The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 9 - Verse 13
Verse 13. Whiles by the experiment, etc. Or rather, by the experience of this ministration; the proof, (dokimhv,) the evidence here furnished of your liberality. They shall in this ministration have experience or proof of your Christian principle.

They glorify God. They will praise God as the source of your liberality, as having given you the means of being liberal, and having inclined your hearts to it.

For your professed subjection, etc. Literally, "For the obedience of your profession of the gospel." It does not imply merely that there was a profession of religion, but that there was a real subjection to the gospel which they professed. This is not clearly expressed in our translation. Tindal has expressed it better, "Which praise God for your obedience in acknowledging the gospel of Christ." There was a real and sincere submission to the gospel of Christ, and that was manifested by their giving liberally to supply the wants of others. The doctrine is, that one evidence of true subjection to the gospel, one proof that our profession is sincere and genuine, is a willingness to contribute to relieve the wants of the poor and afflicted friends of the Redeemer.

And unto all men. That is, all others whom you may have the opportunity of relieving.

{*} "experiment" "experience" {f} "glorify God" mt 5:16

the second epistle of paul 168
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