Additions to the Literature
In General

Kattenbusch: Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Confessionskunde, Freib., 1892. -- Gumlich: Christ. Creeds and Conff., Engl. trans., N. Y., 1894. -- Callows: Origin and Development of Creeds, London, 1899. S. G. Green: The Christ. Creed and the Creeds of Christendom, N. Y., 1899. -- Skrine: Creed and the Creeds, their Function in Religion, London, 1911. -- W. A. Curtis: Hist. of Creeds and Conff. of Faith in Christendom and Beyond, Aberdeen, 1911. An elaboration of the author's art., "Confessions," in Enc. of Rel. and Ethics; includes the principles of Mormonism, Christian Science and Tolstoy. -- Hirsch: Art., "Creeds," in Enc. Brit., 14th ed. -- The works on Symbolics of Loofs, and Briggs, N. Y., 1914. -- Hase: Hdbook of the Controversy with Rome, 2 vols., London, 1906, trans. from Hase's Polemik, ed. of 1900. -- Plitt: Grundriss der Symbolen, 7th ed., by Victor Schultze, Erl., 1921. -- Mulert: Konfessionskunde, Giessen, 1929.

Collections of Creeds

Hahn, 3rd ed. enlarged, 1897. -- C. Fabricius, prof. in Berlin, Corpus confessionum. Die Bekenntnisse des Christenthums. Sammlung grundlegender Urkunden aus allen Kirchen der Gegenwart, Berlin, 1928 sqq. -- J. T. Müller: Die symb. Bücker der ev. luth. Kirche, deutsch und latein., 12th ed., 1928. -- E. F. Karl Müller: Die Bekenntnisschriften der reform. Kirche, Leip., 1903. -- For papal decrees: Acta, sedis sanctae, Rome. -- Mirbt: Quellen zur Gesch. des Papsttums und des röm. Katholizismus, 4th ed., 1924. -- Denzinger: Enchiridion symbolorum et definitionum, quae a concillis oecum. et summis pontificibus emanarunt, 17th ed. by Umberg, 1928.

Page 12.

A. E. Burn: Facsimiles of the Creeds, etc., London, 1899; Introd. to the Creeds and Te Deum, London, 1901. -- Mortimer: The Creeds, App., Nic., Athanas., London, 1902. -- A. Seeberg: Katechismus der Urchristenheit, 1903. -- Turner: Hist. and Use of Creeds in the Early Centuries of the Church, London, 1906. -- Bp. E. C. S. Gibson: The Three Creeds, Oxf., 1908. -- Wetzer and Welte: Enc.2nd ed. V., 676-690. -- Loofs: Symbolik, pp.1-70. -- Briggs: Theol. Symbolics, pp.34-121. -- F. J. Badcock: The Hist. of Creeds, App., Nic., and Athanas., London, 1930, pp.248.

Page 14.

The Apostles Creed: Kattenbusch: Das apostol. Symbol, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1894-1900. -- Zahn: Das apostol. Symbol, Erl., 1893, transl. by Burn from 2nd ed., London, 1899. -- Harnack, in Herzog Enc., I, 741-55 and separately in Engl.1901. -- H. B. Swete: The App. Creed. Its Relation to Prim. Christianity, Cambr., 1894. -- Kunze: Glaubensregel, hl. Schrift und Taufbekenntniss, Leipsic, 1899; Das apostol. Glaubensbekenntniss und das N. T., Berlin, 1911, Engl. trans. by Gilmore, N. Y., 1912. -- Künstle: Bibliothek der Symbole, Mainz, 1901. -- A. C. McGiffert: The App. Creed. Its Origin, Purpose, etc., N. Y., 1902. -- Bp. A. MacDonald (R. C.): The App. Creed. A Vindication of its Apostol. Authority, 1903, 2nd ed., London, 1925. -- The App. Creed. Questions of Faith, Lectures by Denney, Marcus Dods, Lindsay, etc., London, 1904. -- Popular treatments by Canon Beeching, 1906; W. R. Richards, N. Y., 1906; Barry, N. Y., 1912; Bp. Bell, 1917, 1919; McFadyen, 1927; H. P. Sloan, N. Y., 1930. -- Also Bardenhewer: Gesch. der altchr. Lit., 2nd ed., I, 82-90.

Page 24.

