[523]A rock there is whose homely front 200 [524]A saint, to few but God well known 151 [525]A wreathed garland of deserved praise 48 [526]Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide 247 [527]Again, O Lord, I ope my eyes 242 [528]Ah! ev'ry day mid bring a while 267 [529]Ah! give me, Lord, the single eye 170 [530]Ah! what time wilt Thou come? when shall that cry 108 [531]Alas, my God, that we should be 136 [532]Alas! my Lord is going 51 [533]All after pleasures as I rid one day 32 [534]All praise to Him who dwells in bliss 175 [535]Almighty Father of mankind 167 [536]And do they so! have they a sense 91 [537]Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat 180 [538]As are those apples, pleasant to the eye 25 [539]As due by many titles, I resign 19 [540]As I in hoary Winter's night stood shivering in the snow 14 [541]As I wer readen ov a stwone 265 [542]As in the night I restless lie 150 [543]As on my bed at dawn I mused and pray'd 321 [544]At midnight, when yon azure fields on high 318 [545]At noon a shower had fallen, and the clime 319 [546]At the Lord's Table waiting, robed and stoled 319 [547]At the round earth's imagined corners blow 19 [548]Ave Maria! blessed Maid 223 [549]Avore the time when zuns went down 266 [550]Awake, my Soul, and with the sun 142 [551]Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes 193 [552]Away, despair! my gracious Lord doth hear 44 [553]Behold the sun, that seem'd but now 135 [554]Behold we come, dear Lord, to Thee 134 [555]Beneath a sable veil and shadows deep 25 [556]Beneath our feet and o'er our head 198 [557]Be not afraid to pray -- to pray is right 240 [558]Bethlehem, above all cities blest 263 [559]Bless'd are the pure in heart 223 [560]Blest be Thy love, dear Lord 130 [561]Blest pair of Sirens, pledges of Heaven's joy 67 [562]Bright Queen of Heaven? God's Virgin Spouse 99 [563]Bright shadows of true Rest! some shoots of bliss 82 [564]Brightest and best of the Sons of the morning 194 [565]By cool Siloam's shady rill 196 [566]Can I see another's woe 186 [567]Children of the Heavenly King 179 [568]Christ, Whose glory fills the skies 175 [569]Close now thine eyes, and rest secure 123 [570]Come, let us join our friends above 176 [571]Come, O Thou Traveller unknown 172 [572]Come, Thou long-expected Jesus 171 [573]Come, we shepherds, whose blest sight 111 [574]Compared with Christ, in all beside 171 [575]Creator Spirit, by whose aid 138 [576]Dear, beauteous Saint! more white than Day 100 [577]Dear be the Church, that, watching o'er the needs 204 [578]Dear Lord, 'tis finish'd! and now he 79 [579]Death, thou wast once an uncouth hideous thing 50 [580]Death was full urgent with thee, Sister dear 294 [581]Doom'd as we are our native dust 203 [582]Draw, Holy Ghost, Thy seven-fold veil 230 [583]Draw near as early as we may 260 [584]Each thing below here hath its day 75 [585]Each trial has its weight; which, whoso bears 288 [586]E'en like two little bank-dividing brooks 121 [587]Eternal God! Maker of all 83 [588]Eternal Mover, whose diffused glory 58 [589]Fain would my thoughts fly up to Thee 131 [590]Fair, solitary path! whose blessed shades 85 [591]Fairest of all the lights above 155 [592]Fairest of morning lights appear 69 [593]Far, far on other isles 259 [594]Far from the world, O Lord, I flee 184 [595]Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race 67 [596]For ever with the Lord 188 [597]Fountain of Sweets! Eternal Dove 116 [598]Frail Life! in which, through mists of human breath 68 [599]Fresh fields and woods! the Earth's fair face 92 [600]From pain to pain, from woe to woe 317 [601]Give me a tender spotless child 252 [602]Give me the lowest place: not that I dare 274 [603]Give me the wings of faith to rise 158 [604]Glory to God! and to the Power Who came 204 [605]Glory to Thee, my God, this night 144 [606]God of the living, in Whose eyes 311 [607]God that madest Earth and Heaven 198 [608]Go not far from me, O my strength 312 [609]Great God Who knowest each man's need 323 [610]Hail, scenes of holy grandeur! hail 243 [611]Happy me! O happy sheep 112 [612]Happy those early days, when I 80 [613]Hark! how all the welkin rings 174 [614]Hark how the birds do sing 40 [615]Hark, my soul, how every thing 132 [616]Hark, my soul! it is the Lord 182 [617]Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes 161 [618]Hark, the sound of holy voices, chanting at the crystal sea 311 [619]Hear me, O God 24 [620]Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaims 157 [621]Heaven in the depth and height is seen 255 [622]Heavenly Messias, sweet anointed King 16 [623]He is gone -- beyond the skies 309 [624]Here is the spring where waters flow 12 [625]Her eyes are homes of silent prayer 324 [626]He sang of God -- the mighty source 164 [627]Hierusalem, my happy home 17 [628]Hither thou com'st: the busy wind all night 96 [629]Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty 195 [630]Holy is the sick man's room 260 [631]How are Thy servants blest, O Lord 139 [632]How beautiful it is to be alive 275 [633]How fresh, O Lord, how sweet and clean 46 [634]How long, great God, how long must I 120 [635]How peacefully the broad and golden moon 322 [636]How shall I sing that Majesty 135 [637]How soon doth man decay 35 [638]How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds 180 [639]Hues of the rich unfolding morn 231 [640]Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber 158 [641]I cannot reach it; And my striving eye 81 [642]I do not ask, O Lord, that life may be 270 [643]I have a life with Christ to live 280 [644]I heard the voice of Jesus say 308 [645]I landed on Iona's holy isle 319 [646]I mark'd a rainbow in the north 212 [647]I mark'd when vernal meads were bright 253 [648]I oft recal the moments dear 147 [649]I praised the Earth, in beauty seen 196 [650]I rise and raise my clasped hands to Thee 300 [651]1 said sometimes with tears 128 [652]I saw Eternity the other night 102 [653]I saw thee once, and nought discern'd 284 [654]1 saw this day a miser old 147 [655]I say to thee, do thou repeat 234 [656]I sing the birth was born to-night 23 [657]I sought for Peace, but could not find 77 [658]I thought to meet no more, so dreary seem'd 261 [659]I travell'd on, seeing the hill, where lay 41 [660]I walk'd the other day, (to spend my hour) 93 [661]I worship Thee, sweet Will of God 316 [662]I'd a dream to-night 269 [663]I'm wearin' awa', John 241 [664]Iesu is in my heart; His sacred name 51 [665]If any have an ear 89 [666]If I could shut the gate against my thoughts 28 [667]If we could see below 43 [668]If we with earnest effort could succeed 237 [669]In childhood, when with eager eyes 283 [670]In evil long I took delight 179 [671]In some lone walk through sunburnt fields 302 [672]In stature perfect, and with every gift 241 [673]In the bleak mid-winter 272 [674]In the hour of my distress 74 [675]In this world, (the Isle of Dreams) 71 [676]In token that thou shalt not fear 239 [677]Infinite Power, Eternal Lord 155 [678]It is a beauteous evening, calm and free 205 [679]Jerusalem, that place divine 26 [680]Jesus! I love Thy charming name 160 [681]Jesu, Lover of my soul 177 [682]Jesus! why dost Thou love me so 313 [683]Justice doth call for vengeance on my sins 76 [684]King of glory, King of peace 42 [685]Lamb of God, I look to Thee 172 [686]Late, late, so late! and dark the night and chill 323 [687]Latest born of Jesse's race 286 [688]Lead, Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom 300 [689]Leave me, O Love, which reachest but to dust 10 [690]Let all the world in every corner sing 28 [691]Let folly praise that fancy loves, I praise and love that Child 15 [692]Let not