The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 15 - Verse 8
Verses 8-10.

Verse 8. Ten pieces of silver. In the original, ten drachmas. The drachma was about the value of fifteen cents, and consequently the whole sum was about a dollar and a half, or six shillings. The sum was small, but it was all she had. The loss of one piece, therefore, was severely felt.

There is joy in the presence, &c. Jesus in this parable expresses the same sentiment which he did in the preceding. A woman would have more immediate, present joy at finding a lost piece, than she would in the possession of those which had not been lost. So, says Christ, there is joy among the angels at the recovery of a single sinner.

{1} "pieces of silver" Drachma here translated a piece of silver

is the eighth part of an ounce, which cometh to sevenpence

halfpenny. See Barnes "Mt 18:28".

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