1 Kings 12:24
1 Kings 12:24
This is what the LORD says: Do not go up to fight against your brothers, the Israelites. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing.'" So they obeyed the word of the LORD and went home again, as the LORD had ordered.

'This is what the LORD says: Do not fight against your relatives, the Israelites. Go back home, for what has happened is my doing!' " So they obeyed the message of the LORD and went home, as the LORD had commanded.

‘Thus says the LORD, You shall not go up or fight against your relatives the people of Israel. Every man return to his home, for this thing is from me.’” So they listened to the word of the LORD and went home again, according to the word of the LORD.

Thus says the LORD, "You must not go up and fight against your relatives the sons of Israel; return every man to his house, for this thing has come from Me."'" So they listened to the word of the LORD, and returned and went their way according to the word of the LORD.

Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the LORD, and returned to depart, according to the word of the LORD.

This is what the LORD says: You are not to march up and fight against your brothers, the Israelites. Each of you must return home, for I have done this.'" So they listened to what the LORD said and went back as He had told them.

This is what the LORD says: "You are not to fight or even approach your fellow Israelis in battle. Every soldier is to return to his own home, because this development comes from me."'" So they listened to what the LORD had to say and returned home, just as the LORD had directed.

The LORD says this: "Do not attack and make war with your brothers, the Israelites. Each of you go home, for I have caused this to happen."'" They obeyed the LORD and went home as the LORD had ordered them to do.

This is what the LORD says: Don't wage war against your relatives from Israel. Everyone, go home. What has happened is my doing." So they obeyed the word of the LORD. They returned [home], as the LORD told them.

Thus hath the LORD said, Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren, the sons of Israel; return each one to his house, for this thing is from me. They hearkened, therefore, to the word of the LORD and returned to depart, according to the word of the LORD.

Thus says the LORD, You shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the LORD, and returned back according to the word of the LORD.

Thus said the LORD, You shall not go up, nor fight against your brothers the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They listened therefore to the word of the LORD, and returned to depart, according to the word of the LORD.

Thus saith Jehovah, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is of me. So they hearkened unto the word of Jehovah, and returned and went their way, according to the word of Jehovah.

Thus saith the Lord: You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: let every man return to his house, for this thing is from me. They hearkened to the word of the Lord, and returned from their journey, as the Lord had commanded them.

Thus saith Jehovah: Go not up, nor fight with your brethren, the children of Israel; return every man to his house, for this thing is from me. And they hearkened to the word of Jehovah, and returned to depart, according to the word of Jehovah.

Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is of me. So they hearkened unto the word of the LORD, and returned and went their way, according to the word of the LORD.

Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the LORD, and returned to depart, according to the word of the LORD.

'Thus says Yahweh, "You shall not go up, nor fight against your brothers, the children of Israel. Everyone return to his house; for this thing is of me."'" So they listened to the word of Yahweh, and returned and went their way, according to the word of Yahweh.

Thus said Jehovah, Ye do not go up nor fight with your brethren the sons of Israel; turn back each to his house, for from Me hath this thing been;' and they hear the word of Jehovah, and turn back to go according to the word of Jehovah.

1 i Mbretërve 12:24
Kështu flet Zoti: "Mos dilni të luftoni kundër vëllezërve tuaj, bijve të Izraelit! Secili të kthehet në shtëpinë e tij, sepse kjo gjë vjen nga unë". Ata iu bindën fjalës të Zotit dhe u kthyen prapa, sipas fjalës të Zotit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 12:24
هكذا قال الرب لا تصعدوا ولا تحاربوا اخوتكم بني اسرائيل. ارجعوا كل واحد الى بيته لان من عندي هذا الأمر. فسمعوا لكلام الرب ورجعوا لينطلقوا حسب قول الرب

De Künig A 12:24
Yso spricht dyr Herr: Zieghtß nit aushin gögn enkerne Brüeder, d Isryheeler! Geetß wider haim, denn i haan s yso verhöngt!" Sö glusternd auf n Herrn sein Wort und gakeernd haim, wie s dyr Trechtein befolhen hiet.

3 Царе 12:24
Така казва Господ: Не излизайте, нито се бийте против братята си израилтяните; върнете се всеки у дома си; защото от Мене стана това нещо. И те послушаха Господното слово та се върнаха и си отидоха, според Господното слово.

