The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 13 - Verse 8
Verse 8. For we. That is, we the apostles.

Can do nothing against the truth, etc. That is, we who are under the influence of the Spirit of God, who have been commissioned by him as apostles, can do nothing that shall be against that great system of truth which we are appointed to promulgate and defend. You need, therefore, apprehend no partial or severe discipline from us; no unjust construction of your conduct. Our aim is to promote the truth, and to do what is right; and we cannot, therefore, by any regard to our own reputation, or to any personal advantage, do what is wrong, or countenance or desire what is wrong in others. We must wish that which is right to be done by others, whatever may be the effect on us -- whether we are regarded as apostles or deceivers. I suppose, therefore, that this verse is designed to qualify and confirm the sentiment in the previous verse, that Paul meant to do only right; that he wished all others to do right; and that whatever might be the effect on his own reputation, or however he might be regarded, he could not go against the great system of gospel truth which he preached, or even desire that others should ever do wrong, though it might in any way be for his advantage. It was a fixed principle with him to act only in accordance with truth; to do what was right.

{b} "even your perfection" 1 Th 3:10; Heb 6:1

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