The Gospel According to Matthew - Chapter 13 - Verse 13
Verse 13. Because they seeing see not. Mr 4:12; Lu 8:10 say, "That seeing, they may not see," etc. But there is no difference. Matthew simply states the fact, that though they saw the natural meaning of the story -- though they literally understood the parable -- yet they did not understand its spiritual signification. Mark and Luke do not state the fact, but affirm that he spoke with this intention -- implying that such was the result. Nor was there any dishonesty in this, or any unfair disguise, He had truths to state which he wished his disciples particularly to understand. They were of great importance to their ministry. Had he clearly and fully stated them to the Jews, they would have taken his life long before they did. He therefore chose to state the doctrines so that if their hearts had been right, and if they had not been malignant and blind, they might have understood them. His doctrines he stated in the best possible way; and it was not his fault if they did not understand him. By little and little, in this way, he prepared many, even of the Jews, to receive the truth when it was proposed by the only possible way of ever gaining access to their minds. It was, moreover, entirely proper and right to impart instruction to his disciples, which he did not intend for others.
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