The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 7 - Verse 13
Verse 13. Therefore we were comforted in your comfort. The phrase, "your comfort," here seems to mean the happiness which they had, or might reasonably be expected to have, in obeying the directions of Paul, and in abe repentance which they had manifested. Paul had spoken of no other consolation or comfort than this; and the idea seems to be, that they were a happy people, and would be happy by obeying the commands of God. This fact gave Paul additional joy; and he could not but rejoice that they had removed the cause of the offence, and that they would not thus be exposed to the displeasure of God. Had they not repented and put away the evil, the consequences to them must have been deep distress. As it was, they would be blessed and happy.

And exceedingly the more, etc. Titus had been kindly received, and hospitably entertained, and had become much attached to them. This was to Paul an additional occasion of joy. See 2 Co 7:7.

{f} "refreshed by you all" Ro 15:32

the second epistle of paul 128
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