The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 4 - Verse 30
Verse 30. Passing through the midst of them, went his way. This escape was very remarkable. It is remarkable that he should escape out of their hands when their very object was to destroy him, and that he should escape in so peaceful a manner, without violence or conflict. A similar case is recorded in Joh 8:59. There are but two ways of accounting for this:

1st. That other Nazarenes, who had not been present in the synagogue, heard what was doing and came to rescue him, and in the contest that rose between the two parties Jesus silently escaped.

2nd. More probably that Jesus by divine power, by the force of a word or look, stilled their passions, arrested-their purposes, and passed silently through them. That he had such a power over the spirits of men we learn from the occurrence in Gethsemane, when he said, "I am he; and they went backward and fell to the ground," Joh 18:6.

{a} "passing through the midst" Joh 8:59; 10:39

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