When the storm and the tempest are raging around me, Oh! where shall I flee to be safe from their shock? There are walls which no mortal hands built to surround me, A Refuge Eternal, -- 'Tis JESUS MY ROCK! When my heart is all sorrow, and trials aggrieve me, To whom can I safely my secrets unlock? When Life's gloomy curtain, at last, shall close o'er me, And the chill hand of death unexpectedly knock, Companions may smile, and the world may deride me, O Thou! who on earth, in the days of thy sorrow, FOOTNOTES: [1] Job. ii.4. [2] Psalm ix.6. [3] Ezek. xviii.4. [4] Prov. xi.21. [5] Rom. iii.23. [6] Gen xix.17. [7] Rom. viii.35. [8] Rev. iii.7. [9] Matt. xix.14. [10] Psalm viii.2. [11] Psalm xxxi.21. [12] Isa. vi.3. [13] Mark i.24. [14] Ex. xii.5. [15] Jer. xxiii.5. [16] Heb. vii.26. [17] John viii.46. [18] Rev. iii.7. [19] Acts iv.27. [20] Luke ii.52. [21] "The Land and the Book." [22] Gen. xii.8. [23] John iv.14. [24] Isa. liii.4. [25] Heb. vii.25. [26] Isa. xxviii.16. [27] Isa. ix.6. [28] Deut. i.31. [29] Psalm xl.17. [30] Luke xv.5. [31] Psalm iv.8. [32] John x.28. [33] Mark i.7. [34] Col. i.20. [35] Eph. ii.6. [36] Eph. ii.13. [37] Rom. viii.83. [38] Luke xi.21. [39] Psalm xviii.2. [40] Prov. xviii.10. [41] Psalm ix.9, 10. [42] 1 Cor. xv.55. [43] Isa. xxxii.2. [44] Zech. xiii.7. [45] Nahum i.7. [46] Rom. viii.1. [47] Luke xi.22. [48] Isa. xxvi.4. [49] Psalm xxii.12, 13. [50] Phil. ii.9. [51] 1 Pet. iv.12, 13. [52] 1 Pet. i.8. [53] Matt. xxv.21. [54] Acts viii.8. [55] John xv.11. [56] Heb. xiii.8. [57] Num. xxxv.25. [58] Rom. viii.34. [59] John vi.35. [60] John vii.37. [61] Heb. i.14. [62] Isaiah xxvi.2. [63] Psalm cxviii.19. [64] Psalm cvii.4. [65] 1 John i.7. [66] Rom. xiii.14. [67] Ezek. xxxiv.25. [68] Rom. xii.19. [69] Sol. Song i.3. [70] Isaiah xxvi.1. [71] Exod. xxxiv.7. |