Praise the Lord.Hallelujah! song of gladness;
Song of everlasting joy;
Hallelujah! song the sweetest
That can angel hosts employ.
Cho. -- Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah!
Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah!
Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah!
Praise ye the Lord!
2 Hallelujah! Church victorious,
Thou mayst lift this joyful strain;
Hallelujah! songs of triumph,
Well befit the ransomed train.
3 Hallelujah! let our voices
Rise to heav'n with full accord;
Hallelujah! ev'ry moment
Brings us nearer to the Lord.
4 But our earnest supplication,
Holy God, we raise to thee;
Bring us to thy blissful presence.
Let us all thy glory see.