The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 12 - Verse 5
Verse 5. Of such an one will I glory. Of such a man it would be right to boast. It would be admitted that it is right to exult in such a man, and to esteem him to be peculiarly favoured by God. I will boast of him as having received peculiar honour from the Lord. Bloomfield, however, supposes that the words rendered "of such an one" should be translated "of such a thing," or of such a transaction; meaning, "I can indeed justly boast of my being caught up to heaven, as of a thing the whole glory of which pertains to him who has thus exalted me; but of myself, or of anything in me, I will not boast." So Rosenmuller explains it. But it seems to me that the connexion requires that we should understand it of a person, and that the passage is partly ironical. Paul speaks in the third person. He chooses to keep himself directly out of view. And though he refers really to himself, yet he would not say this directly, but says that of such a man they would admit it would be proper to boast.

Yet of myself. Directly. It is not expedient for me to boast of myself. "You would allow me to boast of such a man as I have referred to; I admit that it is not proper for me to boast directly of myself."

But in mine infirmities. My weaknesses, trials, pains, sufferings; such as many regard as infirmities. See Barnes "2 Co 11:30".

{a} "of myself" 2 Co 12:9,10; 11:30

{*} "infirmities" "me weakness"

the second epistle of paul 226
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