the sluggish sleep 23 [693]Let wits contest 48 [694]Lift up your, heads, great Gates, and sing 116 [695]Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart 307 [696]Little lamb, who made thee 187 [697]Lo, cast at random on the wild sea land 254 [698]Lo, when back mine eye 20 [699]Lord, come away 127 [700]Lord, I have wrestled through the livelong night 304 [701]Lord, in this dust Thy sovereign voice 282 [702]Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead 258 [703]Lord, it belongs not to my care 128 [704]Lord! it is not life to live 171 [705]Lord Jesus, loving hearts and dear 262 [706]Lord, let the angels praise Thy name 36 [707]Lord, make me coy and tender to offend 35 [708]Lord of my heart, by Thy last cry 219 [709]Lord of mercy and of might 195 [710]Lord, Thou hast given me a cell 73 [711]Lord, weary of a painful way 237 [712]Lord, what unvalued pleasures crown'd 58 [713]Lord, when I lift mine eyes to Thee 304 [714]Lord, when the sense of Thy sweet grace 111 [715]Lord, with what care hast Thou begirt us round 29 [716]Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back 51 [717]Love, lift me up upon thy golden wings 3 [718]Man is permitted much 293 [719]Mark you the floor? that square and speckled stone 30 [720]Meeting with Time, 'Slack thing,' said I 38 [721]Messiah! at Thy glad approach 167 [722]Methinks I draw but sickly breath 27 [723]More oft than once Death whisper'd in mine ear 24 [724]Mother of God! O, not in vain 263 [725]My glass is half unspent; Forbear t' arrest 123 [726]My God and King! to Thee 87 [727]My God, now I from sleep awake 145 [728]My God, where is that ancient heat towards Thee 28 [729]My joy, my Life, my Crown 29 [730]My little son, who look'd from thoughtful eyes 278 [731]My Lord, my Love, was crucified 134 [732]My soul doth pant towards Thee 126 [733]My soul, there is a country 90 [734]My spirit longeth for Thee 161 [735]My sun has set, I dwell 273 [736]Never weather-beaten sail more willing bent to shore 22 [737]Never yet could careless Sleep 114 [738]No; 'tis in vain to seek for bliss 153 [739]Not seldom, clad in radiant vest 205 [740]Now gladdeth every living creature 1 [741]Nurse, let me draw the baby's veil aside 257 [742]O aged Saint? far off I heard 284 [743]O book! Life's guide! how shall we part 84 [744]O comrade bold, of toil and pain 291 [745]O Day most calm, most bright 31 [746]O day of life, of light, of love 110 [747]O fool, of short-lived goods possest 146 [748]O God! I know and do confess 87 [749]O God, impart Thy blessing to my cries 320 [750]O God, our help in ages past 157 [751]O Gracious God, O Saviour sweet 15 [752]O holiest Truth! how have I lied to Thee 300 [753]O holy, holy, holy Lord 153 [754]O Holy Lord, who with the Children Three 292 [755]O let me climb 81 [756]O Lord, how wonderful in depth and height 294 [757]O Lord, my best desire fulfil 183 [758]O Lord my God, do Thou Thy holy will 217 [759]O man, forgive thy mortal foe 325 [760]O Mighty God, Which for us men 11 [761]O only Source of all our light and life 279 [762]O sing the glories of our Lord 70 [763]O thou unknown, Almighty Cause 185 [764]O Thy bright looks! Thy glance of love 83 [765]O Years! and Age! Farewell 72 [766]Oft have I read of sunny realms, where skies are pure at even 249 [767]Oh blessing, wearing semblance of a curse 236 [768]Oh come and mourn with me awhile 317 [769]Oh God that madest earth and sky, the darkness and the day 198 [770]Oh help us, Lord! each hour of need 199 [771]Oh I could go through all life's troubles singing 314 [772]Oh! say not, dream not, heavenly notes 229 [773]Oh thou of dark forebodings drear 235 [774]Oh weep not o'er thy children's tomb 194 [775]Our doctor had call'd in another, I never had seen him before 325 [776]Pleasant are Thy courts above 248 [777]Poor Soul, the centre of my sinful earth 11 [778]Praise to God, immortal praise 192 [779]Praise to the Holiest in the height 298, 299 [780]Prayer is the soul's sincere desire 189 [781]Prune thou thy words, the thoughts control 290 [782]Quiet, Lord, my froward heart 181 [783]Red o'er the forest peers the setting sun 213 [784]Rejoice in God alway 256 [785]Rise, O my soul! with thy desires to heaven 59 [786]Rock of Ages, cleft for me 170 [787]Saviour, when in dust to Thee 191 [788]Say, hast thou track'd a traveller's round 289 [789]Say, who is he in deserts seen 285 [790]Seek the Lord, and in His ways persever 22 [791]She is not dead -- she only sleeps 244 [792]She sat and wept beside His feet; the weight 240 [793]Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes 154 [794]Show me more love, my dearest Lord 57 [795]Sighs -- whether swift to Heaven they rise 149 [796]Sin is with man at morning-break 215 [797]Since I in storms used most to be 88 [798]Sing aloud, His praise rehearse 119 [799]Sometimes a light surprises 183 [800]Soul, which to hell wast thrall 26 [801]Strange to our ears the church-bells of our home 218 [802]Sure thou didst flourish once! and many springs 95 [803]Sweet baby, sleep! what ails my dear 125 [804]Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright 34 [805]Sweet dreams, form a shade 186 [806]Sweet, harmless lives! -- upon whose holy leisure 97 [807]Sweet Music, sweeter far 13 [808]Sweet Peace, where dost thou dwell, -- I humbly crave 39 [809]Sweet place, sweet place alone 129 [810]Take me away, and in the lowest deep 298 [811]Tax not the royal Saint with vain expense 204 [812]Teach me, my God and King 49 [813]That was the Shepherd of the flock; He knew 313 [814]The church do zeem a touchen zight 264 [815]The Church shone brightly in her youthful days 287 [816]The door of death is made of gold 188 [817]The flash of youthful light is past and gone 306 [818]The fleet astronomer can bore 40 [819]The God of Abraham praise 168 [820]The golden gates are lifted up 310 [821]The Holy Book, like the Eighth Sphere, does shine 138 [822]The last and greatest Herald of heaven's King 26 [823]The Lord hath builded for Himself 244 [824]The Lord will happiness divine 182 [825]The lucky World shew'd me one day 101 [826]The merry World did on a day 37 [827]The mid-day sun, with fiercest glare 226 [828]The night is come, and all the world is still 303 [829]The number of Thine own complete 296 [830]The Past can be no more 149 [831]The pleasant years that seem, so swift that run 3 [832]The Son of God in doing good 219 [833]The song of God, so nobly sung 245 [834]The sound of war! In earth and air 197 [835]The spacious firmament on high 141 [836]The world has cycles in its course, when all 287 [837]There is a book, who runs may read 206 [838]There is a Stream, which issues forth 135 [839]These sweeter far than lilies are 137 [840]They are all gone into the world of light 107 [841]This Advent moon shines cold and clear 270 [842]This did not once so trouble me 236 [843]This is the month, and this the happy morn 60 [844]This is the Saint of gentleness and kindness 285 [845]Tho' death met love upon thy dying smile 322 [846]Thou art not Truth! for he that tries 104 [847]Thou bidst me come away 71 [848]Thou cam'st from Heaven to Earth, that we 99 [849]Thou hast made me, and shall Thy work decay 19 [850]Thou inevitable Day 238 [851]Thou that know'st for whom I mourn 106 [852]Thou Whose nature cannot sleep 69 [853]Through Contemplation's optics I have seen 121 [854]Through that pure virgin shrine 97 [855]Throw away Thy rod 49 [856]Thy servants pray, O hear us, Lord 323 [857]Thy way, not mine, O Lord 307 [858]Time was, I shrank from what was right 292 [859]Time! where didst thou those years inter 55 [860]Times without number have I pray'd 176 [861]'Tis gone, that bright and orbed blaze 233 [862]'Tis only our dull hearts