The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 4 - Verse 9
Verse 9. Persecuted.Often persecuted; persecuted in all places. The "Acts of the Apostles" show how true this was.

But not forsaken. Not deserted; not left by God. Though persecuted by men, yet they experienced the fulfillment of the Divine promise that he would never leave or forsake them. God always interposed to aid them; always saved them from the power of their enemies; always sustained them in the time of persecution. It is still true. people have been often persecuted. Yet God has often interposed to save them from the hands of their enemies; and where he has not saved them from their hands, and preserved their lives, yet he has never left them, but has sustained, upheld, and comforted them even in the dreadful agonies of death.

Cast down. Thrown down by our enemies, perhaps in allusion to the contests of wrestlers, or of gladiators.

But not destroyed. Not killed. They rose again; they recovered their strength; they were prepared for new conflicts. They surmounted every difficulty, and were ready to engage in new strifes, and to meet new trials and persecutions.

the second epistle of paul 67
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