The Second Epistle General of Peter - Chapter 2 - Verse 7
Verse 7. And delivered just Lot. Ge 19:16. This case is incidentally referred to, to show that God makes a distinction between the righteous and the wicked; and that while the latter will be destroyed, the former will be saved. See 2 Pe 2:9. Lot is called just, because he preserved himself uncontaminated amidst the surrounding wickedness. As long as he lived in Sodom he maintained the character of an upright and holy man.

Vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. By the corrupt and licentious conduct of the wicked around him. On the word conversation, See Barnes "Php 1:27".

The original phrase, which is rendered filthy, has reference to licentiousness, The corruption of Sodom was open and shameless; and as Lot was compelled to see much of it, his heart was pained. The word here rendered vexed, means that he was wearied or burdened. The crimes of those around him he found it hard to bear with.

{d} "just Lot" Ge 19:16

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