If Great Wonders Thou Desirest
SAINTS, St. Anthony of Padua

If great wonders thou desirest
(Si quaeris)

Translated by Father Aylward, O. P.
Melody from a Slovak Hymnal

Andante moderato

If great wonders thou desirest,
Hopeful to Saint Anthony pray;
Error, Satan, wants the direst,
Death and pest his will obey,
And the sick, who beg his pity,
From their couches haste away.

Young and old are ever singing,
Praises to Saint Anthony bringing;
Stormy ocean calms its passion,
Bonds and fetters break in twain,
Treasures lost and limbs disabled,
These his pow'r restores again.

Padua has been the witness
Of these deeds six hundred years;
Dangers flee and need must perish,
Grief and sorrow disappear,
Filling all the world with wonder,
While the demons quake with fear.

Glory be to God the Father
And to His coequal Son,
To the Holy Ghost resplendent;
One in Three -- Three in One;
Praise we Father, Son and Spirit
While eternal ages run.

Page 154-155

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