1 Chronicles 5:25
1 Chronicles 5:25
But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

But these tribes were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors. They worshiped the gods of the nations that God had destroyed.

But they broke faith with the God of their fathers, and whored after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

But they acted treacherously against the God of their fathers and played the harlot after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors. They prostituted themselves with the gods of the nations God had destroyed before them.

But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors by prostituting themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had exterminated right in front of them.

But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and worshiped instead the gods of the native peoples whom God had destroyed before them.

But Gad, Reuben, and half of the tribe of Manasseh were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors. They chased after the gods of the people of the land as if they were prostitutes. God had destroyed these people as the Israelites arrived.

But they rebelled against the God of their fathers and fornicated after the gods of the people of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and played the harlot with the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

And they trespassed against the God of their fathers, and played the harlot after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

But they forsook the God of their fathers, and went astray after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

And they trespassed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went astray after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

They trespassed against the God of their fathers, and played the prostitute after the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

And they trespass against the God of their fathers, and go a-whoring after the gods of the peoples of the land whom God destroyed from their presence;

1 i Kronikave 5:25
Por ata u treguan jobesnikë ndaj Perëndisë të etërve të tyre dhe u kurvëruan, duke shkuar pas perëndive të popujve të vendit që Perëndia kishte shkatërruar para tyre.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻷ 5:25
وخانوا اله آبائهم وزنوا وراء آلهة شعوب الارض الذين طردهم الرب من امامهم.

Dyr Lauft A 5:25
Aber sö wurdnd yn n Got von ienerne Vätter untreu und gaabnd si yn de Götter von de Eingebornen hin, die wo dyr Herrgot vor ien vertribn hiet.

1 Летописи 5:25
Но понеже те престъпваха против Бога на бащите си, като блудствуваха след боговете на народите на оная земя, които Бог беше погубил пред тях,

歷 代 志 上 5:25
他 們 得 罪 了 他 們 列 祖 的   神 , 隨 從 那 地 之 民 的   神 行 邪 淫 ; 這 民 就 是   神 在 他 們 面 前 所 除 滅 的 。

他 们 得 罪 了 他 们 列 祖 的   神 , 随 从 那 地 之 民 的   神 行 邪 淫 ; 这 民 就 是   神 在 他 们 面 前 所 除 灭 的 。



1 Chronicles 5:25
Ali kad su se iznevjerili Bogu svojih otaca i odali se preljubu s bogovima naroda one zemlje koje je Bog iskorijenio pred njima,

První Paralipomenon 5:25
Ale když přestoupili proti Bohu otců svých, a smilnili, následujíce bohů národů země té, kteréž shladil Bůh od tváři jejich:

Første Krønikebog 5:25
Men de var deres Fædres Gud utro og bolede med de Guder, der dyrkedes af Landets Folkeslag, som Gud havde udryddet foran dem.

1 Kronieken 5:25
Maar zij hebben tegen den God hunner vaderen overtreden, en de goden der volken des lands nagehoereerd, welke God voor hun aangezichten had verdelgd.

דברי הימים א 5:25
וַיִּֽמְעֲל֔וּ בֵּאלֹהֵ֖י אֲבֹותֵיהֶ֑ם וַיִּזְנ֗וּ אַחֲרֵי֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י עַמֵּי־הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־הִשְׁמִ֥יד אֱלֹהִ֖ים מִפְּנֵיהֶֽם׃

כה וימעלו באלהי אבתיהם ויזנו אחרי אלהי עמי הארץ אשר השמיד אלהים מפניהם

וימעלו באלהי אבותיהם ויזנו אחרי אלהי עמי־הארץ אשר־השמיד אלהים מפניהם׃

1 Krónika 5:25
Vétkezének pedig az õ atyjoknak Istene ellen; mert a föld lakóinak bálványisteneivel paráználkodának, a kiket az Isten szemök elõl elpusztított.

Kroniko 1 5:25
Sed ili defalis de Dio de iliaj patroj, kaj malcxaste sekvis la diojn de la enlandaj popoloj, kiujn Dio ekstermis antaux ili;

Ja koska he syntiä tekivät isäinsä Jumalaa vastaan, ja tekivät huoruutta niiden kansain epäjumalain kanssa siinä maassa, jotka Jumala oli hävittänyt heidän edestänsä;

1 Chroniques 5:25
Mais ils péchèrent contre le Dieu de leurs pères, et se prostituèrent après les dieux des peuples du pays, que Dieu avait détruits devant eux.

Mais ils péchèrent contre le Dieu de leurs pères, et ils se prostituèrent après les dieux des peuples du pays, que Dieu avait détruits devant eux.

Mais ils péchèrent contre le Dieu de leurs pères, et paillardèrent après les dieux des peuples du pays, que l'Eternel avait détruits devant eux.