列 王 紀 上 12:24
耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 你 們 不 可 上 去 與 你 們 的 弟 兄 以 色 列 人 爭 戰 。 各 歸 各 家 去 罷 ! 因 為 這 事 出 於 我 。 眾 人 就 聽 從 耶 和 華 的 話 , 遵 著 耶 和 華 的 命 回 去 了 。

耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 你 们 不 可 上 去 与 你 们 的 弟 兄 以 色 列 人 争 战 。 各 归 各 家 去 罢 ! 因 为 这 事 出 於 我 。 众 人 就 听 从 耶 和 华 的 话 , 遵 着 耶 和 华 的 命 回 去 了 。



1 Kings 12:24
Ovako veli Jahve: 'Ne idite se tući s braćom, djecom Izraelovom! Neka se svatko vrati svojoj kući, jer je ovo poteklo od mene.'" I oni poslušaše riječ Jahvinu i vratiše se kako im reče Jahve.

První Královská 12:24
Takto praví Hospodin: Netáhněte a nebojujte proti bratřím svým synům Izraelským. Navraťte se jeden každý do domu svého, nebo ode mne stala se věc tato. I uposlechli rozkazu Hospodinova a navrátili se, aby odešli vedlé řeči Hospodinovy.

Første Kongebog 12:24
Saa siger HERREN: I maa ikke drage op og kæmpe med eders Brødre Israeliterne; vend hjem hver til sit, thi hvad her er sket, har jeg tilskikket!« Da adlød de HERRENS Ord og vendte tilbage.

1 Koningen 12:24
Zo zegt de HEERE: Gij zult niet optrekken, noch strijden tegen uw broederen, de kinderen Israels; een ieder kere weder tot zijn huis, want deze zaak is van Mij geschied. En zij hoorden het woord des HEEREN, en keerden weder, om weg te trekken naar het woord des HEEREN.

מלכים א 12:24
כֹּ֣ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֡ה לֹֽא־תַעֲלוּ֩ וְלֹא־תִלָּ֨חֲמ֜וּן עִם־אֲחֵיכֶ֣ם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וּבוּ אִ֣ישׁ לְבֵיתֹ֔ו כִּ֧י מֵאִתִּ֛י נִהְיָ֖ה הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֑ה וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ֙ אֶת־דְּבַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וַיָּשֻׁ֥בוּ לָלֶ֖כֶת כִּדְבַ֥ר יְהוָֽה׃ ס

כד כה אמר יהוה לא תעלו ולא תלחמון עם אחיכם בני ישראל שובו איש לביתו--כי מאתי נהיה הדבר הזה וישמעו את דבר יהוה וישבו ללכת כדבר יהוה  {ס}

כה אמר יהוה לא־תעלו ולא־תלחמון עם־אחיכם בני־ישראל ובו איש לביתו כי מאתי נהיה הדבר הזה וישמעו את־דבר יהוה וישבו ללכת כדבר יהוה׃ ס

1 Királyok 12:24
Azt mondja az Úr: Fel ne menjetek, és ne hadakozzatok a ti atyátokfiai ellen, az Izráel ellen; térjetek meg kiki a maga házába, mert én tõlem lett e dolog. És õk engedének az Úr beszédének, és visszatérvén, elmenének az Úr beszéde szerint.

Reĝoj 1 12:24
Tiele diras la Eternulo:Ne iru kaj ne militu kontraux viaj fratoj, la Izraelidoj; reiru cxiu al sia domo, cxar de Mi estas farita cxi tiu afero. Kaj ili obeis la vorton de la Eternulo, kaj retenis sin de irado, konforme al la vorto de la Eternulo.

Näin sanoo Herra: älkäät menkö sotimaan teidän veljiänne Israelin lapsia vastaan. Palatkaan jokainen kotiansa; sillä se on minulta tapahtunut. Ja he kuulivat Herran sanan ja palasivat menemään Herran sanan jälkeen.

1 Rois 12:24
Ainsi dit l'Éternel: Ne montez pas, et ne faites pas la guerre à vos frères, les fils d'Israël; retournez chacun à sa maison, car c'est de par moi que cette chose a eu lieu. Et ils écoutèrent la parole de l'Éternel, et s'en retournèrent pour s'en aller, selon la parole de l'Éternel.

Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Ne montez point, et ne faites pas la guerre à vos frères, les enfants d'Israël! Que chacun de vous retourne dans sa maison, car c'est de par moi que cette chose est arrivée. Ils obéirent à la parole de l'Eternel, et ils s'en retournèrent, selon la parole de l'Eternel.