The Nicene Creed: Hort: Two Dissertations on the Constan. Creed, London, 1876. -- Lias: The Nicene Creed, 1897. -- Kunze: Das nic.-konstant. Symbol, Leipsic, 1898. -- Harnack, in Herzog Enc. XI., 12-27, and Schaff-Herzog, III, 256-260. -- Bp. Headlam: The Nic. Creed. Noting differences between the Rom. and Angl. Churches.

Pages 43-68.

Die Bekenntnisse und wichtigsten Glaubenszeugnisse der griech.-oriental. Kirche (thesauros tes orthodoxias) ed., by Michalcescu, with Introd. by Hauck, Leipsic, 1904. Includes creeds and decrees of the first seven oecum. councils. -- Loofs: Symbolik, pp.77-181. -- Adeney: The Gr. and East. Churches, N. Y., 1908. -- Fortescue (R. C.): The Orthod. East. Church, last ed., London, 1916. -- Langsford-James: Dict. of the East. Orthod. Church, London, 1923. -- The art. in Herzog, "Gennadius II," "Jeremias," "Lukaris," etc. -- Birkbeck: The Russ. and Engl. Churches, during the last fifty years, London, 1895. -- Frère: Links in the Chain of Russ. Ch. Hist., London, 1918.

Page 69.

Bonewitsch: Kirchengesch. Russlands, Leipsic, 1923. -- Reyburn: Story of the Russ. Church, London, 1924. -- Spinka (prof. in Chicago Theol. Seminary): The Church and the Russ. Revolution, N. Y., 1927. -- Hecker (student of Drew and Union Theol. Seminaries and Prof. of Theol., Moscow): Rel. under the Soviets, N. Y., 1927; Soviet Russia in the Second Decade, 1928. -- Emhardt: Rel. in Soviet Russia, Milwaukee, 1929. -- M. Hindus (b. in Russia): Humanity Uprooted, N. Y., 1929. -- Batsell: Soviet Rule in Russia, N. Y., 1930. -- The Engl. White Paper, Aug.12, 1930, which gives a trans. of Soviet regulations "respecting religion in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

Page 83.

A. Straub (prof. at Innsbruck): de Ecclesia, 2 vols., Innsbr., 1912. -- Ryan and Millar: The State and the Church, N. Y., 1902. -- F. Heiler (ex-Cath., prof. in Marburg): Der Katholizismus, seine Idee und seine Erscheinung, Munich, 1923. -- Döllinger-Reusch: Selbstbiographie des Kard. Bellarmin, with notes, 1887. -- Card. Gibbons, d.1921: The Faith of Our Fathers, 1875. -- The works and biographies of Card. Newman, d.1890, and Card. Manning, d.1892. -- D. S. Schaff: Our Fathers' Faith and Ours, N. Y., 1928.

Page 91.

Buckley, 2 vols., 1852, gives the Reformatory decisions of the council as well as the Decrees and Canons. -- Donovan: Profession and Catechism of the C. of Trent, 1920 and since. -- Mirbt: Quellen zur Gesch. des Papsttums. Gives large excerpts from the Tridentine standards. -- Froude: Lectures on the C. of Trent, 1896. -- Pastor: Gesch. der Päpste, vol. vii. -- The Ch. Histories of Hergenröther-Kirsch, Funk, etc.

Page 134.

Mirbt, pp.456-466. -- Shotwell-Loomis: The See of St. Peter. Trans. of patristic documents, N. Y., 1927. -- Granderath, S.J.: Gesch. des Vat. Konzils, ed. by Kirch, 3 vols., Freib. in Breis.,
1903. -- Döllinger-Friedrich: Das Papsttum, 1892. -- Lord Acton: The Vatican Council in "Freedom of Thought." -- Pastor: Hist. of the Popes, vol. x. for Sixtus V.'s ed. of the Vulgate. -- Card. Gibbons (a member of the council): Retrospect of Fifty Years, 2 vols., 1906. -- The biographies of Manning by Purcell, 2 vols., 1896; Ketteler by Pfulf, 3 vols., Mainz, 1899; Newman by Ward, 4 vols., 1912. -- Straub: de Ecclesia, vol. ii., 358-394. -- Nielsen: The Papacy in the 19th Cent., vol. ii., pp.290-374. -- Koch: Cyprian und das röm. Primat, 1910. -- Schnitzer: Hat Jesus das Papstthum gestiftet? and Das Papstthum keine Stiftung Jesus, 1910. -- Count von Hoensbroech (was sixteen years a Jesuit, d.1923): Das Papstthum in social-kult. Wirsamkeit, 3 vols., 4th ed., 1903. -- Lietzmann: Petrus und Paulus in Rom, 2nd ed., 1927. -- Koch: Cathedra Petri (dedicated to Schnitzer), Giessen, 1930.