1 Chronik 5:25
Und da sie sich an dem Gott ihrer Väter versündigten und hureten den Götzen nach der Völker im Lande, die Gott vor ihnen vertilget hatte,

Und da sie sich an dem Gott ihrer Väter versündigten und abfielen zu den Götzen der Völker im Lande, die Gott vor ihnen vertilgt hatte,

Als sie aber gegen den Gott ihrer Väter treulos handelten und mit den Göttern der heidnischen Völkerschaften buhlten, die Gott vor ihnen vertilgt hatte,

1 Cronache 5:25
Ma furono infedeli all’Iddio dei loro padri, e si prostituirono andando dietro agli dèi dei popoli del paese, che Dio avea distrutti dinanzi a loro.

Ma essi commisero misfatto contro all’Iddio de’ lor padri, e fornicarono dietro agl’iddii de’ popoli del paese, i quali il Signore avea distrutti d’innanzi a loro.

Tetapi mereka itu sudah mendurhaka kepada Allah nenek moyangnya dan sudah berbuat zina dengan menurut dewa-dewa orang negeri yang telah dibinasakan Allah di hadapan mereka itu.

역대상 5:25
저희가 그 열조의 하나님께 범죄하여 하나님이 저희 앞에서 멸하신 그 땅 백성의 신들을 간음하듯 섬긴지라

I Paralipomenon 5:25
reliquerunt autem Deum patrum suorum et fornicati sunt post deos populorum terrae quos abstulit Dominus coram eis

Pirmoji Kronikø knyga 5:25
Jie nusikalto savo tėvų Dievui, paleistuvaudami su dievais svetimų tautų, kurias Dievas buvo išnaikinęs tuose kraštuose.

1 Chronicles 5:25
Na kua he ratou ki te Atua o o ratou matua, kua whai, kua puremu ki nga atua o nga iwi o te whenua i huna nei e te Atua i to ratou aroaro.

1 Krønikebok 5:25
Men de bar sig troløst at mot sine fedres Gud og holdt sig med de guder som folkene i landet dyrket, de folk som Gud hadde utryddet for dem.

1 Crónicas 5:25
Pero traicionaron al Dios de sus padres, y se prostituyeron con los dioses de los pueblos de la tierra, los cuales Dios había destruido delante de ellos.

Pero traicionaron al Dios de sus padres, y se prostituyeron con los dioses de los pueblos de la tierra, los cuales Dios había destruido delante de ellos.

Pero se rebelaron contra el Dios de sus padres, y se prostituyeron siguiendo a los dioses de los pueblos de la tierra, a los cuales Dios había destruido delante de ellos.

Mas se rebelaron contra el Dios de sus padres, y fornicaron siguiendo los dioses de los pueblos de la tierra, á los cuales había Jehová quitado de delante de ellos.

Mas se rebelaron contra el Dios de sus padres, y fornicaron siguiendo los dioses de los pueblos de la tierra, a los cuales el SEÑOR había quitado de delante de ellos.

1 Crônicas 5:25
Contudo, agiram com infidelidade para com o Deus de Israel e dos seus antepassados e se prostituíram, prestando culto e seguindo os deuses dos povos pagãos que o próprio Deus havia exterminado de diante deles.

Cometeram, porém, transgressões contra o Deus de seus pais, e se prostituíram, seguindo os deuses dos povos da terra, os quais Deus destruíra de diante deles.   

1 Cronici 5:25
Dar au păcătuit împotriva Dumnezeului părinţilor lor, şi au curvit după dumnezeii popoarelor ţării, pe cari Dumnezeu le nimicise dinaintea lor.

1-я Паралипоменон 5:25
Но когда они согрешили против Бога отцов своих и стали блудно ходить вслед богов народов той земли, которых изгнал Бог от лица их,

Но когда они согрешили против Бога отцов своих и стали блудно ходить вслед богов народов той земли, которых изгнал Бог от лица их,[]

Krönikeboken 5:25
Men de blevo otrogna mot sina fäders Gud, i det att de i trolös avfällighet lupo efter de gudar som dyrkades av de folk där i landet, som Gud hade förgjort för dem.

1 Chronicles 5:25
At sila'y nagsisuway laban sa Dios ng kanilang mga magulang, at yumaong sumamba sa mga dios ng mga bayan ng lupain, na nilipol ng Dios sa harap nila.

1 พงศาวดาร 5:25
แต่เขาทั้งหลายละเมิดต่อพระเจ้าแห่งบรรพบุรุษของเขา และเล่นชู้กับบรรดาพระของชนชาติทั้งหลายแห่งแผ่นดินนั้น ผู้ซึ่งพระเจ้าทรงทำลายเสียต่อหน้าเขาทั้งหลาย

1 Tarihler 5:25
Ne var ki atalarının Tanrısına bağlı kalmadılar. Tanrıya ihanet ederek önlerinden yok ettiği ulusların ilahlarına yöneldiler.[]

1 Söû-kyù 5:25
Song chúng phạm tội cùng Ðức Chúa Trời của các tổ phụ mình, và thông dâm cùng những thần của các dân tộc của xứ mà Ðức Chúa Trời đã hủy hoại trước mặt chúng.

1 Chronicles 5:24
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