The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 11 - Verse 5
Verse 5. For I suppose, etc. I think that I gave as good evidence that I was commissioned by God as the most eminent of the apostles. In the miracles which I performed; in the abundance of my labours, and in my success, I suppose that I did not fall behind any of them. If so, I ought to be regarded and treated as an apostle; and if so, then the false teachers should not be allowed to supplant me in your affections, or to seduce you from the doctrines which I have taught. On the evidence that Paul was equal to others in the proper proof of a commission from God, See Barnes "2 Co 11:21, 2 Co 11:22-30.

{a} "I was not" 1 Co 15:10; 2 Co 12:11 {*} "whit" "in nothing"

the second epistle of paul 193
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