The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 10 - Verse 14
Verse 14. For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure. In coming to preach to you, we have not gone beyond the proper limits assigned us. We have not endeavoured to enlarge the proper boundaries, to stretch the line which limited us but have kept honestly within the proper limits.

As though we reached not unto you. That is, as if our boundaries did not extend so far as to comprehend you. We have not overstepped the proper limits as if Greece was not within the proper sphere of action.

For we are come as far as to you, etc. In the regular work of preaching the gospel we have come to you. We have gone from place to place preaching the gospel where we had opportunity; we have omitted no important places, until in the regular discharge of our duties in preaching we have reached you, and have preached the gospel to you. We have not omitted other places in order to come to you and enter into the proper field of labour of others; but in the regular work of making the gospel known as far as possible to all men, we have come to Corinth. Far as it is, therefore, from the place where we started, we have approached it in a regular manner, and have not gone out of our proper province in doing it.

the second epistle of paul 184
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