The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 1 - Verse 52
Verse 52. Hath put down the mighty {b}. The mighty here denotes princes, kings, or conquerors. See Is 14:12-14.

Their seats. Their thrones, or the places where they sat in pomp and power.

Exalted them. Raised them up, or placed them in the seats of those who had been removed.

Low degree. Low or humble birth and condition in life. This probably has reference to the case of her ancestor David. Mary was celebrating the mercies of God to herself, to her family, and of course to her ancestors. It was natural to allude to that great event in their history when Saul was overcome in battle, and when David was taken from the sheepfold and placed on the throne. The origin of illustrious families is often obscure. Men are often raised by industry, talent, and the favour of God, from very humble stations -- from the farm or mechanic's shop -- to places of great trust in the church and state. They who are thus elevated, if imbued with right feelings, will not despise their former employments nor their former companions, nor will they esteem their parents or friends the less because they still remain in the same rank in life. No conduct is more odious and unchristian than to be ashamed of our birth or the humble circumstances of our friends.

{b} Job 5:11; Lu 18:14

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