1 Kings 11:24
1 Kings 11:24
When David destroyed Zobah's army, Rezon gathered a band of men around him and became their leader; they went to Damascus, where they settled and took control.

and had become the leader of a gang of rebels. After David conquered Hadadezer, Rezon and his men fled to Damascus, where he became king.

And he gathered men about him and became leader of a marauding band, after the killing by David. And they went to Damascus and lived there and made him king in Damascus.

He gathered men to himself and became leader of a marauding band, after David slew them of Zobah; and they went to Damascus and stayed there, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.

and gathered men to himself. He became captain of a raiding party when David killed the Zobaites. He went to Damascus, lived there, and became king in Damascus.

He raised an army and commanded a gang of raiders after David had eliminated those who lived in Zobah. Rezon and his army moved to Damascus, remained there, and Rezon ruled from Damascus.

He gathered some men and organized a raiding band. When David tried to kill them, they went to Damascus, where they settled down and gained control of the city.

after David killed the men of Zobah. Rezon gathered men and became the leader of a troop of warriors. They went to Damascus, settled there, and ruled a kingdom in Damascus.

And he gathered men unto him and became captain over a band, when David slew those of Zobah; and they went to Damascus and dwelt there, and they made him king in Damascus.

And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt there, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men to him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelled therein, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a troop, when David slew them of Zobah : and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men against him, and he became a captain of robbers, when David slew them of Soba: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt there, and they made him king in Damascus.

And he collected men to him, and became captain of a band, when David slew them of Zobah; and they went to Damascus, and dwelt there, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a troop, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.

And he gathered men to him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt in it, and reigned in Damascus.

He gathered men to him, and became captain over a troop, when David killed them [of Zobah]: and they went to Damascus, and lived therein, and reigned in Damascus.

and gathereth unto himself men, and is head of a troop in David's slaying them, and they go to Damascus, and dwell in it, and reign in Damascus;

1 i Mbretërve 11:24
Ai mblodhi rreth tij disa njerëz dhe u bë kryetar i një bande grabitësish, kur Davidi kishte masakruar ata të Tsobahut. Pastaj ata shkuan në Damask, u vendosën atje dhe mbretëruan në Damask.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 11:24
فجمع اليه رجالا فصار رئيس غزاة عند قتل داود اياهم. فانطلقوا الى دمشق واقاموا بها وملكوا في دمشق.

De Künig A 11:24
Wie dyr Dafet dyrselbn so vil Ärmauer nidergmötzlt, gsammlt dyr Reson Mänder und gmacht ayn Freischar auf. Sö trochend auf Zwötsch und rieffend önn Reson dort zo n Künig aus.

3 Царе 11:24
И който, като събра около себе си мъже, стана главатар на чета, когато Давид порази [совците]; и те отидоха в Дамаск та се заселиха там, и царуваха в Дамаск.

列 王 紀 上 11:24
大 衛 擊 殺 瑣 巴 人 的 時 候 , 利 遜 招 聚 了 一 群 人 , 自 己 作 他 們 的 頭 目 , 往 大 馬 色 居 住 , 在 那 裡 作 王 。

大 卫 击 杀 琐 巴 人 的 时 候 , 利 逊 招 聚 了 一 群 人 , 自 己 作 他 们 的 头 目 , 往 大 马 色 居 住 , 在 那 里 作 王 。



1 Kings 11:24
Rezon je skupio ljude oko sebe i postao im četovođa kada ih David ubijaše. Rezon zauze Damask, ondje se nastani i zavlada Damaskom.

První Královská 11:24
A shromáždiv k sobě muže, byl knížetem roty, když je David hubil. Protož odšedše do Damašku, bydlili v něm a kralovali v Damašku.

Første Kongebog 11:24
Han samlede en Del Mænd om sig og blev Høvding for en Friskare. Han indtog Damaskus, satte sig fast der og blev Konge i Damaskus.

1 Koningen 11:24
Tegen welken hij ook mannen vergaderd had, en werd overste ener bende, als David die doodde; en getrokken zijnde naar Damaskus, woonden zij aldaar, en regeerden in Damaskus.

