Aaron, 60, 63

Abel, 50

Abihu, 62

Abiron, 62

Abraham 's life as proof of God 's judgment, 53 f.

Absalom, 71, 74

Achar, 157, 214

Adam, 50

Aëtius, 22, 201n

Aetna, 210

Africa, 179n; commerce and wealth of, 208; interest of Salvian in, 8; Vandal conquest of, 106, 178, 205 ff.; wickedness of, 207 ff.

Alans, characteristics of, 123, 209

Alaric, 178n

Alemanni, drunkenness of, 123

Allix, Peter, 15

Alps, 155, 160

Amnon, 74

Amphitheaters, 162

Ananias, 158

Animal fights, 160 f.

Anthemius, Emperor, 169n

Aquitanians, wealth and vices of, 191 ff., 204

Arcadius, Emperor, 105n, 109n

Arians, 121n, 136 ff., 178

Arvandus, 105n

Assyrians, 198, 206

Asylum, 150

Athens, 230

Athletes, 162

Attic wisdom, 221

Attila, 140

Augury, 161

Augustine, St., 21, 22, 43; Bon. coniug., 221n; Contra ep. Manichaei, 135n; Sermo de tempore barbarico, 26, 119n, 223n

Ausonius, 10, 23

Auspiciola, daughter of Salvian, 11

Authority of God superior to reason, 24, 78

Avarice, attack of Salvian on, 16; characteristic vice of Romans, 209

Bagaudae, rebellion of, 122 ff.

Baluze, Stephen, 7, 31 f., 82n, 172n, 181n

Baptismal vows, renunciation of spectacles in, 167 f.

Barbarians, chastity of, 196 ff., 223; classification of as heretics and pagans, 121; compared with Romans, 77, 119 ff., 147 f., 191 ff.; invasions of as occasion for denial of God's government, 3; Roman responsibility for heresy of, 138; tribute exacted by, 188; vices of, 122 f.

Belgae invaded by Vandals, 204

Bellarmine, 27

Benedad, king of Syria, 198

Blasphemy, punishment for causing, 129-130

Boniface, Roman general, 202n

Bonnet, Père, 27, 32n

Borromeo, St. Carlo, 32n, 160n

Bossuet, 33

Brakman, C. J., 15, 19, 233

Brassicanus, 31, 32

Brouwer, 181n

Asylum, 150

Bruni, G., 25n, 32n, 233

Bury, J. B., 24n, 140n, 233

Caesarius of Arles, 12, 13, 224n; Ep. ad germanos, 111n; Regula ad monachos, 111n; Vita, 13

Cain, 50 f.

Cambridge Medieval History, 233

Capernaum, 113

Capitatio, 150n

Carmen de providentia divina, 26

Carthage, apostolic origin claimed for church in, 214; captured by Vandals, 18, 178, 197n; magnificence and wickedness of, 210 ff.; mistreatmnent of clergy in, 230 f.

Castinus, Roman general, 202n

Cato the Younger, 221

Ceillier, R., 32n, 233

Celestial goddess of Africa, 226

Charges of God's neglect of the world brought by ungodly men, 41

Cheminais, 33

Christ, attention of to men's prayers, 49; name of confused with that of God, 49, 72; perjury in name of, 124 f.

Christianity, answers to attacks on, 21; blamed for decline of Roman power, 3; false conception of prerogatives of, 97 f.

Christians, addressed by Salvian, 79; benefits of God's law to, 133 ff.; complaints of, 90; conceptions of among barbarians, 127 ff.; continual shipwreck of, 84; disobedience of, 92; envy of, 89; general guilt of, 97, 157 ff.; greater responsibility of, 97 f., 119 ff., 137, 159; ingratitude of, 118, 177; licentiousness of, 90; obedience required from, 99; oaths of, 88, 124-125; obligations of to God's law, 126; punished by their own crimes, 112, 137, 223; true happiness of, 41 ff.; why more wretched than other men, 79; worse than barbarians, 120 ff., 132

Churches, irreverent use of, 93

Cicero, 30; De fin., 44n; De nat. deorum, 39 f.; De re publica, 221n; Disp. Tusc., 40, 44n; Pro Murena, 77n

Cincinnati, examples of Roman virtue, 43

Circe, 151

Cireuses, demanded after ruin of Tréves, 183; indecencies of, 162 ff.

