The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 7 - Verse 15
Verse 15. And his inward affection, etc. He has become deeply and tenderly attached to you. His affectionate regard for you has been greatly increased by his visit. On the meaning of the word here rendered "inward affection," (splagcna, Marg., bowels,) See Barnes "2 Co 6:12".

It denotes here deep, tender attachment, or love.

How with fear and trembling ye received him. With fear of offending, and with deep apprehension of the consequences of remaining in sin. He saw what a fear there was of doing wrong, and what evidence there was, therefore, that you were solicitous to do right.

{1} "inward affections" "bowels" {g} "fear" Php 2:12

the second epistle of paul 130
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