My Spirit Shall Not Always Strive. (427)
Say, sinner, hath a voice within
Oft whispered to thy secret soul,
Urged thee to leave the ways of sin,
And yield thy heart to God's control?
2 Sinner! it was a heavenly voice, --
It was the Spirit's gracious call;
It bade thee make the better choice,
And haste to seek in Christ thine all.
3 Spurn not the call for life and light;
Regard in time the warning kind;
That call thou may'st not always slight
And yet the gate of mercy find.
4 God's Spirit will not always strive
With hardened self-destroying men;
Ye, who persist his love to grieve,
May never hear his voice again.
5 Sinner! perhaps this very day
Thy last accepted time may be:
Oh! should'st thou grieve him now away
Then hope may never beam on thee.
Mrs. Ann B. Hyde.