The Gospel According to Matthew - Chapter 13 - Verse 51
Verse 51. Jesus kindly asked them whether they understood these things. If not, he was still willing to teach them. He enjoined on them their duty to make a proper use of this knowledge, by speaking another parable.

Every Scribe -- instructed unto the kingdom of heaven. That is, every man that is acquainted with the gospel, or with the truth. A scribe was a learned man. As the disciples had said that they had understood the truth, he says that it should not be unemployed. They should bring it forth in due time, like a householder bringing out of his treasury, or place of deposit, what had been laid up there at any time, as it was needed.

Bringeth forth. As occasion demands; as sickness, or calamity, or the wants of his family, or the poor require.

Treasure. The word treasure here means a place of deposit, not for money merely, but for anything necessary for the comfort of a family. It is the same as treasury, or a place of deposit.

New and old. Things lately acquired, or things that had been laid up for a long time. So, said Christ, be you. This truth, new or old, which you have gained, keep it not laid up and hid, but bring it forth, in due season, and on proper occasions, to benefit others. Every preacher should be properly instructed. Christ for three years gave instructions to the apostles; and they who preach should be able to understand the gospel; to defend it; and to communicate its truth to others. Human learning alone is indeed of no value to a minister; but all learning that will enable him better to understand the Bible, and to communicate its truths, is valuable, and should, if possible, be gained. A minister should be like the father of a family: distributing to the church as it needs; and out of his treasures bringing forth truth to confirm the feeble, enlighten the ignorant, and guide those in danger of straying away.

the gospel according to matthew 445
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