From Darkness to Light. (522)
Lord! I know thy grace is nigh me,
Thee thyself I cannot see;
Jesus, Master! pass not by me;
Son of David! pity me.
2 While I sit in weary blindness,
Longing for the blessed light,
Many taste thy loving kindness;
"Lord! I would receive my sight."
3 I would see thee and adore thee,
And thy word the power can give;
Hear the sightless soul implore thee;
Let me see thy face and live.
4 Ah! what touch is this that thrills me?
What this burst of strange delight?
Lo! the rapturous vision fills me!
This is Jesus! this is sight!
5 Room, ye saints that throng behind him!
Let me follow in the way;
I will teach the blind to find him
Who can turn their night to day.
H.D. Ganse.