Cirta, taken by Vandals, 178

Clergy, silence of, 140 f.

Codex Justinianus, cited in notes, 93, 102, 107, 139, 149, 160, 169, 210

Codex Theodosianus, cited in notes, 94, 105, 109, 139, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 169, 220

Codices, Roman 4

Collombet, F. Z., see Grégoire and Collombet

Cologne, 8, 9, 170, 181n

Coloni 148n, 150, 151n

Commands of God disobeyed by Christians 82 f.

Concubinage, 107 f., 194 f.; laws concerning, 107n

Constans, Emperor, 144n, 170n

Constantine, Emperor, 107n, 160n

Constantius, Emperor, 144n, 183n

Consuls, Roman, 161

Cooper-Marsdin, A. C., 12, 233

Cornelius Rufinus, 44n

Cornelius Rufinus, 44n

Corruption of Roman life, 5; attacks of Salvian on, 14

Corvinus, Matthew, 33

Creation of world a proof of God 's care, 114 ff.

Crocus the Vandal, 9

Cry of men's sins, 54 f.

Cujas, 33

Curials, injustice of, 4, 94, 139; law for relief of, 147n

Cyprian, St., of Carthage, 22, 29; Ad Demetrianum, 87n, 109n, 111n

Cyprian of Toulon, Vita S. Caesarii, 13, 111n

Daniel, 96

Dathan, 64

David, instances of God's government in life of, 71ff., 129, 157, 204, 214

De la Rue, Abbé, 27, 33

Delphic demon, the prince of philosophers, 221

Dill, Samuel, 233

Discontent as a common human failing, 59

Doctors, cures used by, 185, 189

Ebert, 15

Effeminacy of men in Africa, 214 ff.

Egypt, exodus of Hebrews from, 63 ff.; monasteries of, 230

Egyptians, 56

Epicureans, 41, 44n

Eucherius, Bishop, 12, 30; Instructiones, 12n, 14; sons of, 6

Euhemerism, 125

Exempla of Roman virtue, 43

Exodus, miraculous guidance of God in, 57

Fabii, examples of ancient virtue, 43

Fabricii, examples of ancient virtue, 43

Faith, and works, 100; definition of, 80 ff.; fervency required in, 130 f.

Faustus of Riez, 12

Flight of Romans to barbarians, 5, 141

Flood as a proof of God's judgment, 52 f.; remoteness of events preceding, 53

Franks, characteristics of, 22, 123, 127, 147, 170n

Gaiseric, 178n, 197n

Gaius, 210

Gallic cities, vices prevalent in, 179 ff.

Games, desertion of churches for, 169; forbidden on Sunday 169n; persistence of after destruction of cities, 171 ff.; wickedness of, 160 ff., 176 ff.

Gaul, devastation of, 106, 178, 204; southern, conditions in, 5

Geffcken, J., 233

Gehenna, 55

Gennadius, account of Salvian by, 6, 15, 19; source of later accounts of Salvian, 33

Gepids, characteristics of, 123, 127

Germany, invaded by Vandals, 204

Gesta Treverorum, 8, 9n, 170n

Gibbon, Edward, 24n, 34

Gideon, 198 f.

Giraud, I., 233

Gladiators, 160n

Godefroi, 33

Gomorrah, see Sodom

Goths, characteristics of, 138, 141n, 196; compared with Romans, 138, 147, 155, 196; flight of Romans to, 142; heresy of, 137, 200, 203; use of in Roman armies, 202n; victories of, 22, 200, 201n

Government of God, 3, 20, 23; proved by authority of pagan philosophers, 39 f.; proved by reason, 47 ff.; proved by scriptural examples, 50 ff.

Gratian, Emperor, 109n

Gratitude due to God, 199 f.

Greek philosophers, 44

Greeks, capture of Tréves by, 170n; vices imitated by Romans, 217

Grégoire and Collombet, 28, 32n, 33, 102n, 160n, 224n

Gregory, Moralia, 82n

Guidance of the world by God compared with that of a steersman, 39 f.

