The Gospel According to John - Chapter 2 - Verse 13
Verse 13. The Jews' passover. The feast among the Jews called the Passover. See Barnes "Mt 26:2, also Mt 26:3-17.

And Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Every male among the Jews was required to appear at this feast. Jesus, in obedience to the law, went up to observe it. This is the first Passover on which he attended after he entered on the work of the ministry. It is commonly supposed that he observed three others -- one recorded Lu 6:1, another Joh 6:4, and the last one on the night before he was crucified, Joh 11:55. As his baptism when he entered on his ministry had taken place some time before this -- probably not far from six months -- it follows that the period of his ministry was not far from three years and a half, agreeably to the prophecy in Da 9:27.

{l} "passover" Ex 12:14 {m} "Jesus" Joh 2:23; 5:1; 6:4; 11:55

the gospel according to john 63
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