מלכים א 11:24
וַיִּקְבֹּ֤ץ עָלָיו֙ אֲנָשִׁ֔ים וַיְהִ֣י שַׂר־גְּד֔וּד בַּהֲרֹ֥ג דָּוִ֖ד אֹתָ֑ם וַיֵּלְכ֤וּ דַמֶּ֙שֶׂק֙ וַיֵּ֣שְׁבוּ בָ֔הּ וַֽיִּמְלְכ֖וּ בְּדַמָּֽשֶׂק׃

כד ויקבץ עליו אנשים ויהי שר גדוד בהרג דוד אתם וילכו דמשק וישבו בה וימלכו בדמשק

ויקבץ עליו אנשים ויהי שר־גדוד בהרג דוד אתם וילכו דמשק וישבו בה וימלכו בדמשק׃

1 Királyok 11:24
És [hadakozó] férfiakat gyûjtött maga mellé, és õ vala a sereg hadnagya, mikor megölé õket Dávid; azután Damaskusba menvén ott lakának, és uralkodának Damaskusban.

Reĝoj 1 11:24
Kaj li kolektis kontraux li virojn kaj farigxis estro de bando, kiam David ilin mortigis; kaj ili iris Damaskon kaj eklogxis tie kaj ekregis en Damasko.

Ja kokosi miehiä häntä vastaan, ja hän oli sotajoukon päämies silloin kuin David surmasi heitä; ja he menivät Damaskuun ja asuivat siellä, ja hallitsivat Damaskuussa.

1 Rois 11:24
et il rassembla des hommes auprès de lui, et devint chef de bande, lorsque David tua ceux de Tsoba. Et ils s'en allèrent à Damas, et y demeurèrent, et ils régnèrent à Damas.

Il avait rassemblé des gens auprès de lui, et il était chef de bande, lorsque David massacra les troupes de son maître. Ils allèrent à Damas, et s'y établirent, et ils régnèrent à Damas.

Qui assembla des gens contre lui, et fut Chef de quelques bandes, quand David les défit; et ils s'en allèrent à Damas, et y demeurèrent, et y régnèrent.

1 Koenige 11:24
Und sammelte wider ihn Männer und ward ein Hauptmann der Kriegsknechte, da sie David erwürgete; und zogen gen Damaskus und wohneten daselbst und regierten zu Damaskus.

und sammelte wider ihn Männer und ward ein Hauptmann der Kriegsknechte, da sie David erwürgte; und sie zogen gen Damaskus und wohnten daselbst und regierten zu Damaskus.

Dieser sammelte Leute um sich und ward Oberster einer Streifschar damals, als David das Blutbad unter den Aramäern anrichtete; und er eroberte Damaskus und setzte sich darin fest und wurde König in Damaskus.

1 Re 11:24
Ed egli avea radunato gente intorno a sé ed era diventato capo banda, quando Davide massacrò i Siri. Egli ed i suoi andarono a Damasco, vi si stabilirono, e regnarono in Damasco.

Or egli adunò appresso di sè della gente, e fu capo di scherani, quando Davide uccideva quella gente. Poi egli ed i suoi andarono in Damasco, e dimorarono quivi, e regnarono in Damasco.

1 RAJA-RAJA 11:24
Maka dihimpunkannya beberapa orang kepadanya, lalu ia menjadi penghulu suatu ketumbukan pada masa raja Daud membunuh mereka itu, maka berjalanlah mereka itu ke negeri Damsyik, lalu duduk di sana dan kerajaanlah ia di Damsyik itu.

열왕기상 11:24
다윗이 소바 사람을 죽일 때에 르손이 사람들을 모으고 그 떼의 괴수가 되며 다메섹으로 가서 웅거하고 거기서 왕이 되었더라

I Regum 11:24
et congregavit contra eum viros et factus est princeps latronum cum interficeret eos David abieruntque Damascum et habitaverunt ibi et constituerunt eum regem in Damasco

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 11:24
Tas surinko būrį vyrų ir tapo jų vadu, kai Dovydas sumušė juos Coboje. Jis su vyrais nuėjo į Damaską, ten apsigyveno ir tapo Damasko karaliumi.

