The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 1 - Verse 28
Verse 28. Hail {c} . This word of salutation is equivalent to Peace be with thee, or Joy be with thee; a form of speech implying that she was signally favoured, and expressing joy at meeting her.

Highly favoured {2}. By being the mother of the long-expected Messiah -- the mother of the Redeemer of mankind. Long had he been predicted; long had the eyes of the nation been turned to him, and long had his coming been an object of intense desire. To be reckoned among his ancestors was accounted sufficient honour for even Abraham and David. But now the happy individual was designated who was to be his mother; and on Mary, a poor virgin of Nazareth, was to come this honour, which would have rendered infinitely illustrious any of the daughters of Adam -- the honour of giving birth to the world's Redeemer and the Son of God.

The Lord is with thee {d} . The word is is not in the original, and the passage may be rendered either "the Lord is with thee," or "the Lord be with thee," implying the prayer of the angel that all blessings from God might descend and rest upon her.

Blessed art thou among women. This passage is equivalent to saying "thou art the most happy of women."

{c} Da 9:23 {2} or graciously accepted, or much graced {d} Jud 6:12

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