Ainsi a dit l'Eternel : Vous ne monterez point, et vous ne combattrez point contre vos frères, les enfants d'Israël; retournez-vous-en chacun en sa maison; car ceci a été fait de par moi; et ils obéirent à la parole de l'Eternel et s'en retournèrent, selon la parole de l'Eternel.

1 Koenige 12:24
So spricht der HERR: Ihr sollt nicht hinaufziehen und streiten wider eure Brüder, die Kinder Israel; ein jeder Mann gehe wieder heim: denn solches ist von mir geschehen. Und sie gehorchten dem Wort des HERRN und kehreten um, daß sie hingingen, wie der HERR gesagt hatte.

So spricht der HERR: Ihr sollt nicht hinaufziehen und streiten wider eure Brüder, die Kinder Israel; jedermann gehe wieder heim; denn solches ist von mir geschehen. Und sie gehorchten dem Wort des HERRN und kehrten um, daß sie hingingen, wie der Herr gesagt hatte.

So spricht Jahwe: Ihr sollt nicht hinziehen, um gegen eure Brüder, die Israeliten, zu kämpfen: jedermann kehre wieder heim, denn durch mich ist es also gefügt worden! Als sie das Wort Jahwes vernahmen, kehrten sie um und zogen ab, wie Jahwe befahl. Die Einführung des Stierdienstes zu Bethel und Dan. Regierungsmaßregeln Jerobeams I.

1 Re 12:24
Così parla l’Eterno: Non salite a combattere contro i vostri fratelli, i figliuoli d’Israele! Ognuno se ne torni a casa sua; perché questo è avvenuto per voler mio". Quelli ubbidirono alla parola dell’Eterno, e se ne tornaron via secondo la parola dell’Eterno.

Così ha detto il Signore: Non salite, e non combattete co’ figliuoli d’Israele, vostri fratelli; ritornatevene ciascuno a casa sua; perciocchè questa cosa è proceduta da me. Ed essi ubbidirono alla parola del Signore, e si volsero indietro, e se ne andarono, secondo il comandamento del Signore.

1 RAJA-RAJA 12:24
Inilah firman Tuhan: Jangan kamu mendatangi atau memerangi saudara-saudaramu, yaitu bani Israel, melainkan hendaklah masing-masing kamu pulang ke rumahnya karena perkara ini telah jadi dengan kehendak-Ku juga. Hata, maka didengarlah oleh mereka itu akan firman Tuhan ini, lalu mereka itupun balik pulang menurut firman Tuhan.

열왕기상 12:24
여호와의 말씀이 너희는 올라가지 말라 너희 형제 이스라엘 자손과 싸우지 말고 각기 집으로 돌아가라 이 일이 내게로 말미암아 난 것이라 하셨다 하라 하신지라 저희가 여호와의 말씀을 듣고 그 말씀을 좇아 돌아갔더라

I Regum 12:24
haec dicit Dominus non ascendetis nec bellabitis contra fratres vestros filios Israhel revertatur vir in domum suam a me enim factum est verbum hoc audierunt sermonem Domini et reversi sunt de itinere sicut eis praeceperat Dominus

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 12:24
‘Taip sako Viešpats: ‘Neikite ir nekariaukite su savo broliais izraelitais. Kiekvienas grįžkite į savo namus, nes tai atėjo iš manęs’ ”. Jie pakluso Viešpaties žodžiui ir grįžo, kaip Viešpats liepė.

1 Kings 12:24
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Kei haere ki runga, kei whawhai ki o koutou tuakana, ki nga tama a Iharaira. Hoki atu ki tona whare, ki tona whare; naku hoki tenei mea. Na rongo tonu ratou ki te kupu a Ihowa, a hoki ana, haere ana, pera ana me ta Ihow a i ki ai.

1 Kongebok 12:24
Så sier Herren: I skal ikke dra op og stride mot eders brødre, Israels barn. Vend hjem igjen hver til sitt hus! For det som har hendt, er kommet fra mig. Da lød de Herrens ord; de vendte om og drog bort, som Herren hadde sagt.

1 Reyes 12:24
``Así dice el SEÑOR: `No subiréis ni pelearéis contra vuestros hermanos los hijos de Israel; vuelva cada uno a su casa, porque de mí ha venido esto.' Y ellos escucharon la palabra del SEÑOR, y se volvieron para irse conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR.

