The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 11 - Verse 27
Verse 27. In weariness. Resulting from travelling, exposure, labour, and want. The word kopw (from koptw, to beat, to cut) means, properly, wailing and grief, accompanied with beating the breast. Hence the word means toil, labour, wearisome effort.

And painfulness. This word (mocyw) is a stronger term than the former. It implies painful effort; labour producing sorrow; and, in the New Testament, is uniformly connected with the word rendered "weariness," (1 Th 2:9; 2 Th 3:8,) rendered in both those places "travail."

In watchings often. In loss of sleep, arising from abundant toils and from danger. See Barnes "2 Co 6:5".

In hunger and thirst. From travelling among strangers, and being dependent on them and on his own personal labours. See Barnes "1 Co 4:11".

In fastings often. Either voluntary or involuntary. See Barnes "2 Co 6:5".

In cold and nakedness. See Barnes "1 Co 4:11".

{b} "watchings often" Ac 20:31 {c} "hunger and thirst" 1 Co 4:11

the second epistle of paul 215
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