The Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy - Chapter 4 - Verse 7
Verse 7. I have fought a good fight. The Christian life is often represented as a conflict, or warfare. See Barnes "1 Ti 6:12".

That noble conflict with sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil, Paul now says he had been able to maintain.

I have finished my course. The Christian life, too, is often represented as a race to be run. Comp. See Barnes "1 Co 9:24, See Barnes "1 Co 9:25, See Barnes "1 Co 9:26".

I have kept the faith. I have steadfastly maintained the faith of the gospel; or, have lived a life of fidelity to my Master. Probably the expression means that he had kept his plighted faith to the Redeemer, or had spent a life in faithfully endeavouring to serve his Lord:

{a} "fought" 1 Ti 6:12 {b} "finished" Ac 20:24 {c} "kept the faith" Pr 23:23; Re 3:10

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