The Gospel According to Matthew - Chapter 22 - Verse 37
Verse 37. Jesus said unto him, etc. Mark says that he introduced this by referring to the doctrine of the unity of God -- "Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord" -- taken from De 6:4. This was said, probably, because all true obedience depends on the correct knowledge of God. None can keep his commandments who are not acquainted with his nature, his perfections, and his right to command.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, etc. The meaning of this is, thou shalt love him with all thy faculties or powers. Thou shalt love him supremely, more than all other beings and things, and with all the ardour possible. To love him with all the heart is to fix the affections supremely on him, more strongly than on anything else, and to be willing to give up all that we hold dear at his command.

With all thy soul. Or, with all thy life. This means, to be willing to give up the life to him, and to devote it all to his service; to live to him, and to be willing to die at his command.

With all thy mind. To submit the intellect to his will. To love his law and gospel more than we do the decisions of our own minds. To be willing to submit all our faculties to his teaching and guidance, and to devote to him all our intellectual attainments, and all the results of our intellectual efforts. With all thy strength, (Mark.) With all the faculties of soul and body. To labour and toil for his glory, and to make that the great object of all our efforts.

{k} "Thou shalt" De 6:5; 10:12

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