The Gospel According to Matthew - Chapter 25 - Verse 18
Verse 18. Digged in the earth, etc. This represents the conduct of those who neglect the abilities that God has given, and fail to do what he has required. This is done often:

1st. On the plea that they do not occupy a high station.

2nd. That they have slender abilities, and can do little good.

3rd. As it was in this case, that God had not given them as much, as he did others, and they will therefore do nothing. These pleas are without foundation; for, first, God does not require us to do as much as those who have greater abilities; but this is not a reason why we should do nothing, 2 Co 8:12. Second. That situation is honourable, and may be useful, where God has placed us; and though humble, yet in that we may do much good, 1 Co 12:11-31. Third. Men of slender abilities may often do more good in the world than men of much greater talents. It is rather a warm heart than a strong head which is required to do good. A humble Christian, by his life, example, and conversation, may often do much more good than is done by those in more elevated stations, and with far greater gifts.

We are not to suppose by this, however, that our Saviour meant to teach that only those of feeble talents neglected their duty. The parable does not require us to do this; and the fact is, perhaps, that those most highly endowed are the farthest from properly improving their talents.

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