Saw Ye My Savior? P. M. Christ's Crucifixion.
Christ's Crucifixion.

Saw ye my Savior, saw ye my Savior,
Saw ye my Savior and God?
Oh! he died on Calvary,
To atone for you and me,
And to purchase our pardon with blood.

2 He was extended, he was extended,
Painfully nailed to the cross;
Here he bowed his head and died;
Thus my Lord was crucified,
To atone for a world that was lost.

3 Hail, mighty Savior! hail, mighty Savior!
Prince, and the Author of peace!
Oh! he burst the bars of death,
And, triumphant from the earth,
He ascended to mansions of bliss.

4 There interceding, there interceding,
Pleading that sinners may live;
Crying, "Father, I have died;
Oh, behold my hands and side!
Oh, forgive them! I pray thee, forgive!"

5 "I will forgive them, I will forgive them
When they repent and believe;
Let them now return to thee,
And be reconciled to me,
And salvation they all shall receive."

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