The Gospel According to Matthew - Chapter 25 - Verse 24
Verse 24. The one talent. The design of this part of the parable is to show that no one is excused in indolence because he has few talents. God will require of him only according to his ability, 1 Co 4:2; Lu 12:48; 2 Co 8:12.

An hard man. Of a sordid, griping disposition; taking advantage of the poor, and oppressing them.

Reaping, etc. This is indicative of an avaricious and overbearing disposition. Compelling the poor to sow for him, and reaping all the benefit himself.

Hast not strawed. The word strew means to scatter -- as men scatter seed in sowing it. It may mean also to ventilate, or to fan by ventilating, or winnowing. As sowing the seed is mentioned just before, it may be that this refers to gathering grain fanned or winnowed by others, while he did nothing -- indicating also a hard or sordid disposition.

{o} "hard man" Job 21:15 {p} "sown" Jer 2:31

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