that tire so soon 255 [863]'Tis true, of old th' unchanging sun 210 [864]To God, ye choir above, begin 184 [865]To keep the lamp alive 189 [866]To leave unseen so many a glorious sight 238 [867]To music bent is my retired mind 22 [868]To Thy temple I repair 189 [869]Triumphant conqueror of death and hell 17 [870]'Twas so; I saw thy birth: -- That drowsy lake 96 [871]'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt 281 [872]Two brothers freely cast their lot 287 [873]Unfold! unfold! Take in His light 88 [874]Unveil, O Lord, and on us shine 290 [875]View me, Lord, a work of Thine 21 [876]Wake, all my hopes, lift up your eyes 132 [877]We look around, the murky sky is still 301 [878]We scatter seeds with careless hand 252 [879]We were not by when Jesus came 225 [880]Weep not for me 295 [881]Weighing the steadfastness and state 104 [882]Welcome, thou safe retreat 53 [883]What am I who dare call Thee, God 52 [884]What God gives, and what we take 72 [885]What is House and what is Home 115 [886]What is it that amid some earthly home 305 [887]What is the saddest sweetest lowest sound 310 [888]What, many times I musing ask'd, is Man 235 [889]What's this Morn's bright eye to me 113 [890]What wealth to earth our God hath given 276 [891]What went ye out to see 209 [892]When all Thy mercies, O my God 140 [893]When first God stirr'd me, and the Church's word 290 [894]When first Thou didst entice to Thee my heart 32 [895]When first thy eyes unveil, give thy soul leave 82 [896]When first Thy sweet and gracious eye 47 [897]When for the thorns with which I long, too long 78 [898]When gathering clouds around I view 190 [899]When God at first made Man 45 [900]When I consider how my light is spent 68 [901]When I look back, and in myself behold 2 [902]When I look back upon my former race 289 [903]When I survey the bright 56 [904]When Israel's ruler on the royal bed 162 [905]When Jesus, by the Virgin brought 166 [906]When Lazarus left his charnel-cave 324 [907]When my devotions could not pierce 33 [908]When Nature tries her finest touch 216 [909]When our heads are bow'd with woe 200 [910]When the four quarters of the world shall rise 321 [911]When thy lone dreams sweet visions see 274 [912]When travail hours are spent and o'er 251 [913]When weakness now do strive wi' might 268 [914]When with these eyes, closed now by Thee 109 [915]Whene'er goes forth Thy dread command 297 [916]Where is it mothers learn their love 228 [917]Where is Thy favour'd haunt, eternal Voice 207 [918]Where the remote Bermudas ride 77 [919]Where will they stop, those breathing Powers 201 [920]Where'er my flattering passions rove 156 [921]Where's now the object of thy fears 117 [922]Wherefore shrink, and say, 'Tis vain' 259 [923]While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night 152 [924]While that my soul repairs to her devotion 30 [925]While they here sojourn'd, their presence drew us 280 [926]Whither, O whither didst thou fly 80 [927]Wish not, dear friends, my pain away 221 [928]Wilt Thou forgive that sin where I begun 20 [929]With sick and famish'd eyes 43 [930]With what deep murmurs, through Time's silent stealth 92 [931]Who seeketh finds: what shall be his relief 279 [932]Who to the golden Sun's long restless race 17 [933]Why do I sigh to find 246 [934]Why dost thou beat so quick, my heart 315 [935]Why should we faint and fear to live alone 222 [936]Why they have never known the way before 301 [937]Why, wedded to the Lord, still yearns my heart 288 [938]Ye flaming Powers, and winged warriors bright 66 [939]Ye golden lamps of Heaven, farewell 159 [940]Ye hermits blest, ye holy maids 208 [941]Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord 160 [942]Yes, mark the words, deem not that Saints alone 282 [943]You holy Virgins, that so oft surround 122 [944]You Spirits! who have thrown away 54 |