Page 220.

H. E. Jacobs: The Book of Concord or the Symbol. Books of the Ev. Luth. Church, 2 vols., Phil., 1882, 1912. -- The Luth. Cyclopedia by Jacobs and Haas, Phil., 1899. -- Concordia Cyclopedia, 3 vols., 1927. -- Schmid: The Doctr. Theol. of the Ev. Luth. Ch., trans. by Hay and Jacobs, 3rd ed., Phil., 1899. -- Luther's Primary Writings, trans. by Buchheim and Wace, 1896. -- Luther's Works, Engl. trans., 2 vols., Phil., 1915. -- Luther's Correspondence, trans. by P. Smith and Jacobs, 2 vols., 1913-1918. -- Lives of Luther by Schaff in "Hist. of Chr. Church," vol. vi.; Jacobs, 1898; Lindsay in "Hist. of the Reformation," 1906; Preserved Smith, 1911; McGiffert, 1914; Boehmer, Engl. trans., 1916; Mackinnon, 4 vols., 1925-1930; Denifle (R. C.), 2 vols., 2nd ed., 1904; Grisar (R. C.), Engl. trans., 3 vols., 1911, 1912. -- P. Smith: Age of the Reformation, 1920. -- Döllinger: Akad. Vorträge, vol. i, 1872. Written after his repudiation of the dogma of Infallibility.

Page 225.

Editions of the Augsb. Conf. in Latin and German texts by Kolde,Gotha, 1896, 1911 and Wendt, Halle, 1927. -- Ficker: Konfutation des Augsb. Bekenntnisses, Leipsic, 1892. -- A number of publications bearing on the Augsb. Confession were issued in connexion with the quadricentennial of the Confession's appearance, 1930.

Page 354.

Zwingli: Sämmtliche Werke, ed. by Egli, Köhler, etc., 1904, sqq. -- Karl Müller: Die Bekenntnissschriften der reformirten Kirche, Leipsic, 1903. Contains documents not given by Schaff, as Calvin's Genevan Catechism, pp.117-158; Hungar. Conf. of 1562, pp.376-448; the Larger Westminster Cat., pp.612-643; the Nassau Cat. of 1578, pp.720-738, and the Hesse Cat. of 1607, pp.822-833. -- Lives of Zwingli by Stähelin, 2 vols., Basel, 1897; S. M. Jackson, N. Y., 1901. Also Selections from Zwingli, Phil., 1901. -- S. Simpson, N. Y., 1902; Egli in Herzog Encycl., vol. xxi. -- Humbel: Zwingli im Spiegel der gleichzeit. schweizer. Lit., 1912.

Page 388.

Art., "Bullinger," by Egli in Herzog Encycl., vol. iii., pp.536-549. -- Bullinger: Diarium, ed. by Egli, Basel, 1904, and Gegensatz der ev. und röm. Lehre, ed. by Kügelgen, 1906. -- Art., "Helvetische Konfessionen," by Karl Müller in Herzog Encycl., vol. vii and "Helvetische Konfessionsformeln" by Egli, vol. vii.

Page 421.

Choisy: L'état chr. à Génève au temps de Th. de Bèze, Paris, 1903. -- Borgeau: Hist. de l'université de Génève, Paris, 1903. -- Lives of Calvin by Schaff in "Hist. of Chr. Ch.," vol. vii.; Kampfschulte, ed. by Goetz, 2 vols., 1899; Doumergue, 7 vols., Lausanne, 1899-1927; W. W. Walker, N. Y., 1906; Reyburn, London, 1914; Lindsay in "Hist. of the Reformation," vol. ii.

Page 502.

The Works of B. B. Warfield, Oxf., 1928 sqq.

Page 565.

Workman and Pope: Letters of J. Hus, London, 1904. -- Lives of Huss by Count Lützow, London, 1909; D. S. Schaff, N. Y., 1915, and Huss' de Ecclesia, trans. with Notes, N. Y., 1915. -- Kitts: John XXIII. and J. Hus, London, 1910. Müller in Bekenntnisschriften gives in full the Hungar. Confessions and the Bohem. Conf . of 1609.