'Así dice el SEÑOR: "No subirán ni pelearán contra sus hermanos los Israelitas. Vuelva cada uno a su casa, porque de Mí ha venido esto."'" Y ellos escucharon la palabra del SEÑOR, y se volvieron para irse conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR.

Así dice Jehová: No vayáis, ni peleéis contra vuestros hermanos los hijos de Israel; volveos cada uno a su casa; porque esto lo he hecho yo. Y ellos oyeron la palabra de Dios, y se volvieron, y se fueron, conforme a la palabra de Jehová.

Así ha dicho Jehová: No vayáis, ni peleéis contra vuestros hermanos los hijos de Israel; volveos cada uno á su casa; porque este negocio yo lo he hecho. Y ellos oyeron la palabra de Dios, y volviéronse, y fuéronse, conforme á la palabra de Jehová.

Así dijo el SEÑOR: No vayáis, ni peleéis contra vuestros hermanos los hijos de Israel; volveos cada uno a su casa; porque este negocio yo lo he hecho. Y ellos oyeron la palabra de Dios, y volvieron, y se fueron, conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR.

1 Reis 12:24
Assim fala Yahweh: Não subais para guerrear contra vossos irmãos, os filhos de Israel; volte cada um para sua casa, pois o que aconteceu foi por minha vontade!” Eles obedeceram à ordem de Yahweh e regressaram, assim como o SENHOR lhes havia orientado expressamente.

Assim diz o Senhor: Não subireis, nem pelejareis contra vossos irmãos, os filhos de Israel; volte cada um para a sua casa, porque de mim proveio isto. E ouviram a palavra do Senhor, e voltaram segundo o seu mandado.   

1 Imparati 12:24
,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul: ,Nu vă suiţi, şi nu faceţi război împotriva fraţilor voştri, copiii lui Israel! Fiecare din voi să se întoarcă acasă, căci de la Mine s'a întîmplat lucrul acesta.`` Ei au ascultat de cuvîntul Domnului, şi s'au întors acasă, după cuvîntul Domnului.

3-я Царств 12:24
так говорит Господь: не ходите и не начинайте войны с братьями вашими, сынами Израилевыми; возвратитесь каждый в дом свой,ибо от Меня это было. И послушались они слова Господня и пошли назад по слову Господню.

так говорит Господь: не ходите и не начинайте войны с братьями вашими, сынами Израилевыми; возвратитесь каждый в дом свой, ибо от Меня это было. И послушались они слова Господня и пошли назад по слову Господню.[]

1 Kungaboken 12:24
Så säger HERREN: I skolen icke draga upp och strida mot edra bröder, Israels barn. Vänden tillbaka hem, var och en till sitt, ty vad som har skett har kommit från mig.» Och de lyssnade till HERRENS ord och vände om och gingo sin väg, såsom HERREN hade befallt.

1 Kings 12:24
Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, Kayo'y huwag magsisiahon o magsisilaban sa inyong mga kapatid na mga anak ni Israel: bumalik ang bawa't isa sa kaniyang bahay; sapagka't ang bagay na ito ay mula sa akin. Sa gayo'y kanilang dininig ang salita ng Panginoon, at sila'y nagsibalik at nagsiyaon, ayon sa salita ng Panginoon.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 12:24
`พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้ว่า เจ้าอย่าขึ้นไปสู้รบกับประชาชนอิสราเอลญาติพี่น้องของเจ้าเลย จงกลับไปยังบ้านของตนทุกคนเถิด เพราะสิ่งนี้เป็นมาจากเรา'" เหตุฉะนี้เขาจึงจะเชื่อฟังพระวจนะของพระเยโฮวาห์ และกลับไปบ้านเสียตามพระวจนะของพระเยโฮวาห์

1 Krallar 12:24
‹RAB diyor ki, İsrailli kardeşlerinize saldırmayın, onlarla savaşmayın. Herkes evine dönsün! Çünkü bu olayı ben düzenledim.› ›› RABbin bu sözlerini duyan halk Onun buyruğuna uyup evine döndü.[]

1 Caùc Vua 12:24
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Các ngươi chớ đi lên đánh anh em mình, là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên. Mỗi người hãy trở về nhà mình, vì sự này bởi ta mà xảy đến. Chúng vâng theo lời Ðức Giê-hô-va mà trở về theo mạng lịnh của Ngài.

1 Kings 12:23
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