The Epistle Dedicatory, page xxxi Address to the Devout Reader, xxxvii 1. A Plain Description of God, in respect of his Essence, Persons, and Attributes, so far as every Christian should competently endeavour to learn and know, with sundry sweet Observations and Meditations thereupon, 3 2. Meditations setting forth the Miseries of a Man in his Life and Death, that is not reconciled to God in Christ, 28 3. Meditations of the Blessed State, both in Life and Death, of a Man that is reconciled to God in Christ; wherein thou shalt find not a few things worthy the reading and observation, 45 4. Meditations on Seven Hindrances which keep back a Sinner from the Practice of Piety; necessary to be read of all, but especially of carnal Gospellers in these times, 76 5. How to begin the Morning with pious Meditations and Prayer, 102 6. How to read the Bible with profit and ease once over every year, 105 7. A Morning Prayer, 108 Another shorter Prayer for the Morning, 115 Another brief Morning Prayer, 118 8. Meditations how to walk with God all the Day, 119 Especially how to guide thy Thoughts, ib. ? ? " ? ? " ? ? ? thy Words, 123 ? ? " ? ? " ? ? ? thy Actions, 126 9. Meditations for the Evening, 133 10. An Evening Prayer.135 Another shorter Evening Prayer, 140 11. Meditations as thou art going to Bed, 142 12. Meditations for a Godly Householder, 143 13. A Morning Prayer for a Family, 145 14. Holy Meditations and Graces before and after Dinner and Supper, 149 15. Rules to be observed in singing of Psalms, 154 16. An Evening Prayer for a Family.155 17. A Religious Discourse of the Sabbath day, wherein is proved, that the Sabbath was altered from the seventh to the first day of the week, not by human ordinance, but by Christ himself and his Apostles -- that the fourth commandment is perpetual and moral under the New Testament, as well as under the Old. And the true manner of sanctifying the Sabbath day is described out of the Word of God, 159 18. A Morning Prayer for the Sabbath day, 193 19. An Evening Prayer for the Sabbath day, 204 20. Meditations of the true manner of Fasting, and giving of Alms, out of the Word of God, 207 21. The right manner of Holy Feasting, 219 22. Holy and Devout Meditations of the worthy and reverent receiving of the Lord's Supper, 220 23. An Humble Confession of Sins before the Holy Communion, 237 24. A Sweet Soliloquy to be said a little before the receiving of the Holy Sacrament, 250 25. A Prayer to be said after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament, 257 26. Meditations how to behave thyself in the time of Sickness, 263 27. A Prayer when one begins to be sick, 264 28. Directions for making thy Will, and setting thy house in order, 268 29. A Prayer before taking Medicine, 271 30. Meditations for the Sick, 272 31. Meditations for one that is recovered from Sickness, 279 And a Thanksgiving, 280 32. Meditations for one that is like to die, 283 33. A Prayer to be said of one that is like to die, 288 34. Comfortable Meditations against Despair, 290 35. Directions for those who come to visit the Sick, 301 36. A Prayer to be said for the Sick by those who visit him, 303 And choice Scriptures to be read unto him, 305 37. Consolations against Impatience in Sickness, 306 38. Consolations against the Fear of Death, 309 39. Seven Sanctified Thoughts, and so many Spiritual Sighs, fit for a sick man ready to die, 312 40. Of the Comfortable Assurance of God's Forgiveness of Sins, and receiving of the Lord's Supper, to the faithful and penitent, before they depart this life, if it may conveniently be had, 316 41. The Speech of a Godly Man dying, 323 42. Meditations of Martyrdom, wherein is proved that those who die for Popery cannot be Christ's Martyrs, 324 43. A Divine Colloquy between Christ and the Soul concerning the virtue and efficacy of his dolorous passion, 330 44. The Soul's Soliloquy unto Christ her Saviour, 339
biographical preface
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