The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 7 - Verse 5
Verse 5. For, when we were come into Macedonia. For the reasons which induced Paul to go into Macedonia, See Barnes "2 Co 1:16".

Comp. See Barnes "2 Co 2:12"; See Barnes "2 Co 2:13".

Our flesh had no rest. We were exceedingly distressed and agitated. We had no rest. The causes of his distress he immediately states.

But we were troubled on every side. In every way. We had no rest in any quarter. We were obliged to enter into harassing labours and strifes there, and we were full of anxiety in regard to you.

Without were fightings. Probably he here refers to fierce opposition, which he met with in prosecuting his work of preaching the gospel. He met there, as he did everywhere, with opposition from pagans, Jews, and false brethren. Tumults were usually excited wherever he went; and he preached the gospel commonly amidst violent opposition.

Within were fears, Referring probably to the anxiety which he had in regard to the success of the epistle which he had sent to the church at Corinth. He felt great solicitude on the subject. He had sent Titus there to see what was the state of the church, and to witness the effect of his instructions. Titus had not come to him as he had expected, at Troas, (2 Co 2:13,) and he felt the deepest anxiety in regard to him and the success of his epistle. His fears were probably that they would be indisposed to exercise the discipline on the offender; or lest the severity of the discipline required should alienate them from him; or lest the party under the influence of the false teachers should prevail. All was uncertainty, and his mind was filled with the deepest apprehension.

{e} "were fightings" De 32:25

the second epistle of paul 120
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