The Gospel According to John - Chapter 7 - Verse 49
Verse 49. This people. The word here translated people is the one commonly rendered the multitude. It is a word expressive of contempt, or, as we would say, the rabble. It denotes the scorn which they felt that the people should presume to judge for themselves in a case pertaining to their own salvation.

Who knoweth not the law. Who have not been instructed in the schools of the Pharisees, and been taught to interpret the Old Testament as they had. They supposed that any who believed on the humble and despised Jesus must be, of course, ignorant of the true doctrines of the Old Testament, as they held that a very different Messiah from him was foretold. Many instances are preserved in the writings of the Jews of the great contempt in which the Pharisees held the common people. It may here be remarked that Christianity is the only system of religion ever presented to man that in a proper manner regards the poor, the ignorant, and the needy. Philosophers and Pharisees, in all ages, have looked on them with contempt.

Are cursed. Are execrable; are of no account; are worthy only of contempt and perdition. Some suppose that there is reference here to their being worthy to be cut off from the people for believing on him, worthy to be put out of the synagogue (See Joh 9:22); but it seems to be an expression only of contempt; a declaration that they were a rabble, ignorant, unworthy of notice, and going to ruin. Observe, however,

1st. That of this despised people were chosen most of those who became Christians.

2nd. That if the people were ignorant, it was the fault of the Pharisees and rulers. It was their business to see that they were taught.

3rd. There is no way so common of attempting to oppose Christianity as by ridiculing its friends as poor, ignorant, and weak, and credulous. As well night food, and raiment, and friendship, and patriotism be held in contempt because the poor need the one or possess the other.

the gospel according to john 331
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