Guillon, 27, 33

Guizot, 34

Haemmerle, Alois, 9n, 106n, 150n, 151n, 170n, 181n, 183n, 233

Halm, C., 36, 187n, 234

Halphen, Louis, 233

Hartel, 102n

Heitland, A. E., 23

Helf, A., 32n, 33n

Heretic barbarians, 121; false instruction of, 134 ff.; guilt less than that of Christians, 135

Heretics, Roman, 137

Hilarius of Arles, l1n, 12, 29; Sermo de vita S. Honorati, 12n

Hirner, F. X., 234

Histoire littéraire de la France, 234

Hodgkin, Thomas, 233

Holland, 6n

Homilies of Salvian, 6, 13 f.; of Caesarius of Arles, 13

Honoratus of Arles, 12

Honorius, Emperor, 105n, 109n, 143n, 145n, 183n

Huns, characteristics of, 18, 123, 127, 147, 200, 201n

Hypatius, father-in-law of Salvian, 10; conversion of, 11

Idatius, Chronicon, 143n, 202n

Immediacy of God's judgment, 75 f.

Imperial estates, encroachments on, 105

Incarnation, doctrine of, 136

Incest of effeminate Romans, 216

Indiction, 143

Infirmities of Christians, 45 ff.

Inquilini, 151n.

Interpolation of Scripture, 134 f.

Isidore, St., Etymologiae, 167n, 190n

Israel, meaning of name, 68, 99

Israel, Children of, 56; rebellion, 63, 64, 175 f.

Itala versions of Bible, 30

Italy, invasions of, 178

Iugatio, 150n

Jerome, Adv. Rufinum, 108n; Ep., 170n; translation of Bible, 19, 30

Job, 96

Joli, 33

Judgment of God, immediate, 3, 20, 23; proved by scriptural authority, 71 ff.

Judgment, the Last, 55

Jurists, citations of Salvian by, 33, 93n.

Justice of God's punishment of Romans, 224 ff.

Juvenal, 120n

Kaulen, Fr., 30

Kohl, R., 222n

Korah, 64

Labriolle, P., 167n

Lactantius, 21, 22, 24, 29, 30; De ira Dei, 115n; De opificio Dei, 90n; Inst. div.24, 39, 40, 77n, 78n, 160n, 221n

Larinus Amatius, 14

Law, Roman, Salvian's knowledge of, 4 f.

Le Jeune, 33

Leo, Emperor, 169n

Lérins, 5, 6, 12, 111n; "earthly paradise," 11; influence of on Salvian's work, 13; withdrawal of Salvian to, 11

Litchfield, H. W, 43n

Litorius, Roman general, 18, 201 f.

Lot, 55

Lot, Ferdinand, 233

Love of God proved by Christ's death, 116 f.

Lucan, De bello civili, 221n

Lupus of Troyes, 12

Lycaonians, 230

Magistrates, restricted access to, 93

Magnets, 117

Marcia, wife of Cato, 222n

Maro (Vergil), 40

Mars, 176

Marseilles, 6, 8, 12

Mary (Miriam), 61f.

Massillon, 33

Matrons, position of in Aquitania, 194, ff.

Matter, 25

Maximian, 143n

Maximus of Riez, 12

Mayence, destruction of, 170, 181n

Mercury, 176

Méry, L., 36

Messenger, H. K., 17n, 28n, 32n, 231n, 234

Metz, 181n

Midianites, 198 f.

Mimes, 164 f.

Minerva, 176

Minucius Felix, 30, 161n

Misfortunes of good men, 77

Monastic garments, 110 f.

Monks in Africa, 229 f.

Moors, 127

Moricca, U., 234

Moses, 56, 58, 61, 62, 64

Nabuchodonosor, 206

Nadab, 62

Narbonne, 201n

Nathan the prophet, 129

Neptune, 176

Nine Peoples (Novem Populana), 191

Noah, 53, 97

Nobles, aggression of, 5, 23, 103 ff.; conversion of, 110; guilt of, 95 ff.; lenience of government toward, 107n, 109; licentiousness of, 106 ff.

