The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 16 - Verse 7
Verse 7. Measures of wheat. The measure here mentioned -- the kor, or homer -- contained, according to the tables of Dr. Arbuthnot, about 32 pecks, or 8 bushels; or, according to the marginal note, about 14 bushels and a pottle. A pottle is 4 pints. The Hebrew kor, ^hebrew^ -- or homer, ^hebrew^ -- was equal to 10 baths or 70 gallons, and the actual amount of the measure, according to this, was not far from 8 gallons. Robinson (Lex.), however, supposes that the bath was 11 1/2 gallons, and the kor or homer 14.45 bushels. The amount is not material to the proper understanding of the parable.

Fourscore. Eighty.

{2} "measures" = "The measure here indicated contained about

fourteen bushels and a pottle"

the gospel according to luke 728
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