My Yoke is Easy, My Burden Light. (495)
Oh, that my load of sin were gone;
Oh, that I could at last submit
At Jesus' feet to lay it down --
To lay my soul at Jesus' feet.
2 Rest for my soul I long to find;
Savior of all, if mine thou art,
Give me the meek and lowly mind,
And stamp thine image on my heart.
3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free;
I cannot rest till pure within --
Till I am wholly lost in thee.
4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God;
Thy light and easy burden prove;
The cross all stained with hallowed blood,
The labor of thy dying love.
5 I would, but thou must give the power;
My heart from every sin release;
Bring near, bring near the joyful hour,
And fill me with thy perfect peace.
Charles Wesley, 1742.