I. HYMNS AND HYMN-WRITERS OF THE CHURCH HYMNARY. Crown 8vo, Cloth, red edges, 3/6. Henry Frowde: Oxford University Press. II. HYMNS OF THE GREEK CHURCH. Translated, with Introduction and Notes. Crown 8vo, Cloth, gilt top, 2/6. Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier: Edinburgh and London. III. HYMNS FROM EAST AND WEST. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 2/6. Being Translations from the Poetry of the Latin and Greek Churches, arranged in the order of the Christian Year, with Hymns for Sundays and Week-days. IV. HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 2/6. Being Translations from the Poetry of the Latin Church, arranged in the order of the Christian Year, with Introduction and Biographical Notes. V. HYMNS OF OUR PILGRIMAGE. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 2/-. VI. ZIONWARD: HYMNS OF THE PILGRIM LIFE. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 1/-. VII. PILGRIM SONGS. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 1/-. VIII. THE REST OF GOD. Crown 8vo, Cloth extra, imitation handmade paper, gilt top, 1/6 nett. James Nisbet & Co., Ltd.: 21 Berners Street, London. |