Officials, compared to brigands, 139 f.; immunity of, 174; oppression of the poor by, 105, 139 ff., 218 f.

Og, 64

Old Testament, Salvian's use of, 19

Orosius, Historia adv. paganos, 21, 43n, 106n, 137n, 141n, 205n

Oza the Levite, 175

Pagans, Christians compared with, 125 ff.; impossibility of persuading, 79

Palladia, wife of Salvian, 10 f.

Patronage of the rich, injustice of, 10, 148 ff.

Paul, St. (often cited as "the apostle"), 42, 45 f., 69, 83 f., 86, 100, 116 ff., 120, 126, 132 f., 157 f., 163, 227, 230

Paulinus of Nola, 10, 193n

Paulinus of Pella 8, 26, 141n

Paulus, the jurist, 60n

Pauly, Fr., 32, 93n, 102n, 115n, 160n, 174n, 187n, 231n, 234

Pelagius I, 224n.

Peter, St., 131, 158

Peter Damiani, 43n

Petronius, De bello civili, 88n

Pharaoh's disobedience and destruction, 56

Philosophers, pagan, cited in support of Salvian's thesis, 39 f.

Pithou, Pierre, 31, 34

Plato, 39, 221n, 222n

Pliny, Panegyricus, 156

Poema coniugis ad uxorem, 26

Pompa diaboli, 167n

Pontanus, 34

Poverty, examples of from Roman history, 43

Prayers as proof of God's government, 49

Presence of God proved by scriptural authority, 66 ff.

Priscus, 140

Procopius, De bello Vandalico, 217n

Prosper of Aquitaine, 26

Provence, 5

Publilius Syrus, 59n

Pythagoras, 39

Quieta, mother-in-law of Salvian, 10; conversion of, 11

Quintilian, Inst. or., 114n

Rapsaces, 157

Ravenna, 173

Repentance, feigned by Romans, 152 ff.

Rittershausen, Conrad, 9, 30 f., 31 f., 55n, 60n, 88n, 90n, 93n, 100n, 160n

Roman citizenship, loss of, 142, 150 ff.

Roman Empire, extinction of, 109

Romans, compared with barbarians, 119 ff.; condition compared with that of Israelites, 59; disasters due to sins of, 84 f., 19 f, 189 ff., 223 ff.; former virtues of, 43 ff.; former wealth of, 173

Rome, circus in, 173; problems of decline, 3, 21; sacked by Goths, 178; sacked by Vandals, 18, 197n

Rostovtzeff, 23

Rudolph and Kenterich, 170n

Rutilius Namatianus, De reditu, 22

Salonius, son of Eucherius, 12 f.; dedication of Salvian's works to, 13, 15, 37

Salvian, birthplace of, 8; education of, 9; family position of, 9; influence of Lérins on, 13; legal knowledge of, 9 f; "master of bishops," 6; presbyter at Marseilles, 6, 12; "St. Salvianus," 7; sympathy for the poor, 23; withdrawal from the world, 10

Writings, 15 ff.; attacks on wickedness of church, 27; criticism of profane authors, 37; dependence on authority, 19; inaccuracies, 46n, 57n, 58n; inconsistencies, 27; influence on jurists, 33; influence on French sermons, 33; irony, 27, 231n; Latinity of, 28f.; listed by Gennadius, 6; neglect of in recent times, 34; reticence in quotation, 29 f.; style of, 28 ff.; translations of, 32; use of diminutives in, 29

Against Avarice, 15 f., 98; date of composition of, 17; edition of Sichardus, 16; purpose and content of, 16; quoted by Salvian, 43, 98, 141

Epistles, 9 ff., 45n, 46n, 98n

For the Satisfaction of these Sins, 15

Hexameron, 15


Letters, see Epistles

On the Government of God, 18 ff.; date of composition, 7, 18 f.; division into books, 19; editions of, 31 f.; manuscripts of, 33, Paris BN lat.13385, 31, Vindobonensis lat.826, 31; outline of contents of, 4; purpose of, 20, 23, 37 f.; title of, 18; underlying thesis of, 3 f.; value of Books I-III, 20; unfinished condition of, 189n, 231n

Sanctuary, right of, held by churches, 150n

Sapaudus of Arles, 224n

Sapphira, 158

Sardinia, Vandal capture of, 178

Sardonic herbs, 190

Saul, 204, 214

Saurin, 33

Saxons, characteristics of, 123, 127, 209

Scaliger, Joseph, 28, 34

Schmalz, J. H., 334

Schoenemann, 31 f.