Page 568.

The Nobla Leycon, with Notes, ed., by Stefano, Paris, 1909. -- Comba, father and son: Hist., of the Waldenses in Italy, Engl. trans.1889; Storia dei Valdesi, 1893. -- Jalla: Hist. des Vaudois, Torre Pelice, 1904.

Page 589.

Balogh: Hist. of the Ref. Ch. in Hungary in Ref . Ch. Rev., July, 1906.

Page 592.

Use of Sarum, ed. from MSS. by Frère, 2 vols., Cambr., 1898-1901. -- Gee and Hardy: Documents Illustr. of Engl. Ch. Hist. -- Prothero: Select Statutes of Elizabeth and James I. -- H. E. Jacobs: The Luth. Ch. Movement in Engl., Phil., 1870, 1891. -- Lindsay: Hist. of the Reformation, vol. ii., pp.315-418. -- The Hist. of the Engl. Ch. from Henry VIII. to Mary's Death by Gairdner and under Elizabeth and James I. by Frère, 1902, 1904. -- Pollard: Henry VIII., London, 1902, Thos. Cranmer, 1904; Wolsey, 1929.

Page 650.

Tiffany: Hist. of the Prot. Bp. Ch., N. Y., 1895. -- Hodges: Three Hundred Years of the Ep. Ch. in Am., Phil., 1907. -- Cross: The Angl. Episcopate and the Am. Colonies, N. Y., 1902.

Page 669.

Histories of the Scotch Reformation by Mitchell, 1900; Fleming, 1904, 1910; MacEwan, 1913. -- Lives of Knox by Cowan, 1905; P. H. Brown, 1905. -- A. Lang: J. Knox and the Reformation, 1905.

Pages 701, 820, 835.

H. M. Dexter: The Congregationalists of the Last 300 Years, N. Y., 1880. -- W. W. Walker: Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism, N. Y., 1893; Hist. of the Cong. Churches in the U. S., N. Y., 1894. -- J. Brown: The Engl. Puritans, London, 1910. -- R. C. Usher: Reconstruction of the Engl. Ch., 2 vols., London, 1910. -- W. Selbie: Engl. Sects. Congregationalism, London, 1922. -- Orig. Narratives of Early Am. Hist., ed. by Jamieson, N. Y., 1908, sqq. -- W. E. Barton: Congr. Creeds and Covenants, Chicago, 1917.

Page 813.

McDonnold: Hist. of the Cumber. Presb. Ch., Nashville, 1888. -- Miller: Doctr. of the Cumberl. Presb. Ch., Nashville, 1892.

Page 840.

Vedder: Balthazar Hübmaier, N. Y., 1903. -- Newman: Hist. of the Bapt. Chh. in the U. S., N. Y., 1894. -- Underhill: Conff. of Faith of the Bapt. Chh. in England in the 17th Century, London, 1854. -- McGlothlin: Bapt. Conff. of Faith, Phil., 1911. -- Carroll: Baptists and their Doctrines, N. Y., 1913.

Page 859.

Thomas: Hist. of the Soc. of Friends, in "Am. Ch. Hist. Series," N. Y., 1894. -- Sharpless: Hist. of Quaker Govt. in Pa., 2 vols., Phil., 1898. -- R. M. Jones: The Quakers in the Am. Colonies, London, 1911; The Faith and Practice of the Quakers, 1927. -- Holder: The Quakers in Great Britain and Am., N. Y., 1913.

Page 874.

Hamilton: Hist. of the Morav. Ch., Bethlehem, 1900. Also in "Am. Ch. Hist. Series."

Page 882.

The Journal of John Wesley, 8 vols., ed. by Curnock, London, 1910. -- Buckley: Hist. of the Methodists in the U. S., N. Y., 1896. -- E. S. Tipple: The Heart of Asbury's Journal, N. Y., 1905. -- Simon: Revival of Rel. in England in the 18th Cent., London, 1907. -- Lidgett and Reed: Methodism in the Modern World, London, 1929. -- Rattenburg: Wesley's Legacy to the World, London, 1930. -- Allen: Methodism and Modern World Problems, London, 1930. -- Lunn: J. Wesley, London, 1929. -- Lives of Asbury, by Tipple, N. Y., 1916, and J. Lewis, 1927.

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