos Reis de Judá? Contudo, na velhice, ele ficou enfermo dos pés.

Quanto ao restante de todos os atos de Asa, e todo o seu poder, e tudo quanto fez, e as cidades que edificou, porventura não estão escritos no livro das crônicas dos reis de Judá? Porém, na velhice, ficou, enfermo dos pés.   

1 Imparati 15:23
Toate celelalte fapte ale lui Asa, toate isprăvile lui şi tot ce a făcut, şi cetăţile pe cari le -a zidit, nu sînt scrise oare în cartea Cronicilor împăraţilor lui Iuda? Totuş, la bătrîneţe, a fost bolnav de picioare.

3-я Царств 15:23
Все прочие дела Асы и все подвиги его, и все, что он сделал, и города, которые онпостроил, описаны в летописи царей Иудейских, кроме того, что в старости своей он был болен ногами.

Все прочие дела Асы и все подвиги его, и всё, что он сделал, и города, которые он построил, описаны в летописи царей Иудейских, кроме того, что в старости своей он был болен ногами.[]

1 Kungaboken 15:23
Allt vad mer är att säga om Asa, om alla hans bedrifter, om allt vad han gjorde och om de städer han byggde, det finnes upptecknat i Juda konungars krönika. Men på sin ålderdom fick han en sjukdom i sina fötter.

1 Kings 15:23
Ang iba nga sa lahat na gawa ni Asa, at sa kaniyang buong kapangyarihan, at ang lahat niyang ginawa, at ang mga bayan na kaniyang itinayo, di ba nasusulat sa aklat ng mga alaala sa mga hari sa Juda? Nguni't sa panahon ng kaniyang katandaan, siya'y nagkasakit sa kaniyang mga paa.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 15:23
พระราชกิจนอกนั้นของอาสา ทั้งยุทธพลังทั้งสิ้นของพระองค์ และบรรดาสิ่งซึ่งพระองค์ทรงกระทำ และหัวเมืองซึ่งพระองค์ทรงสร้าง มิได้บันทึกไว้ในหนังสือพงศาวดารของกษัตริย์ประเทศยูดาห์หรือ แต่เมื่อทรงพระชราแล้วก็เกิดพระโรคขึ้นที่พระบาท

1 Krallar 15:23
Asanın krallığı dönemindeki öteki olaylar, başarıları, bütün yaptıkları ve kurduğu kentler Yahuda krallarının tarihinde yazılıdır. Yaşlılığında ayaklarından hastalanan Asa, ölüp atalarına kavuşunca, atası Davutun Kentinde atalarının yanına gömüldü; yerine oğlu Yehoşafat kral oldu.[]

1 Caùc Vua 15:23
Các công việc khác của A-sa, quyền thế của người, mọi việc người làm, và các thành người xây cất, đều đã chép trong sử ký của các vua Giu-đa. Khi người đã già rồi, thì đau chơn.

1 Kings 15:22
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