The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 11 - Verse 21
Verse 21. I speak as concerning reproach. I speak of disgrace. That is, says Rosenmuller, "I speak of your disgrace; or, as others prefer it, of the disgrace of the false apostles." Doddridge regards it as a question: "Do I speak this by way of dishonour, from an envious desire to derogate from my superiors, so as to bring them down to my own level?" But to me it seems that Paul refers to what he had been admitting respecting himself -- to what he had evinced in rudeness of speech, 2 Co 11:6, and to his not having urged his claims to the support which an apostle had a right to receive -- to things, in short, which they esteemed to be disgraceful or reproachful. And his idea, it seems to me, is this: "I have been speaking of reproach or disgrace as if I was weak; that is, as if I was disposed to admit as true all that has been said of me as reproachful or disgraceful; all that has been said of my want of qualifications for the office, of my want of talent, or elevated rank, or honourable birth, etc. I have not pressed my claims, but have been reasoning as if all this were true; as if all that was honourable in birth and elevated in rank belonged to them -- all that is mean and unworthy pertained to me. But it is not so. Whatever they have, I have. Whatever they can boast of, I can boast of in a more eminent degree. Whatever advantage there is in birth is mine; and I can tell of toils, and trials, and sufferings in the apostolic office which far surpass theirs." Paul proceeds, therefore, to a fur statement of his advantages of birth, and of his labours in the cause of the Redeemer.

As though we had been weak. As if I had no claims to urge; as if I had no just cause of boldness, but must submit to this reproach.

Howbeit. de. But. The sense is, If any one is disposed to boast, I am ready for him. I can tell also of things that have as high claims to confidence as they can. If they are disposed to go into a comparison on the points which qualify a man for the office of an apostle, I am ready to compare myself with them.

Whereinsoever. en w. In what. Whatever they have to boast of, I am prepared also to show that I am equal to them. Be it pertaining to birth, rank, education, labours, they will find that I do not shrink from the comparison.

Any is bold. tiv tolma. Any one dares to boast; any one is bold.

I speak foolishly. Remember now that I speak as a fool. I have been charged with this folly. Just now keep that in mind; and do not forget that it is only a fool who is speaking. Just recollect that I have no claims to public confidence; that I am destitute of all pretensions to the apostolic office; that I am given to a vain parade and ostentation, and to boasting of what does not belong to me; and when you recollect this, let me tell my story. The whole passage is ironical in the highest degree. The sense is, "It is doubtless all nonsense and folly for a man to boast who has only the qualifications which I have. But there is a great deal of wisdom in their boasting who have so much more elevated endowments for the apostolic office."

I am bold also. I can meet them on their own ground, and speak of qualifications not inferior to theirs.

{+} "Howbeit" "Yet"

the second epistle of paul 209
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