Scylla, 155

Scythians, 127

Seeck, 143n

Seius, 210

Seneca, 30; De ira, 59n, 161n; De rem. fort., 42n, 90n; De tranq. vitae, 37n; Epistulae, 44n, 162n

Serfdom, 5, 150

Seronatus, prefect in Gaul, 105n, 106n

Shimei, 75

Sichardus, 16, 31, 33

Sicily, captured by Vandals, 178

Sidonius Apollinaris, 4, 23, 29, 105n, 106n, 109n, 110n, 141n, 142n, 224n

Sinai, Mt., 60

Sirmond, 33

Sisera, 198

Slaves, 27; characteristic vices of, 102 ff.; corrected by kind treatment, 186; food allowance of, 102; free Christians compared with, 87, 101 ff.; influence of masters' vices on, 194 f., 228; noble rank gained by, 106; nobles compared with, 108 f.; obedience required of, 87

Socrates, 221 f.

Sodom and Gomorrah, 54 ff., 113

Souter, 222n

Spain, defeat of Romans in, 202, 205; devastation of, 106, 178, 197

Spectacles, abstention of barbarians from, 168, 190; renounced in baptism, 167 f.; Salvian's attacks on, 8, 160 ff.

Sternberg, G., 234

Stoics, 39, 44n

Symmachus, 4n, 224n

Syrian merchants, 123

Tacitus, Germania, 196

Tanit, 226n

Taxation in the Roman Empire, 3 f., 22 f., 106, 109, 142 if.; extra levies from poor, 145 f.; failure of attempts to lessen, 109f., 147; of poor for lands taken over by rich, 150

Terence, Heauton Timoroumenos, 78n

Tertullian, 15, 22, 29; Ad nationes, 210n; Apologeticum, 44n; De idololatria, 214n; De spectaculis, 160n, 167n, 176n; Liber de praescriptionibus, 214n

Teuffel, 17

Thamar, 74

Theaters, pervasive wickedness of, 162 ff., 176 ff.

Theodoric I, king of Visigoths, 202n

Theodosius, Emperor, 107n, 109n, 139n, 143n, 145n

Thouvenot, R., 234

Timotheus, pseudonym of Salvian, 16

Timothy, "apostle," 15, 46

Toulouse, 201n

Trèves, 8; burning of, 172n; capture 44 f. of by Vandals, 9; demand for circuses in, 183; repeated destruction of, 170, 179, 183 ff.; withdrawal of prefect from, 11

Tribute paid to barbarians, 188

Tully (Cicero), 40

Twelve Tables, laws of, 231

Tyre, 207

Ulfilas, 138n

Ulpian, 60n

Valens, Emperor, 137

Valentinian, Emperor, 107n, 109n, 139n

Valerius Maximus, 43n, 44n

Valran, G., 17, 234

Vandals, 5, 9, 137 f., 147, 170n, 178, 197 ff., 200, 202 ff.; divine mission of, 205; reform of Africa by, 216 ff.; sack of Rome by, 18

Venus, 176

Veranus, son of Eucherius, 12

Vergil, 30, 40; Aeneid, 185n; Georgics, 40, 115n

Vincent of Lérins, 12; Commonitorium, 13, 31

Virgilius of Arles, 12

Virtue as the source of happiness, 44 f.

Visigoths, 202n

Voltaire, 135n

Waltzing, J. P., 234

Weston, A. H., 234

Weymann, C., 193n, 234

Wölfflin, Ed., 28n, 234

Ziba, 75

Zschimmer, W., 17n, 29n, 34, 39, 130n, 160n, 234

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