The Latter Day. (1018)
Lord! send thy word, and let it fly,
Armed with thy Spirit's power;
Ten thousands shall confess its sway,
And bless the saving hour.
2 Beneath the influence of its grace,
The barren wastes shall rise,
With sudden flowers and fruits arrayed, --
A blooming paradise.
3 Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch
Her wings from shore to shore;
No trump shall rouse the rage of war,
Nor murderous cannon roar.
4 Lord! for these days we wait; -- these days
Are in thy word foretold;
Fly swifter, sun and stars! and bring
This promised age of gold.
5 Amen! -- with joy divine, let earth's
Unnumbered myriads cry;
Amen! -- with joy divine, let heaven's
Unnumbered choirs reply.
Thomas Gibbons, 1769.