Deuteronomy 2:7
For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee. This reason is added, lest the people should be grieved at spending their money, of which they had not much, in buying meat and drink. There are, however, two clauses; first, that they were so enriched by God's bounty, that they were fully supplied with the means of buying food; and, secondly, that they must not doubt but that He would relieve their necessity, if it were required, since He had thus far provided for them, and had not suffered them to want anything. He, therefore, encourages them to hope, in consideration of their past experience; because God would take care of them, as tie had before been accustomed to do.

The question, however, arises, how God could say, that He had blessed the work of their hands, when they had had no commerce with other nations, so as to make the smallest gains whatever. But I thus understand it, viz., that although they were gratuitously sustained in the wilderness, and had not expended a single penny in buying even shoelatchets, still their cattle had increased, and, besides, they had made some profits by their daily labor; not by receiving, indeed, daily wages, but by providing for themselves furniture and other necessaries.


[114] "Ils prennent sur eux les injures qui avoyent este faites devant qu'ils les peussents sentir, n'estans point encore nez, ou estans petits enfans;" they take upon themselves the injuries which had been done before they could feel them, not being yet born, or being but little children. -- Fr.

[115] C. found in S'.M. that Rabbi Salomon interpreted the ambiguous word ml'k, messenger, here, instead of angel; and said that the messenger was Moses. -- W.

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