1 Kings 11:24
Na ka huihuia e ia etahi tangata, a ka meinga ia hei rangatira ropu, i te mea e patua ana ratou e Rawiri: na haere ana ratou ki Ramahiku, a noho ana i reira, a ko ratou hei kingi mo Ramahiku.

1 Kongebok 11:24
Han samlet folk om sig og blev fører for en røverflokk, dengang David slo dem* ihjel; og de** drog til Damaskus og slo sig ned der og gjorde sig til herrer i Damaskus.

1 Reyes 11:24
y había reunido consigo hombres y se había hecho jefe de una banda de merodeadores, después que David mató a los de Soba; y fueron a Damasco y permanecieron allí, y reinaron en Damasco.

y había reunido consigo hombres y se había hecho jefe de una banda de merodeadores, después que David mató a los de Soba; y fueron a Damasco y permanecieron allí, y reinaron en Damasco.

Y había juntado gente contra él, y se había hecho capitán de una compañía, cuando David deshizo a los de Soba. Después se fueron a Damasco, y habitaron allí y le hicieron rey en Damasco.

Y había juntado gente contra él, y habíase hecho capitán de una compañía, cuando David deshizo á los de Soba. Después se fueron á Damasco, y habitaron allí é hiciéronle rey en Damasco.

Y había juntado gente contra él, y se había hecho capitán de una compañía, cuando David deshizo a los de Soba . Después se fueron a Damasco, y habitaron allí y le hicieron rey en Damasco.

1 Reis 11:24
Quando Davi dizimou o exército de Zobá, Rezom juntou alguns homens e tornou-se chefe de um bando de revoltosos. Eles partiram para Damasco, onde se estabeleceram e tomaram o controle.

Pois ele ajuntara a si homens, e se fizera capitão de uma tropa, quando Davi matou os de Zebá; e, indo-se para Damasco, habitaram ali; e fizeram-no rei em Damasco.   

1 Imparati 11:24
El strînsese nişte oameni la el, şi se făcuse capul cetei, cînd a măcelărit David oştile stăpînului său. S'au dus la Damasc, şi s'au aşezat acolo şi au domnit la Damasc.

3-я Царств 11:24
и, собрав около себя людей, сделался начальником шайки, после того, как Давид разбил Адраазара ; и пошли они в Дамаск, и водворились там, и владычествовали в Дамаске.

и, собрав около себя людей, сделался начальником шайки, после того, как Давид разбил [Адраазара]; и пошли они в Дамаск, и водворились там, и владычествовали в Дамаске.[]

1 Kungaboken 11:24
När David sedan anställde blodbadet ibland dem, samlade denne folk omkring sig och blev hövitsman för en strövskara; dessa drogo därefter till Damaskus och slogo sig ned där och gjorde sig till herrar i Damaskus.

1 Kings 11:24
At siya'y nagpisan ng mga lalake, at naging puno sa isang hukbo, nang patayin ni David ang mga taga Soba; at sila'y nagsiparoon sa Damasco, at tumahan doon, at naghari sa Damasco.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 11:24
เมื่อดาวิดเข่นฆ่าชาวโศบาห์เขาก็รวบรวมผู้คนให้อยู่กับเขา กลายเป็นหัวหน้าของกองปล้น และเขาทั้งหลายก็ไปยังเมืองดามัสกัสอาศัยอยู่ที่นั่น และครอบครองเมืองดามัสกัส

1 Krallar 11:24
Davut Sovalılara saldırdığında, Rezon çevresine haydutları toplayıp onlara önderlik etmişti. Birlikte Şama gitmişler, orada kalıp yönetimi ele geçirmişlerdi.[]

1 Caùc Vua 11:24
Khi Ða-vít giết quân vua Xô-ba, thì người ấy nhóm người ta chung quanh mình, và làm đầu bọn đó, đi đến thành Ða-mách, bèn ở tại đó, và quản trị thành ấy.

1 Kings 11:23
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